Connate fluids
In geology and sedimentology, connate fluids are liquids that were trapped in the pores of sedimentary rocks as they were deposited. These liquids are largely composed of water, but also contain many mineral components as ions in solution. As rocks are buried, they undergo lithification and the connate fluids are usually expelled. If the escape route for these fluids is blocked, the pore fluid pressure can build up, leading to overpressure.
Connaat water is een niet-meteorische vorm van grondwater. Het betreft interstitieel- of poriewater dat na de vorming van het sediment hierin is achtergebleven. Connaat water is meestal fossiel water dat "gevangen" is in slecht doorlatende mariene sedimenten (zoals zeeklei) en sedimentaire gesteenten en heeft daarom meestal een hoge saliniteit. Het meeste grondwater betreft meteorisch water.
I fluidi connati o "acque connate" sono quei liquidi che si trovano contenuti nei pori delle rocce sedimentarie, ove sono rimasti intrappolati assieme ai sedimenti al tempo della loro sedimentazione in ambiente subacqueo, sia marino che lacustre.
Connate fluids
Fluidi connati
Connaat water
In geology and sedimentology, connate fluids are liquids that were trapped in the pores of sedimentary rocks as they were deposited. These liquids are largely composed of water, but also contain many mineral components as ions in solution. As rocks are buried, they undergo lithification and the connate fluids are usually expelled. If the escape route for these fluids is blocked, the pore fluid pressure can build up, leading to overpressure.
Connaat water is een niet-meteorische vorm van grondwater. Het betreft interstitieel- of poriewater dat na de vorming van het sediment hierin is achtergebleven. Connaat water is meestal fossiel water dat "gevangen" is in slecht doorlatende mariene sedimenten (zoals zeeklei) en sedimentaire gesteenten en heeft daarom meestal een hoge saliniteit. Het meeste grondwater betreft meteorisch water.
I fluidi connati o "acque connate" sono quei liquidi che si trovano contenuti nei pori delle rocce sedimentarie, ove sono rimasti intrappolati assieme ai sedimenti al tempo della loro sedimentazione in ambiente subacqueo, sia marino che lacustre.