Culture of Italy an entity of type: Thing

إن الثقافة الإيطالية هي مجموعة من الظواهر الأدبية ناتجة في الأرض الإيطالية. إن إيطاليا تُعرف بفنها، ثقافتها وأثارها المختلفة من بينهم برج بيزا والكولوسيوم الرومانى؛ كذلك فن الطهى عندها (الأطباق الإيطالية الشهيرة وهم البيتزا والمعكرونة)، نبيذها، نمط الحياة، لوحاتها، تصميمها، السينما، المسرح، الأدب والموسيقى، بشكل خاص، الأوبرا. خلق كل ذلك نطاق إيطالى كبير في العالم. rdf:langString
La cultura italiana es el conjunto de las manifestaciones culturales producidas en territorio italiano. Italia es reconocida por su arte, su cultura y sus numerosísimos monumentos, entre ellos la torre de Pisa y el Coliseo romano; así como por su gastronomía (platos italianos famosos son la pizza, la pasta, el risotto y el gelato), su vino, su estilo de vida, su pintura, su diseño, cine, teatro, literatura y música, en particular, la ópera. Todo esto ha creado una gran cultura. Italia es considerada la cuna de la civilización occidental y una superpotencia cultural.​ rdf:langString
La culture de l'Italie, pays de l'Europe du Sud, désigne d'abord les pratiques culturelles observables de ses habitants (63 000 000, estimation 2017).La culture de l'Italie définit aussi ce que fut l'Italie depuis l'Antiquité, comme un des plus grands foyers culturels de l'Occident. Marquée par la civilisation étrusque et par la civilisation grecque, la péninsule fut le centre de l'Empire romain puis de l'Église catholique, et parallèlement, elle a été le berceau de l'Humanisme et de la Renaissance économique et artistique de l'Europe à la fin du Moyen Âge, au carrefour des civilisations de la Méditerranée. rdf:langString
Культура Италии — культура коренных народов Италии и её государств-предшественников, ведшие старинным обычаям и культурному быту. rdf:langString
La cultura d'Itàlia és el conjunt de les manifestacions culturals produïdes en territori italià. Itàlia és reconeguda pel seu art, la seva cultura i els seus molt nombrosos monuments, entre ells la Torre de Pisa i el Colosseu romà; així com per la seva gastronomia -plats italians famosos són la pizza i la pasta-, el seu vi, el seu estil de vida, la seva pintura, el seu disseny, el cinema, el teatre, la literatura i la música, en particular, l'òpera. Tot això ha creat una considerable italofília en el món. rdf:langString
Italy is considered one of the birthplaces of Western civilization and a cultural superpower. Italian culture is the culture of the Italians, a Romance ethnic group, and is incredibly diverse spanning the entirety of the Italian peninsula and the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. Italy has been the starting point of phenomena of international impact such as the Roman Republic, Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church, the Maritime republics, Romanesque art, Scholasticism, the Renaissance, the Age of Discovery, Mannerism, the Scientific revolution, the Baroque, Neoclassicism, the Risorgimento, Fascism, and European integration. rdf:langString
La cultura italiana è il patrimonio collettivo di conoscenze proprio dell'Italia. Fulcro dell'Impero romano e sede della Chiesa cattolica, punto d'incontro di molte civiltà mediterranee, culla di numerosi movimenti artistici, l'Italia è fin dall'antichità tra i più fiorenti centri culturali d'Europa. rdf:langString
