Core Foundation an entity of type: Thing
Core Foundation (also called CF) is a C application programming interface (API) written by Apple for its operating systems, and is a mix of low-level routines and wrapper functions. Most Core Foundation routines follow a certain naming convention that deal with opaque objects, for example CFDictionaryRef for functions whose names begin with CFDictionary, and these objects are often reference counted (manually) through CFRetain and CFRelease. Internally, Core Foundation forms the base of the types in the Objective-C standard library and the Carbon API.
Core Foundation (chiamato anche CF) è un framework e un'API di macOS. CF fornisce:
* I tipi di dati primitivi (byte, stringhe Unicode, numeri, date di calendario, UUID) e (array, set, dizionari)
* Gestione delle preferenze dell'applicazione (CFPropertyList, Preferences Utilities)
* parsing XML
* Gestione dei bundle
* I/O per il File system (CFReadStream, CFWriteStream, CFURL)
* I/O Network e internet (CFReadStream, CFWriteStream, CFURL, Socket Name Server Utilities, URL Access Utilities)
* Ordinamento dei byte (Byte Order Utilities)
* Comunicazione tra processi (CFMachPort, CFNotificationCenter)
* Loop per la gestione degli eventi
* Una GUI di base (CFUserNotification)
Core FoundationはCocoaのFoundationに相当するものをC言語で記述したもの。実装をCへ移した理由は、Carbonとの共有コードベースを備える為だと考えられる。 Core FoundationはオープンソースのDarwinの一部なので必要ならソースコードを見ることができる。C言語で書かれているものの、オブジェクト指向の雰囲気は残しており、を用いたメモリ管理などObjective-Cに近いものになっている。Core FoundationのオブジェクトはCFTypeと呼ばれるopaqueな構造体であり、ヘッダ部をObjective-C互換にする事でメッセージ送信との混在利用が可能としている (toll-free bridge)。 Core Foundationに含まれるものはCFで始まる名前がつけられている。たとえばCFString(NSStringに相当)やCFArray(NSArrayに相当)、Mac OS X v10.3以降ではCFStream(NSStreamに相当)など。他にQuartzのCGXXX、SearchKitのSKXXXなどもCFType互換となっており、相関性の高いインターフェースを備えている。 Core Foundationの本家であるCocoaもまずはC言語で実装し、それをObjective-Cでラップするという流れになっているようである。
Core Foundation
Core Foundation
Core Foundation
Core Foundation
Core Foundation
System library
Core Foundation
Core Foundation (also called CF) is a C application programming interface (API) written by Apple for its operating systems, and is a mix of low-level routines and wrapper functions. Most Core Foundation routines follow a certain naming convention that deal with opaque objects, for example CFDictionaryRef for functions whose names begin with CFDictionary, and these objects are often reference counted (manually) through CFRetain and CFRelease. Internally, Core Foundation forms the base of the types in the Objective-C standard library and the Carbon API. The most prevalent use of Core Foundation is for passing its own primitive types for data, including raw bytes, Unicode strings, numbers, calendar dates, and UUIDs, as well as collections such as arrays, sets, and dictionaries, to numerous macOS C routines, primarily those that are GUI-related. At the operating system level Core Foundation also provides standardized application preferences management through CFPropertyList, bundle handling, run loops, interprocess communication through CFMachPort and CFNotificationCenter, and a basic graphical user interface message dialog through CFUserNotification. Other parts of the API include utility routines and wrappers around existing APIs for ease of use. Utility routines perform such actions as file system and network I/O through CFReadStream, CFWriteStream, and CFURL and endianness translation (Byte Order Utilities). Some examples of wrapper routines include those for Core Foundation's wrapper routines for Unix sockets, the CFSocket API. Some types in Core Foundation are "toll-free bridged", or interchangeable with a simple cast, with those of their Foundation Kit counterparts. For example, one could create a CFDictionaryRef Core Foundation type, and then later simply use a standard C cast to convert it to its Objective-C counterpart, NSDictionary *, and then use the desired Objective-C methods on that object as one normally would. Core Foundation has a plug-in model (CFPlugin) that is based on the Microsoft Component Object Model.
Core FoundationはCocoaのFoundationに相当するものをC言語で記述したもの。実装をCへ移した理由は、Carbonとの共有コードベースを備える為だと考えられる。 Core FoundationはオープンソースのDarwinの一部なので必要ならソースコードを見ることができる。C言語で書かれているものの、オブジェクト指向の雰囲気は残しており、を用いたメモリ管理などObjective-Cに近いものになっている。Core FoundationのオブジェクトはCFTypeと呼ばれるopaqueな構造体であり、ヘッダ部をObjective-C互換にする事でメッセージ送信との混在利用が可能としている (toll-free bridge)。 Core Foundationに含まれるものはCFで始まる名前がつけられている。たとえばCFString(NSStringに相当)やCFArray(NSArrayに相当)、Mac OS X v10.3以降ではCFStream(NSStreamに相当)など。他にQuartzのCGXXX、SearchKitのSKXXXなどもCFType互換となっており、相関性の高いインターフェースを備えている。 Core Foundationの本家であるCocoaもまずはC言語で実装し、それをObjective-Cでラップするという流れになっているようである。 macOSでの実装が基本であるが、主たる機能がCoreFoundation.dll、CoreGraphics.dll等の形でWindows上に移植されている。これらのライブラリは、同社のウェブブラウザSafariの移植に活用されている。APIそのものは公開されていないが、一部のユーザーによって、同DLLでCoreFoundationの機能をWindows上で実現させる方法が発見されている。。
Core Foundation (chiamato anche CF) è un framework e un'API di macOS. CF fornisce:
* I tipi di dati primitivi (byte, stringhe Unicode, numeri, date di calendario, UUID) e (array, set, dizionari)
* Gestione delle preferenze dell'applicazione (CFPropertyList, Preferences Utilities)
* parsing XML
* Gestione dei bundle
* I/O per il File system (CFReadStream, CFWriteStream, CFURL)
* I/O Network e internet (CFReadStream, CFWriteStream, CFURL, Socket Name Server Utilities, URL Access Utilities)
* Ordinamento dei byte (Byte Order Utilities)
* Comunicazione tra processi (CFMachPort, CFNotificationCenter)
* Loop per la gestione degli eventi
* Una GUI di base (CFUserNotification) La maggior parte del utilizza Core Foundation, e molti dei tipi base sono . Al contrario della libreria Foundation, l'API di Core Foundation è scritto in C, non in Objective C.