Color (manga) an entity of type: Thing

Color is a Japanese manga anthology written and illustrated by Taishi Zaou and Eiki Eiki. Color was serialized in Dear+, a magazine known for its romantic and non-explicit boys love manga published by Shinshokan, and a tankōbon collecting the chapters released in February 1999. Color is licensed in North America by Digital Manga Publishing which released the manga in June 2009. It is licensed in France by Asuka and in Germany by Egmont Manga. rdf:langString
Color est un manga Yaoi de Eiki Eiki et Taishi Zaō. Cette courte série a été prépubliée dans le magazine puis publié le février 1999, éditée par Shinshokan.Sa version française est éditée chez , dans la collection Boy's Love, publiée le 28 février 2008. rdf:langString
Color – manga yaoi autorstwa i Eiki Eiki, wydana w Japonii, w 1992. Pełna publikacja zawiera jeden tom. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Color (manga)
rdf:langString Color (manga)
rdf:langString Color (manga)
rdf:langString Color
xsd:integer 25447275
xsd:integer 1117616800
rdf:langString Taishi Zaō
rdf:langString Cover of Color as published by Shinshokan.
xsd:integer 230
xsd:integer 1999
rdf:langString manga
xsd:integer 1
rdf:langString Color is a Japanese manga anthology written and illustrated by Taishi Zaou and Eiki Eiki. Color was serialized in Dear+, a magazine known for its romantic and non-explicit boys love manga published by Shinshokan, and a tankōbon collecting the chapters released in February 1999. Color is licensed in North America by Digital Manga Publishing which released the manga in June 2009. It is licensed in France by Asuka and in Germany by Egmont Manga.
rdf:langString Color est un manga Yaoi de Eiki Eiki et Taishi Zaō. Cette courte série a été prépubliée dans le magazine puis publié le février 1999, éditée par Shinshokan.Sa version française est éditée chez , dans la collection Boy's Love, publiée le 28 février 2008.
rdf:langString Color – manga yaoi autorstwa i Eiki Eiki, wydana w Japonii, w 1992. Pełna publikacja zawiera jeden tom.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 6725
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 1

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