A Cultura da Itália é famosa pela sua arte e pelos seus monumentos, entre os quais se encontram a Torre de Pisa, o Coliseu de Roma, bem como pela sua comida (pizza, pasta, etc.), vinho, estilo de vida, elegância, design, cinema, teatro, literatura, poesia, artes plásticas, música (especialmente a Ópera), e, de uma forma geral, por aquilo que é considerado por muita gente "bom gosto". rdf:langString
義大利文化是指義大利半島與周圍地區形成的文化。從古代到16世紀為止,義大利都是西方文化的核心,也是伊特拉斯坎文明、古羅馬、羅馬天主教、人文主義和文藝復興運動的起源。 在羅馬帝國出現之前,伊特拉斯坎文明和(Samnium)文化於義大利蓬勃發展。腓尼基人和希臘人在耶穌誕生前幾個世紀開始於義大利建立定居點,特別是成為欣欣向榮的希臘古典文明定居地。義大利南部的希臘遺址或許是世界上最壯觀,也是保存最完好的地方。隨著君士坦丁皇帝於312年開放基督教信仰後,羅馬天主教成為義大利公開和正式的主要宗教,義大利對基督教的發展和西方信仰和道德觀念產生深遠的影響 。 義大利於1088年建立博洛尼亞大學,也是歐洲歷史上第一所大學。其他義大利大學緊隨其後出現,例如義大利南部的(Schola Medica Salernitana)是中世紀歐洲第一所醫學院。這些優秀的學習中心促使文藝復興運動的發展。歐洲文藝復興時期開始於義大利,而義大利的繪畫、雕塑、建築、科學、文學和音樂則是整個歐洲的核心。從巴羅克時期到浪漫主義時期,義大利的文化繼續於歐洲保持領先地位,當繪畫和雕塑的主導地位減弱時,義大利文化在音樂重新建立領先地位。 rdf:langString
rdf:langString ثقافة إيطالية
rdf:langString Cultura d'Itàlia
rdf:langString Cultura de Italia
rdf:langString Culture of Italy
rdf:langString Culture de l'Italie
rdf:langString Cultura italiana
rdf:langString Cultura da Itália
rdf:langString Культура Италии
rdf:langString 義大利文化
xsd:integer 283846
xsd:integer 1123423648
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString since 2015
rdf:langString Prime Minister of Italy
rdf:langString since 2022
rdf:langString President of Italy
rdf:langString center
rdf:langString A Ferrari Portofino and a Lamborghini Huracán . Ferrari and Lamborghini are two of the most popular and acclaimed Italian brands.
xsd:date 2014-03-04
rdf:langString Ferrari Portofino IMG 0532.jpg
rdf:langString Giorgia Meloni Official 2022 .jpg
rdf:langString Sergio Mattarella Official .jpg
xsd:integer 400
xsd:integer 151 152
rdf:langString إن الثقافة الإيطالية هي مجموعة من الظواهر الأدبية ناتجة في الأرض الإيطالية. إن إيطاليا تُعرف بفنها، ثقافتها وأثارها المختلفة من بينهم برج بيزا والكولوسيوم الرومانى؛ كذلك فن الطهى عندها (الأطباق الإيطالية الشهيرة وهم البيتزا والمعكرونة)، نبيذها، نمط الحياة، لوحاتها، تصميمها، السينما، المسرح، الأدب والموسيقى، بشكل خاص، الأوبرا. خلق كل ذلك نطاق إيطالى كبير في العالم.
rdf:langString La cultura d'Itàlia és el conjunt de les manifestacions culturals produïdes en territori italià. Itàlia és reconeguda pel seu art, la seva cultura i els seus molt nombrosos monuments, entre ells la Torre de Pisa i el Colosseu romà; així com per la seva gastronomia -plats italians famosos són la pizza i la pasta-, el seu vi, el seu estil de vida, la seva pintura, el seu disseny, el cinema, el teatre, la literatura i la música, en particular, l'òpera. Tot això ha creat una considerable italofília en el món. A Itàlia existeix el nombre més gran de béns declarats Patrimoni de la Humanitat per la UNESCO: n'hi ha 50 d'un total de 981, o el 5% mundial -Dada de l'any 2013-, una estimació diu que el país té la meitat dels tresors d'art del món. D'acord amb el Tribunal de Comptes, Itàlia té 3.609 museus. Es troben 479 jaciments arqueològics, 5.000 béns culturals, 12.609 biblioteques, 46.025 béns arquitectònics vinculants, 65.431 esglésies, 1.500 monestirs i 40.000 castells, torres i fortaleses, 30.000 residències històriques, 4.000 jardins i 1.000 principals centres històrics de ciutats.
