Commanding General of the United States Army an entity of type: Thing

القائد العام لجيش الولايات المتحدة (بالإنجليزية: Commanding General of the United States Army)‏ كان هذا مسمى القائد الأعلى لجيش الولايات المتحدة حتى سنة 1903، بتقديم منصب رئيس أركان جيش الولايات المتحدة. rdf:langString
Der Commanding General of the United States Army war vor der Einrichtung des Dienstpostens des Chief of Staff of the Army der Oberbefehlshaber des US-Heeres. rdf:langString
Le Commanding General of the United States Army était le commandant en chef de l'United States Army, avant l'institution de la fonction de chef d'état-major de l'armée de terre des États-Unis en 1903. De 1783 à 1821, on le désignait simplement comme Senior Officer of the United States Army. rdf:langString
Prima dell'istituzione del Capo di stato maggiore dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti nel 1903, era in genere nominato un singolo alto ufficiale anziano dell'esercito. Dal 1783, egli era semplicemente noto come il Senior Officer of the United States Army, ma nel 1821 il titolo fu mutato in Comandante generale dell'esercito statunitense. La posizione fu abolita con la creazione dello nel 1903. rdf:langString
アメリカ陸軍総司令官(英: Commanding General of the United States Army)は、陸軍参謀総長が設置される以前のアメリカ陸軍の最上級者の名称。 1783年から1821年までは通称「アメリカ陸軍最先任士官」。1821年から1903年までは「アメリカ陸軍総司令官」。1903年に陸軍参謀本部と参謀総長が創設された時にこの役職は廃止された。 rdf:langString
美国陸軍总指挥官(英語:Commanding General of the United States Army),1903年设立的美国陆军参谋长前身職位,陸軍中通常有一个最高级别的军官,1783年,称为“美国陸軍高级军官”(Senior Officer of the United States Army),1821年,改名为“美国陸軍总指挥官”(Commanding General of the United States Army),1903年,美国陆军参谋长设立之后,废除这个职位。 rdf:langString
La Komandanta Generalo de Usona Armeo estis suprema posteno de la komenca Usona Armeo. Antaŭ la institucio de la Chief of Staff of the Army (Ĉefa Stabestro de la Armeo) en 1903, ĝi estis ĝenerale agnoskita kiel unuopa dojana oficiro en la Usona Armeo, kvankam ne estis tia statuta posteno. El 1783, li estis konata simple kiel Senior Officer of the United States Army (dojena oficiro de la Usona Armeo), sed en 1821, la titolo ŝanĝiĝis al Commanding General of the United States Army (Komandanta Generalo de Usona Armeo). Tiu posteno estis ofte referencata per variaj aliaj titoloj, kiaj "Major General Commanding the Army" aŭ "General-in-Chief." rdf:langString
The Commanding General of the United States Army was the title given to the service chief and highest-ranking officer of the United States Army (and its predecessor the Continental Army), prior to the establishment of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army in 1903. During the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the title was Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. In 1783, the title was simplified to Senior Officer of the United States Army. In 1821, the title was changed to Commanding General of the United States Army. The office was often referred to by various other titles, such as "Major General Commanding the Army" or "General-in-Chief". rdf:langString
rdf:langString القائد العام لجيش الولايات المتحدة
rdf:langString Commanding General of the United States Army
rdf:langString Komandanta Generalo de Usona Armeo
rdf:langString Commanding General of the United States Army
rdf:langString Commanding General of the United States Army
rdf:langString Comandante generale dell'esercito statunitense
rdf:langString アメリカ陸軍総司令官
rdf:langString 美國陸軍總指揮官
xsd:integer 1424652
xsd:integer 1121997885
rdf:langString y
rdf:langString No fixed term
xsd:date 1903-08-08
rdf:langString the United States Army
xsd:integer 1732 1736 1745 1750 1751 1753 1754 1755 1757 1775 1782 1786 1815 1820 1822 1826 1831 1839
rdf:langString y
xsd:integer 1796 1799 1804 1806 1813 1818 1825 1826 1828 1829 1841 1866 1872 1885 1888 1891 1906 1925
xsd:date 1775-06-15
rdf:langString June 1821
xsd:gMonthDay --07-05
rdf:langString '''Longest serving
xsd:gMonthDay --06-15
rdf:langString General
rdf:langString Major general
rdf:langString Lieutenant general
rdf:langString General of the Army
rdf:langString Brigadier general
rdf:langString Brevet Brigadier general
rdf:langString Brevet Lieutenant general
rdf:langString Hamilton, Alexander
rdf:langString Grant, Ulysses S.
rdf:langString Schofield, John
rdf:langString Brown, Jacob
rdf:langString Dearborn, Henry
rdf:langString Doughty, John
rdf:langString Halleck, Henry
rdf:langString Harmar, Josiah
rdf:langString Knox, Henry
rdf:langString Macomb, Alexander
rdf:langString McClellan, George B.
rdf:langString Miles, Nelson A.
