Citizens (Italian political party)
Libertat Cívica - Ciutadans FVG (Libertà Civica, LC), anteriorment Ciutadans pel President - Una regió en comú (Cittadini per il Presidente - Una regione in comune, CpP), és un partit polític de caràcter centrista actiu al Friül-Venècia Júlia des del 2003. El partit fou al principi fundat en suport de l'intent de Riccardo Illy per esdevenir President de Friül-Venècia Júlia en l'àmbit de la coalició del centreesquerra Intesa Democratica.
Citizens (Italian: Cittadini), formerly Citizens for the President (Cittadini per il Presidente) and Civic Freedom (Libertà Civica), is a centrist and federalist Italian political party active in Friuli-Venezia Giulia since 2003. The party was founded in support of Riccardo Illy's bid to become President of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. In the 2003 regional election, which saw the election of Illy, CpP won 7.5% of the vote. In the 2008 regional election CpP won 5.1% of the vote. As Illy was defeated, CpP changed its name to Civic Freedom (LC) in order to reflect its new condition.
Libertà Civica
Citizens (Italian political party)
Libertat Cívica - Ciutadans FVG (Libertà Civica, LC), anteriorment Ciutadans pel President - Una regió en comú (Cittadini per il Presidente - Una regione in comune, CpP), és un partit polític de caràcter centrista actiu al Friül-Venècia Júlia des del 2003. El partit fou al principi fundat en suport de l'intent de Riccardo Illy per esdevenir President de Friül-Venècia Júlia en l'àmbit de la coalició del centreesquerra Intesa Democratica. Després de la seva derrota electoral del 2008 va prendre el nom de Libertat Cívica - Ciutadans FVG, canviant el seu nom segons diverses declinacions locals tals com Libertat Civíca - Ciutadans per Trieste. Es presenta a les en la coalició de centreesquerra amb la denominació Ciutadans per President.
Citizens (Italian: Cittadini), formerly Citizens for the President (Cittadini per il Presidente) and Civic Freedom (Libertà Civica), is a centrist and federalist Italian political party active in Friuli-Venezia Giulia since 2003. The party was founded in support of Riccardo Illy's bid to become President of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. In the 2003 regional election, which saw the election of Illy, CpP won 7.5% of the vote. In the 2008 regional election CpP won 5.1% of the vote. As Illy was defeated, CpP changed its name to Civic Freedom (LC) in order to reflect its new condition. The party ran in the 2013 regional election as Citizens for Debora Serracchiani President and won 5.3% of the vote and 3 seats, being instrumental in Debora Serracchiani's election, while in the 2018 regional election it ran as Citizens for Bolzonello President, winning the 4% of the vote and 2 seats.