rdf:langString Italy is considered one of the birthplaces of Western civilization and a cultural superpower. Italian culture is the culture of the Italians, a Romance ethnic group, and is incredibly diverse spanning the entirety of the Italian peninsula and the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. Italy has been the starting point of phenomena of international impact such as the Roman Republic, Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church, the Maritime republics, Romanesque art, Scholasticism, the Renaissance, the Age of Discovery, Mannerism, the Scientific revolution, the Baroque, Neoclassicism, the Risorgimento, Fascism, and European integration. Italy was home to many well-known and influential civilizations, including Italic peoples such as the Etruscans, the Samnites and the Romans, while also hosting colonies from important foreign civilizations like the Phoenicians and the Greeks. Etruscan and Samnite cultures flourished in Italy before the emergence of the Roman Republic, which conquered and incorporated them. Phoenicians and Greeks established settlements in Italy beginning several centuries before the birth of Christ, and the Greek settlements in particular developed into thriving classical civilizations, for example the cities of Magna Graecia. From the Middle Ages to the early modern period the region that is now Italy was divided into numerous independent states, until 1861 when it became a nation-state. Due to this comparatively late unification, and the historical autonomy of the regions that comprise the Italian peninsula, many traditions and customs that are now recognized as distinctly Italian can be identified by their regions of origin. Despite the political and social isolation of some of these regions, Italy's contributions to the cultural and historical heritage of Europe and the world remain immense. The famous elements of Italian culture are its art, music, cinema, style, and iconic food. Italy was the birthplace of opera, and for generations the language of opera was Italian, irrespective of the nationality of the composer. Italy had a huge presence in the development of Classical music, birthing Baroque music, many forms of musical composition such as the Symphony, the Sonata and the Concerto, as well as many important composers such as Claudio Monteverdi, Antonio Vivaldi, Gioachino Rossini, Gaetano Donizetti, Vincenzo Bellini, Giuseppe Verdi, and Giacomo Puccini. Italy is known for its lively folk dances. The most worldwide recognized folk dance is the Tarantella, a dance originating in the Province of Taranto, Apulia, as well as its many variations across Italy such as the Calabrian Tarantella, the Pizzica, and the Tammurriata. Italy has a vibrant electronic dance music scene consisting of Italian-born genres such as Italo disco, lento violento, and dream trance as well as foreign genres such as hardstyle. Before being exported to France, the famous Ballet dance genre also originated in Italy. Popular tastes in drama in Italy have long favored comedy; the improvisational style known as the Commedia dell'arte began in Italy in the mid-16th century and is still performed today. Italian cinema is revered throughout the world. The art film has its origins in Italy. Spaghetti Westerns emerged with the release of Sergio Leone's, A Fistful of Dollars, a genre consisting of films mostly produced and directed by Italians. Both the internal and external faces of Western culture were born on the Italian peninsula, whether one looks at the history of the Christian faith, civil institutions (such as the Senate), philosophy, law, art, science, or social customs and culture. The country boasts several world-famous cities. Rome was the ancient capital of the Roman Empire, seat of the Pope of the Catholic Church, capital of reunified Italy and artistic, cultural and cinematographic centre of world relevance. Florence was the heart of the Renaissance, a period of great achievements in the arts at the end of the Middle Ages. Other important cities include Turin, which used to be the capital of Italy, and is now one of the world's great centers of automobile engineering. Milan is the industrial and financial capital of Italy and one of the world's fashion capitals. Venice, former capital of a major financial and maritime power from the Middle Ages to the early modern period, with its intricate canal system attracts tourists from all over the world especially during the Venetian Carnival and the Biennale. Naples, with the largest historic city centre in Europe and the oldest continuously active public opera house in the world (Teatro di San Carlo). Bologna is the main transport hub of the country, as well as the home of the oldest university in the world and of a worldwide famous cuisine. Italy is home to the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites (58) to date, and according to one estimate the country is home to half the world's great art treasures. Overall, the nation has an estimated 100,000 monuments of any sort (churches, cathedrals, archaeological sites, houses and statues). During its history, the nation has given birth to an enormous number of notable people who have made major contributions to the world.
