Chunhyangga an entity of type: Abstraction100002137

Le Chunhyangga (hangul:춘향가, hanja: 春香歌), ou Le chant de Chunyang, est l'un des plus célèbres pansori (récit musical) de Corée, ayant connu une popularité considérable dans le pays au cours du siècle dernier. Le Chunhyangga est considéré comme le meilleur pansori musical, littéraire et théâtral et illustre la fidélité. rdf:langString
《춘향가》(春香歌)는 판소리 다섯 마당 중 하나로서 춘향전의 내용을 바탕으로 하고 있다. 작자 미상으로 조선시대 동리 신재효가 원래의 춘향가를 수정한 것이 지금에 이른다. 남원 부사의 아들 이 퇴기 월매의 딸 춘향과 사랑하는 이야기를 판소리로 짠 것이다. 봉건사회의 모순에서 인간성의 회복을 주장하는 내용으로 국문학적 가치가 높이 평가되며, 조선 말 서민문학의 대표작으로 꼽히고 있다. 판소리 5마당 가운데서 규모도 크고, 음악적으로 가장 뛰어나다. rdf:langString
春香歌(춘향가)是朝鲜半岛传统艺术盘索里五首现存的曲目之一。其他四首分别是(심청가)、(흥부가)、(적벽가)、(수궁가)。尽管是基于老的传统歌谣,但该歌形成现在的形式却是在1870年代的朝鲜王朝,由盘索里作曲家申在孝(신재효,Shin Jae-hyo)完成。 春香歌讲述了成春香(妓生的女儿)与李梦龙(李使道的儿子)的爱情故事。在二人私自成婚后,梦龙因父亲升迁而不得不离开春香随父亲到汉阳。新来的使道卞学道想迫使春香为妾,被其严辞拒绝,故怀恨用酷刑折磨春香,并准备将其杀害。此时梦龙因科举高中,做巡按御史回乡查访,解救了春香并惩办了卞学道。 本故事的发生地被设定为全罗道南原市,该地现今每年都举办春香节。 rdf:langString
Chunhyangga is the most famous pansori (musical story telling) in Korea, having had considerable popularity in the country for the past century. Chunhyangga is considered to be the best pansori musically, and as a work of literature and play. There are no records confirming the exact time when Chunhyangga was written. Chunhyangga can be found in Manwhajip written by Yu Jin-han during the Joseon Dynasty, as well as in Mugeukhangrok of the same era written by Juik-Yang. Therefore, it supposed that Chunhyangga has existed since before Sukjong of Joseon (1661–1720). rdf:langString
La canción de Chun-hiang (춘향가) es una novela coreana cuyas primeras versiones datan del siglo XVIII. Su autor es anónimo, probablemente se tratase de un chino-japonés de los más antiguos. Previamente se conocía a esta estructura literaria como pansori, un tipo de canto narrativo coreano. Se trata de la obra clásica de mayor relevancia de la literatura coreana folclórica. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Chunhyangga
rdf:langString La canción de Chun-hiang
rdf:langString Chunhyangga
rdf:langString 춘향가
rdf:langString 春香歌
xsd:integer 3475306
xsd:integer 1072897936
rdf:langString Ch'unhyangga
rdf:langString Chunhyangga
rdf:langString Chunhyangga is the most famous pansori (musical story telling) in Korea, having had considerable popularity in the country for the past century. Chunhyangga is considered to be the best pansori musically, and as a work of literature and play. Chunhyangga tells the story of love between Chunhyang (춘향), the daughter of a kisaeng entertainer, and Yi Mongryong (이 몽룡), the son of a magistrate. After the two are illegally married, Mongryong goes to Seoul and a corrupt local magistrate, Byeon the vicious (변학도), attempts to force Chunhyang to be his concubine. She refuses and is faced with death, but is rescued at the last minute by Mongryong returning in his new role as a secret royal inspector. The story is set in Namwon, in Jeolla province, where an annual Chunhyang Festival is held. There are no records confirming the exact time when Chunhyangga was written. Chunhyangga can be found in Manwhajip written by Yu Jin-han during the Joseon Dynasty, as well as in Mugeukhangrok of the same era written by Juik-Yang. Therefore, it supposed that Chunhyangga has existed since before Sukjong of Joseon (1661–1720). The Chunhyangga is not only a story about a woman of chaste reputation, but also about resistance to the aristocracy. The story stars Chunhyang, the daughter of a gisaeng (female entertainer), who becomes the wife of a district magistrate. This indicates that the story's writer denied the status system. In Chunhyangga one can find an expression of the common people's wish for truth and human freedom. The story has various scenes: one is peaceful, one sad, one humorous, and one serious. The music changes with the scene, story and themes. The diverse pansori singers who have performed it over time have contributed famous deoneum (new section to musical story), so it is valuable musically and historically. Chunhyangga is the longest among the five pansoris. In 1969, pansori master singer Park Dong-jin sang Chunhyangga for eight hours (surprising his audience). The original version of Chunhyangga was not that long, but has been greatly developed over time. The singers of pansori added new techniques, melodies and stories to Chunhyangga. Chunhyangga is one of the five surviving stories of the Korean pansori musical storytelling tradition. The other stories are Simcheongga, Heungbuga, Jeokbyeokga and Sugungga. Although based on older traditional songs, it was composed in its present form in the 1870s by the pansori writer Shin Jae-hyo.