rdf:langString Scott, Winfield
rdf:langString Sheridan, Philip
rdf:langString Sherman, William Tecumseh
rdf:langString St. Clair, Arthur
rdf:langString Washington, George
rdf:langString Wayne, Anthony
rdf:langString Wilkinson, James
rdf:langString Commanding General
rdf:langString Commander-in-Chief
rdf:langString Senior Officer
xsd:integer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
rdf:langString Several HQs
rdf:langString n
rdf:langString y
rdf:langString y
rdf:langString n
rdf:langString y
xsd:date 1783-12-23
xsd:date 1784-06-20
xsd:date 1784-08-12
xsd:date 1791-03-04
xsd:date 1792-03-05
xsd:date 1796-12-15
xsd:date 1798-07-13
xsd:date 1799-12-14
xsd:date 1800-06-15
xsd:date 1812-01-27
xsd:date 1815-06-15
xsd:date 1828-02-24
xsd:date 1841-06-25
xsd:date 1861-11-01
xsd:date 1862-03-11
xsd:date 1864-03-09
xsd:date 1869-03-04
xsd:date 1883-11-01
xsd:date 1888-08-05
xsd:date 1895-09-29
xsd:date 1903-08-08
rdf:langString June 1821
xsd:date 1775-06-15
xsd:date 1783-12-23
xsd:date 1784-06-20
xsd:date 1784-08-12
xsd:date 1791-03-04
xsd:date 1792-04-13
xsd:date 1796-12-15
xsd:date 1798-07-13
xsd:date 1799-12-14
xsd:date 1800-06-15
xsd:date 1812-01-27
xsd:date 1815-06-15
xsd:date 1828-05-29
xsd:date 1841-07-05
xsd:date 1861-11-01
xsd:date 1862-07-23
xsd:date 1864-03-09
xsd:date 1869-03-08
xsd:date 1883-11-01
xsd:date 1888-08-14
xsd:date 1895-10-05
rdf:langString June 1821
rdf:langString Senior-most officer
rdf:langString القائد العام لجيش الولايات المتحدة (بالإنجليزية: Commanding General of the United States Army)‏ كان هذا مسمى القائد الأعلى لجيش الولايات المتحدة حتى سنة 1903، بتقديم منصب رئيس أركان جيش الولايات المتحدة.
rdf:langString Der Commanding General of the United States Army war vor der Einrichtung des Dienstpostens des Chief of Staff of the Army der Oberbefehlshaber des US-Heeres.
rdf:langString La Komandanta Generalo de Usona Armeo estis suprema posteno de la komenca Usona Armeo. Antaŭ la institucio de la Chief of Staff of the Army (Ĉefa Stabestro de la Armeo) en 1903, ĝi estis ĝenerale agnoskita kiel unuopa dojana oficiro en la Usona Armeo, kvankam ne estis tia statuta posteno. El 1783, li estis konata simple kiel Senior Officer of the United States Army (dojena oficiro de la Usona Armeo), sed en 1821, la titolo ŝanĝiĝis al Commanding General of the United States Army (Komandanta Generalo de Usona Armeo). Tiu posteno estis ofte referencata per variaj aliaj titoloj, kiaj "Major General Commanding the Army" aŭ "General-in-Chief." El 1789 ĝis ties abolo en 1903, la posteno de Commanding General estis laŭleĝe subigita al la Usona Militministro, kvankam tio estis foje disputita. Tiu posteno estis abolita per la kreado de la laŭstatuta Chief of Staff of Army en 1903. Unua Generalo de la Kontinenta Armeo kaj Commander-in-Chief estis George Washington.
rdf:langString The Commanding General of the United States Army was the title given to the service chief and highest-ranking officer of the United States Army (and its predecessor the Continental Army), prior to the establishment of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army in 1903. During the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the title was Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. In 1783, the title was simplified to Senior Officer of the United States Army. In 1821, the title was changed to Commanding General of the United States Army. The office was often referred to by various other titles, such as "Major General Commanding the Army" or "General-in-Chief". From 1789 until its abolition in 1903, the position of commanding general was legally subordinate to the Secretary of War; it was replaced by the creation of the statutory Chief of Staff of the Army in 1903.
rdf:langString Le Commanding General of the United States Army était le commandant en chef de l'United States Army, avant l'institution de la fonction de chef d'état-major de l'armée de terre des États-Unis en 1903. De 1783 à 1821, on le désignait simplement comme Senior Officer of the United States Army.
rdf:langString Prima dell'istituzione del Capo di stato maggiore dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti nel 1903, era in genere nominato un singolo alto ufficiale anziano dell'esercito. Dal 1783, egli era semplicemente noto come il Senior Officer of the United States Army, ma nel 1821 il titolo fu mutato in Comandante generale dell'esercito statunitense. La posizione fu abolita con la creazione dello nel 1903.