rdf:langString La cultura italiana es el conjunto de las manifestaciones culturales producidas en territorio italiano. Italia es reconocida por su arte, su cultura y sus numerosísimos monumentos, entre ellos la torre de Pisa y el Coliseo romano; así como por su gastronomía (platos italianos famosos son la pizza, la pasta, el risotto y el gelato), su vino, su estilo de vida, su pintura, su diseño, cine, teatro, literatura y música, en particular, la ópera. Todo esto ha creado una gran cultura. Italia es considerada la cuna de la civilización occidental y una superpotencia cultural.​
rdf:langString La culture de l'Italie, pays de l'Europe du Sud, désigne d'abord les pratiques culturelles observables de ses habitants (63 000 000, estimation 2017).La culture de l'Italie définit aussi ce que fut l'Italie depuis l'Antiquité, comme un des plus grands foyers culturels de l'Occident. Marquée par la civilisation étrusque et par la civilisation grecque, la péninsule fut le centre de l'Empire romain puis de l'Église catholique, et parallèlement, elle a été le berceau de l'Humanisme et de la Renaissance économique et artistique de l'Europe à la fin du Moyen Âge, au carrefour des civilisations de la Méditerranée.
rdf:langString La cultura italiana è il patrimonio collettivo di conoscenze proprio dell'Italia. Fulcro dell'Impero romano e sede della Chiesa cattolica, punto d'incontro di molte civiltà mediterranee, culla di numerosi movimenti artistici, l'Italia è fin dall'antichità tra i più fiorenti centri culturali d'Europa. Dal punto di vista del patrimonio storico e artistico, l'Italia è il paese che possiede la più alta presenza di siti patrimonio dell'umanità dell'UNESCO: sono 58 su un totale di 1154 (dicembre 2021), ovvero più del 5% del totale mondiale. Secondo la Corte dei conti, l'Italia possiede 4.908 musei. Si contano anche 479 siti archeologici, 5 000 beni culturali, 12 609 biblioteche, 46 025 beni architettonici vincolati, 65 431 chiese, 1 500 monasteri, 40 000 castelli assortiti, torri e fortezze, 30 000 dimore storiche, 4 000 giardini, 1 000 principali centri storici.
rdf:langString A Cultura da Itália é famosa pela sua arte e pelos seus monumentos, entre os quais se encontram a Torre de Pisa, o Coliseu de Roma, bem como pela sua comida (pizza, pasta, etc.), vinho, estilo de vida, elegância, design, cinema, teatro, literatura, poesia, artes plásticas, música (especialmente a Ópera), e, de uma forma geral, por aquilo que é considerado por muita gente "bom gosto". Itália é considerada o berço da civilização ocidental e uma superpotência cultural. A Itália tem sido o ponto de partida de fenómenos de impacto internacional como a Magna Graecia, o Império Romano, a Igreja Católica Romana, o Renascimento, o Risorgimento e a integração europeia. Durante sua história, a nação deu à luz um número enorme de pessoas notáveis. As faces internas e externas da cultura ocidental nasceram na península italiana, quer se trate da história da fé cristã, das instituições civis (como o Senado), da filosofia, do direito, da arte, da ciência ou dos costumes sociais e cultura. A Itália era o lar de muitas civilizações bem conhecidas e influentes, incluindo os etruscos, samnitas e romanos, ao mesmo tempo hospedando colônias de importantes civilizações estrangeiras como os fenícios e gregos, cuja influência e cultura tiveram um grande impacto através da península. As culturas etrusca e samnita floresceram na Itália antes do surgimento da República Romana, que os conquistou e incorporou. Fenícios e gregos estabeleceram assentamentos na Itália começando vários séculos antes do nascimento de Cristo, e os assentamentos gregos, em particular, desenvolveram-se em florescente civilizações clássicas. As ruínas gregas no sul da Itália são talvez o mais espetacular e melhor preservado em qualquer lugar. O país possui várias cidades mundialmente famosas. Roma era a antiga capital do Império Romano e sede do Papa da Igreja Católica. Florença foi o coração do Renascimento, um período de grandes realizações nas artes no final da Idade Média. Outras cidades importantes incluem Turim, que costumava ser a capital da Itália, e é agora um dos grandes centros do mundo de engenharia automobilística. Milão é a capital industrial, financeira e de moda da Itália. Veneza, com seu intrincado sistema de canais, atrai turistas de todo o mundo, especialmente durante o Carnaval de Veneza e a Bienal. A Itália é o lar do maior número de Patrimônios da Humanidade da UNESCO (51), e de acordo com uma estimativa o país é o lar de metade dos grandes tesouros de arte do mundo. A nação tem, em geral, cerca de 100.000 monumentos de qualquer espécie (igrejas, catedrais, sítios arqueológicos, casas e estátuas).