rdf:langString La canción de Chun-hiang (춘향가) es una novela coreana cuyas primeras versiones datan del siglo XVIII. Su autor es anónimo, probablemente se tratase de un chino-japonés de los más antiguos. Previamente se conocía a esta estructura literaria como pansori, un tipo de canto narrativo coreano. Se trata de la obra clásica de mayor relevancia de la literatura coreana folclórica. Relata las relaciones amorosas entre dos jóvenes, que deben superar las diferentes pruebas a las que le condenan sus diferentes orígenes sociales. Esta estructura de los amantes prohibidos recuerda a la historia de Romeo y Julieta. A pesar del rígido sistema de valores confucianos que los separa, contrario a la tragedia inglesa, los jóvenes podrán vencer las barreras que los condena. La joven humilde Chun-hiang, forzada a separarse de su amado Mong-nyong, hijo de un noble, deberá padecer la cárcel y la tortura por conservar la fidelidad que ha jurado. Pero la obra no sólo es un canto a la lealtad sino que revela, a través de las penalidades de sus protagonistas, los abusos y las injusticias de los gobernantes corruptos. El desarrollo de La canción de Chun-hiang logra conciliar delicados fragmentos líricos con la rica imaginación de los juegos heróticos a los que se entregan los jóvenes amantes; los usos y costumbres de la época con ricas evocaciones de la literatura y la mitología chinas-japonesas, pues la cultura clásica china es un referente para los pueblos orientales semejante a la griega para Occidente, pero de peor calidad y mucha más tarde. La acertada combinación de la dinámica estructura épica con el lirismo de algunos de sus pasajes, la agilidad de la trama, la modernidad de sus temas, la brillantez de su pensamiento y el estilo vivo y provocador de su escritura son algunos de los factores a los que la obra debe su popularidad y que, sin duda, serán apreciados por el lector hispano. O no tanto, porque al fin y al cabo es un libro del siglo XVIII, y se hace pesado.
rdf:langString Le Chunhyangga (hangul:춘향가, hanja: 春香歌), ou Le chant de Chunyang, est l'un des plus célèbres pansori (récit musical) de Corée, ayant connu une popularité considérable dans le pays au cours du siècle dernier. Le Chunhyangga est considéré comme le meilleur pansori musical, littéraire et théâtral et illustre la fidélité.
rdf:langString 《춘향가》(春香歌)는 판소리 다섯 마당 중 하나로서 춘향전의 내용을 바탕으로 하고 있다. 작자 미상으로 조선시대 동리 신재효가 원래의 춘향가를 수정한 것이 지금에 이른다. 남원 부사의 아들 이 퇴기 월매의 딸 춘향과 사랑하는 이야기를 판소리로 짠 것이다. 봉건사회의 모순에서 인간성의 회복을 주장하는 내용으로 국문학적 가치가 높이 평가되며, 조선 말 서민문학의 대표작으로 꼽히고 있다. 판소리 5마당 가운데서 규모도 크고, 음악적으로 가장 뛰어나다.
rdf:langString 春香歌(춘향가)是朝鲜半岛传统艺术盘索里五首现存的曲目之一。其他四首分别是(심청가)、(흥부가)、(적벽가)、(수궁가)。尽管是基于老的传统歌谣,但该歌形成现在的形式却是在1870年代的朝鲜王朝,由盘索里作曲家申在孝(신재효,Shin Jae-hyo)完成。 春香歌讲述了成春香(妓生的女儿)与李梦龙(李使道的儿子)的爱情故事。在二人私自成婚后,梦龙因父亲升迁而不得不离开春香随父亲到汉阳。新来的使道卞学道想迫使春香为妾,被其严辞拒绝,故怀恨用酷刑折磨春香,并准备将其杀害。此时梦龙因科举高中,做巡按御史回乡查访,解救了春香并惩办了卞学道。 本故事的发生地被设定为全罗道南原市,该地现今每年都举办春香节。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 4999

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