Clandestine Military Front
The Clandestine Military Front (Italian: Fronte Militare Clandestino) was an organization of the Italian Resistance that operated in German-occupied Rome between September 1943 and June 1944. It consisted of some 2,300 men, largely Army officers who had gone into hiding after the German capture of Rome, such as Minister of War Antonio Sorice and Generals Roberto Lordi, Mario Girotti, Dardano Fenulli and Vito Artale. Its first leader was Colonel Giuseppe Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo, who after being arrested in January 1944 was replaced by General Quirino Armellini, in turn replaced by General in March 1944. Thirty-four of its members, including Colonel Montezemolo and Generals Lordi, Fenulli and Artale, were among the victims of the Fosse Ardeatine massacre.
Le Fronte militare clandestino (FMC, pour « Front militaire clandestin ») a été une organisation militaire clandestine de la Résistance romaine.
Il Fronte militare clandestino, denominazione ufficiale "Reparto fronte clandestino militare di resistenza", fu un'organizzazione militare clandestina aderente alla resistenza romana in Italia, in collegamento con le forze armate del Regno del Sud, durante la seconda guerra mondiale.
Clandestine Military Front
Fronte militare clandestino
Fronte militare clandestino
The Clandestine Military Front (Italian: Fronte Militare Clandestino) was an organization of the Italian Resistance that operated in German-occupied Rome between September 1943 and June 1944. It consisted of some 2,300 men, largely Army officers who had gone into hiding after the German capture of Rome, such as Minister of War Antonio Sorice and Generals Roberto Lordi, Mario Girotti, Dardano Fenulli and Vito Artale. Its first leader was Colonel Giuseppe Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo, who after being arrested in January 1944 was replaced by General Quirino Armellini, in turn replaced by General in March 1944. Thirty-four of its members, including Colonel Montezemolo and Generals Lordi, Fenulli and Artale, were among the victims of the Fosse Ardeatine massacre.
Le Fronte militare clandestino (FMC, pour « Front militaire clandestin ») a été une organisation militaire clandestine de la Résistance romaine.
Il Fronte militare clandestino, denominazione ufficiale "Reparto fronte clandestino militare di resistenza", fu un'organizzazione militare clandestina aderente alla resistenza romana in Italia, in collegamento con le forze armate del Regno del Sud, durante la seconda guerra mondiale.