rdf:langString Культура Италии — культура коренных народов Италии и её государств-предшественников, ведшие старинным обычаям и культурному быту.
rdf:langString 義大利文化是指義大利半島與周圍地區形成的文化。從古代到16世紀為止,義大利都是西方文化的核心,也是伊特拉斯坎文明、古羅馬、羅馬天主教、人文主義和文藝復興運動的起源。 在羅馬帝國出現之前,伊特拉斯坎文明和(Samnium)文化於義大利蓬勃發展。腓尼基人和希臘人在耶穌誕生前幾個世紀開始於義大利建立定居點,特別是成為欣欣向榮的希臘古典文明定居地。義大利南部的希臘遺址或許是世界上最壯觀,也是保存最完好的地方。隨著君士坦丁皇帝於312年開放基督教信仰後,羅馬天主教成為義大利公開和正式的主要宗教,義大利對基督教的發展和西方信仰和道德觀念產生深遠的影響 。 義大利於1088年建立博洛尼亞大學,也是歐洲歷史上第一所大學。其他義大利大學緊隨其後出現,例如義大利南部的(Schola Medica Salernitana)是中世紀歐洲第一所醫學院。這些優秀的學習中心促使文藝復興運動的發展。歐洲文藝復興時期開始於義大利,而義大利的繪畫、雕塑、建築、科學、文學和音樂則是整個歐洲的核心。從巴羅克時期到浪漫主義時期,義大利的文化繼續於歐洲保持領先地位,當繪畫和雕塑的主導地位減弱時,義大利文化在音樂重新建立領先地位。 義大利藝術家在20世紀已經相當具有影響力。他們在1920年代和30年代的現代主義,並繼續在國際當代藝術市場中具有重要地位。第二次世界大戰後,義大利新寫實主義在電影界具有重要影響力,從1960年代開始,義大利建立了一個偉大的電影文化。義大利的設計塑造了戰後世界的面貌,今天義大利時尚和設計無疑具有國際領先地位。西方文明內部和外部的各個方面都出現在義大利半島上,例如基督教信仰、公民社會(如參議院)、哲學、法律、藝術、科學、社會習俗和文化。 義大利直到1861年統一之前並不存在於世界上,因此在歷史上曾經存在於義大利半島的政體、傳統及藝術活動都被歸屬在義大利之下。雖然這些地區的政治及社會制度是獨立運作,義大利在歷史及文化上的遺產仍然是相當巨大的。。歌劇和音樂是義大利文化中聞名於世的部分,義大利料理和食品通常被認為是世界上最受歡迎的文化之一,電影(如《甜蜜生活》、《美麗人生》與《黄金三镖客》等經典影片),藝術和時尚文化(米蘭為世界時尚之都)也都舉世聞名。 義大利是擁有聯合國教科文組織世界遺產最多的國家(53個),義大利擁有世界上最偉大藝術品的半數,義大利全國估計有100,000個任何形式的紀念物(博物館、宮殿、建築物、雕像、教堂、藝術畫廊、別墅、噴泉、歷史建築與考古遺跡。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 311190

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