Christian views on divorce
الطلاق في المسيحية وفقًا لما ورد في إنجيل متي الإصحاح الخامس الآية رقم 21 «وقيل من طلق امرأته فليعطها كتاب طلاق وأما انا فاقول لكم إن من طلق امرأته إلا لعلّة الزنى يجعلها تزني ومن يتزوج مطلقة فإنه يزنى» فإن الطلاق في المسيحية يعتبر أمر غير مقبول. وتتجلى مظاهر المساواة حسب الكنيسة في القوانين الكنيسة وتشريعاتها مع وجود الاختلافات بين الأحوال الشخصية لمختلف الكنائس، إلا أنها تشترك في عدد من التشريعات مثل حالتي الطلاق بما فيه فسخ الزواج أو الهجر، حيث يشترك الأب والأم في النفقات وتقاسم الثروات المدخرة بشكل متساوي إلا في بعض الحالات الخاصة، كما تعطى الحضانة للمرأة، في سنين الطفولة الأولى.
Christian views on divorce find their basis both in biblical sources, as well as texts authored by the Church Fathers of the early Christian Church, who were unanimous in the teaching regarding the issue. With respect to Christian states, the Christian emperors Constantine and Theodosius restricted the grounds for divorce to grave cause, but this was relaxed by Justinian in the 6th century. After the fall of the empire, familial life was regulated more by ecclesiastical authority than civil authority.
La visione cristiana sul divorzio trova le proprie basi sia in fonti bibliche che nella legge di Mosè (Deut, 24, 1-4) oltre che nei risvolti politici dell'epoca della riforma protestante e della relativa controriforma. Secondo i vangeli sinottici, Gesù enfatizzò in più punti della sua vita il mantenimento del sacramento del matrimonio, (vedi Marco 10, 1-9, Matteo 19; Luca 16, 18) ma anche la sua integrità. San Paolo apostolo pure citò questi passi nei suoi scritti.
الطلاق في المسيحية
Christian views on divorce
Visione cristiana sul divorzio
الطلاق في المسيحية وفقًا لما ورد في إنجيل متي الإصحاح الخامس الآية رقم 21 «وقيل من طلق امرأته فليعطها كتاب طلاق وأما انا فاقول لكم إن من طلق امرأته إلا لعلّة الزنى يجعلها تزني ومن يتزوج مطلقة فإنه يزنى» فإن الطلاق في المسيحية يعتبر أمر غير مقبول. تنظر المبادئ المسيحية للزواج على أنه علاقة أبدية. لذلك من الصعب الحصول على الطلاق نظرًا لكون الزواج عقدًا غير منحل، فقد فيّد القانون الكنسي حق الطلاق بعدة قيود لكن لم يصل إلى إلغائه، وظهرت أوضاع أخرى من التسهيلات كفسخ الزواج أو الهجر. ولعل إحدى أشهر قضايا الطلاق في التاريخ الغربي قضية طلاق هنري الثامن ملك إنجلترا من كاثرين أراغون عام 1534 ما أدى إلى تأسيس الكنيسة الأنجليكانية وذلك بعدما رفض البابا ترخيص طلاقه. علمًا أن عددًا من الكنائس البروتستانتية تسمح بالطلاق التوافقي بين الشخصين، إذ لا تر به سرًا. وتتجلى مظاهر المساواة حسب الكنيسة في القوانين الكنيسة وتشريعاتها مع وجود الاختلافات بين الأحوال الشخصية لمختلف الكنائس، إلا أنها تشترك في عدد من التشريعات مثل حالتي الطلاق بما فيه فسخ الزواج أو الهجر، حيث يشترك الأب والأم في النفقات وتقاسم الثروات المدخرة بشكل متساوي إلا في بعض الحالات الخاصة، كما تعطى الحضانة للمرأة، في سنين الطفولة الأولى.
