Collegiate wrestling an entity of type: WikicatCombatSports
Collegiate wrestling (also known as folkstyle wrestling) is the form of wrestling practiced at the college and university level in the United States. This style of wrestling, with some slight modifications, is also practiced at high school and middle school levels, and also among younger participants. The rules and style of collegiate or folkstyle wrestling differs from other styles of wrestling that are practiced around the world such as those in the Olympic Games, freestyle wrestling and Greco-Roman wrestling.
Lucha colegial es el estilo de Lucha libre olímpica amateur practicado en los colegios secundarios y en las universidades, principalmente en los Estados Unidos. La lucha colegial es a menudo conocida como Estilo de Lucha popular ya que deriva de la Lucha popular practicada a principios de la historia de Estados Unidos. La lucha colegial y la lucha libre profesional tienen sus orígenes en el "catch-as-catch-can wrestling", y, en ambos estilos, el objetivo principal es el de tirar al enemigo sobre el piso, lo que da como resultado la victoria.
Collegiate wrestling
Lucha colegial
Collegiate wrestling
Folkstyle wrestling
United States
Collegiate wrestling, like freestyle wrestling, had its origins in catch-as-catch-can wrestling but by the 20th century became distinctly American.
Collegiate wrestling (also known as folkstyle wrestling) is the form of wrestling practiced at the college and university level in the United States. This style of wrestling, with some slight modifications, is also practiced at high school and middle school levels, and also among younger participants. The rules and style of collegiate or folkstyle wrestling differs from other styles of wrestling that are practiced around the world such as those in the Olympic Games, freestyle wrestling and Greco-Roman wrestling. Women's wrestling at the US college level uses two different rulesets. The National Wrestling Coaches Association, whose women's division is now recognized by the NCAA as part of its Emerging Sports for Women program, uses the freestyle ruleset as defined by the sport's international governing body, United World Wrestling. The National Collegiate Wrestling Association, a separate governing body that conducts competition for colleges and universities parallel to but outside the scope of the NCAA, uses collegiate rules in its women's division. Collegiate and freestyle wrestling, unlike Greco-Roman, also both allow the use of the wrestler's or his opponent's legs in offense and defense.
Lucha colegial es el estilo de Lucha libre olímpica amateur practicado en los colegios secundarios y en las universidades, principalmente en los Estados Unidos. La lucha colegial es a menudo conocida como Estilo de Lucha popular ya que deriva de la Lucha popular practicada a principios de la historia de Estados Unidos. La lucha colegial y la lucha libre profesional tienen sus orígenes en el "catch-as-catch-can wrestling", y, en ambos estilos, el objetivo principal es el de tirar al enemigo sobre el piso, lo que da como resultado la victoria. Tanto la lucha colegial como la lucha libre, a diferencia del greco-romano, usan las piernas del oponente, ya sea para atacar como para defenderse.