rdf:langString アメリカ陸軍総司令官(英: Commanding General of the United States Army)は、陸軍参謀総長が設置される以前のアメリカ陸軍の最上級者の名称。 1783年から1821年までは通称「アメリカ陸軍最先任士官」。1821年から1903年までは「アメリカ陸軍総司令官」。1903年に陸軍参謀本部と参謀総長が創設された時にこの役職は廃止された。
rdf:langString 美国陸軍总指挥官(英語:Commanding General of the United States Army),1903年设立的美国陆军参谋长前身職位,陸軍中通常有一个最高级别的军官,1783年,称为“美国陸軍高级军官”(Senior Officer of the United States Army),1821年,改名为“美国陸軍总指挥官”(Commanding General of the United States Army),1903年,美国陆军参谋长设立之后,废除这个职位。
xsd:gMonthDay --07-19
rdf:langString .
rdf:langString Served when the Army was reduced to only 80 soldiers. Lowest ranking individual ever to command the U.S. Army.
rdf:langString Former military commander during the American Civil War and Reconstruction. Advised the government during the Pullman Strike. Retired upon reaching mandatory retirement age of 64.
rdf:langString Resigned to begin career farming and developing land in Maine; appointed Secretary of War under Articles of Confederation in 1785.
rdf:langString Served at the beginning of the Northwest Indian War with the Northwestern Confederacy. Removed by President George Washington in the aftermath of the Harmar campaign.
rdf:langString Previously served as President of the United States . Appointed by President Adams during the Quasi-War against the French Republic. Did not actively command the Army during this period but was prepared to lead the Army if the need arose.
rdf:langString Commanded the Legion of the United States during the Northwest Indian War and negotiated the Treaty of Greenville with the Northwestern Confederacy after the Battle of Fallen Timbers.
rdf:langString Appointed by the Second Continental Congress, after being nominated by Samuel Adams and John Adams. Resigned to the Congress of the Confederation, at the end of the American Revolutionary War.
rdf:langString Commanded during the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Known for suppressing the Burr conspiracy.
rdf:langString Served as commanding general during the Spanish–American War and the Army beef scandal. Retired upon reaching mandatory retirement age of 64. Position replaced with the Army Chief of Staff upon Miles's retirement.
rdf:langString Appointed Commanding General of the Army after successes on the Northwestern front of the War of 1812. Presided over a reduction in the size of the U.S. Army in the 1810s. Created the United States's first military colleges and the General Recruiting Service.
rdf:langString Simultaneously served as Commander of the Army of the Potomac. Removed by President Abraham Lincoln after the Peninsula campaign and McClellan's failure to pursue the Army of Northern Virginia after the Battle of Antietam. Later unsuccessfully campaigned with the Democratic Party in the 1864 election.
rdf:langString Simultaneously served as Governor of the Northwest Territory . Resigned as Senior Officer at the request of President George Washington, in the aftermath of St. Clair's defeat.
rdf:langString Known for leading the March to the Sea and the Campaign of the Carolinas during the American Civil War. Served as commanding general during the Modoc War, the Great Sioux War of 1876, and the Nez Perce War. Resigned position; retired upon reaching mandatory retirement age of 64 in 1884.
rdf:langString Personally commanded the Army in the Battle for Mexico City in 1847, during the Mexican–American War. Commanded the Union Army at the beginning of the American Civil War. Developed the Anaconda Plan to defeat the Confederacy and recommended expanding the Regular Army rather than relying on militia. Resigned after the Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run. Age 75 at his retirement, Scott was the oldest person to serve as Commanding General.
rdf:langString Commanding general at the Battle of Plattsburgh. Advocated expanding the U.S. Army during his tenure.
rdf:langString Commanded the Legion of the United States at the start of the Quasi War. Responsible for establishing Reserve Corps in the Ohio River Valley and the lower Mississippi River Valley to be deployed in the event of war with France or Spain. Later discovered by historian Charles Gayarré to have been a Spanish spy.
rdf:langString Appointed after successes in the Battle of Vicksburg and the Chattanooga campaign. When appointed, Grant served in the field, his headquarters attached to the Army of the Potomac. Defeated the Army of Northern Virginia at the Overland Campaign and the Petersburg campaign. Accepted General Robert E. Lee's surrender at the Battle of Appomattox. Resigned to become the 18th president of the United States after winning the 1868 election. .
rdf:langString Reassigned as the Army's chief of staff, subordinate to Grant.
rdf:langString Known for service in the American Civil War, Reconstruction, and the Indian Wars. Influential in establishment of Yellowstone National Park.
rdf:langString Previously served as Secretary of War . Last American Revolutionary War veteran to serve as Senior Officer. Served as the Commanding General at the beginning of the War of 1812. Known for authorizing the American invasion of Lower Canada, including the Battle of York. Reassigned to administrative post in New York City after achieving few victories.
rdf:langString Notes
rdf:langString The President
rdf:langString with Congress advice and consent
rdf:langString An act of the Second Continental Congress
rdf:langString Portrait
rdf:langString Commanding General
rdf:langString The Secretary of War
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 26056

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