Christian views on divorce find their basis both in biblical sources, as well as texts authored by the Church Fathers of the early Christian Church, who were unanimous in the teaching regarding the issue. According to the synoptic Gospels, Jesus emphasized the permanence of marriage (see Mark 10 at verses 1 to 12, Matthew 19; Luke 16:18) but also its integrity. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus says "Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she commits adultery." The Gospel of Luke adds that those who marry divorced persons also commit adultery, as recorded in Luke 16;18. 1 Corinthians 6:9–10 states that adulterers "shall not inherit the kingdom of God". The only lawful ground for divorce available to the innocent spouse is fornication, or adultery, on the part of the guilty mate, as recorded in Matthew 19:9. Nevertheless, The Shepherd of Hermas, an early Christian work on the subject, teaches that while fornication is the only reason that divorce can ever be permitted, remarriage with another person is forbidden to allow repentance and reconciliation of the husband and wife (those who refuse to forgive and receive their spouse are guilty of a grave sin). This Christian teaching is echoed in 1 Corinthians 7:10–11, which forbids divorce and states that those spouses who have deserted their husband/wife should return their partner; if that is absolutely impossible, the husband and wife should remain chaste. Both in the Gospel of Matthew and of Mark, Jesus remembers and quotes Genesis 1:27 ("male and female created He them"), and Genesis 2:24 ("shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twaine shall be one flesh."). Paul the Apostle concurred but added an exception, interpreted according to Roman Catholicism as the Pauline privilege; this interpretation of Paul's words teaches that in the case of a non-Christian couple (neither party has ever received the sacrament of baptism) where one of the parties converts to Christianity and receives the sacrament of baptism, that party is allowed to enter into a Christian marriage if and only if the non-Christian spouse departs. The Catholic Church prohibits divorce, and permits annulment (a finding that the marriage was not canonically valid) under a narrow set of circumstances. The Eastern Orthodox Church permits divorce and remarriage in church in certain circumstances, though its rules are generally more restrictive than the civil divorce rules of most countries. Most Protestant churches discourage divorce though the way divorce is addressed varies by denomination; for example, the United Church of Christ permits divorce and allows for the possibility of remarriage, while denominations such as the Mennonite Christian Fellowship and Evangelical Methodist Church Conference forbid divorce except in the case of fornication and do not allow for the remarriage of divorced persons. With respect to Christian states, the Christian emperors Constantine and Theodosius restricted the grounds for divorce to grave cause, but this was relaxed by Justinian in the 6th century. After the fall of the empire, familial life was regulated more by ecclesiastical authority than civil authority.
La visione cristiana sul divorzio trova le proprie basi sia in fonti bibliche che nella legge di Mosè (Deut, 24, 1-4) oltre che nei risvolti politici dell'epoca della riforma protestante e della relativa controriforma. Secondo i vangeli sinottici, Gesù enfatizzò in più punti della sua vita il mantenimento del sacramento del matrimonio, (vedi Marco 10, 1-9, Matteo 19; Luca 16, 18) ma anche la sua integrità. Sia nel vangelo di Matteo che in quello di Marco, Gesù ricorda e cita Genesi 1,27 ("uomo e donna Li creò"), e Genesi 2,24 ("che l'uomo lasci suo padre e sua madre e si congiunga a sua moglie: e i due siano una carne sola."). Gesù permise a chi è sposato di porre fine al matrimonio solo in caso di immoralità sessuale da parte del coniuge infedele (Matteo 19:9). San Paolo apostolo pure citò questi passi nei suoi scritti. La chiesa cattolica ancora oggi proibisce il divorzio ma permette la dichiarazione di nullità del matrimonio (se un matrimonio celebrato viene poi scoperto non essere valido in quanto mancante di alcuni elementi ad esso fondamentali) in alcune circostanze specifiche. La chiesa ortodossa permette divorzio e nuovo matrimonio in chiesa in alcune circostanze, sebbene le sue regole siano genericamente più restrittive rispetto a quelle del divorzio civile di molti paesi. Gran parte delle chiese protestanti non proibiscono il divorzio ma lo scoraggiano e lo lasciano come ultima scelta in un rapporto di coppia insostenibile o compromesso. Gli imperatori cristiani Costantino e Teodosio furono tra i primi ad emettere delle leggi sul divorzio, restringendone comunque la concessione ai casi gravi, ma tali regole vennero rilassate notevolmente da Giustiniano nel VI secolo. Dopo la caduta dell'impero romano d'occidente, la vita famigliare fu regolata più dall'autorità ecclesiastica che da quella civile.