Civilian-based defense an entity of type: WikicatMilitias
Civilian-based defense or social defence describes non-military action by a society or social group, particularly in a context of a sustained campaign against outside attack or dictatorial rule – or preparations for such a campaign in the event of external attack or usurpation. There are various near-synonyms, including "non-violent defence", "civilian defence" and "defence by civil resistance". Whatever term is used, this approach involves preparations for and use of a range of actions – which can be variously called nonviolent resistance and civil resistance – for national defence against invasion, coup d'état and other threats.
Civilian-based defense
Civilian-based defense or social defence describes non-military action by a society or social group, particularly in a context of a sustained campaign against outside attack or dictatorial rule – or preparations for such a campaign in the event of external attack or usurpation. There are various near-synonyms, including "non-violent defence", "civilian defence" and "defence by civil resistance". Whatever term is used, this approach involves preparations for and use of a range of actions – which can be variously called nonviolent resistance and civil resistance – for national defence against invasion, coup d'état and other threats. Writings about this concept include works by Brigadier General Edward B. Atkeson, Erica Chenoweth (U.S.) and Maria Stephan (U.S.), Theodor Ebert (Germany), Brian Martin (Australia), Adam Roberts (UK), Gene Sharp (U.S.), Heinz Vetschera (Austria), and others. The failed Kapp Putsch in the Weimar Republic was foiled in part by civilian-based defense. Civilian-based defense was unsuccessfully used against the Soviet Union's Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.