Chalmers Johnson an entity of type: Thing

شالمرز جونسون (بالإنجليزية: Chalmers Johnson)‏ هو مؤرخ وبروفيسور واقتصادي أمريكي، ولد في 6 أغسطس 1931 في فينيكس في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 20 نوفمبر 2010 في Cardiff-by-the-Sea ‏ في الولايات المتحدة. rdf:langString
Chalmers Ashby Johnson (* 6. August 1931 in Phoenix, Arizona; † 20. November 2010 in , Kalifornien) war Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der University of California, San Diego, Berater der CIA und Asienexperte. rdf:langString
Chalmers Ashby Johnson (6 de agosto de 1931 – 20 de noviembre de 2010) fue un escritor estadounidense, profesor emérito de la Universidad de California en San Diego. También fue el presidente y cofundador del Japan Policy Research Institute, organización dedicada a promover la educación pública sobre Japón y Asia. rdf:langString
チャルマーズ・アシュビー・ジョンソン(Chalmers Ashby Johnson, 1931年8月6日 - 2010年11月20日)は、アメリカ合衆国の国際政治学者。日本および中国を始めとした東アジア政治・国際関係が専門。 rdf:langString
Chalmers Ashby Johnson (Phoenix, 6 agosto 1931 – , 20 novembre 2010) è stato uno storico, economista e saggista statunitense. Professor emeritus dell'Università della California, San Diego, è anche presidente e cofondatore della Japan Policy Research Institute, una organizzazione che promuove la diffusione di cultura sul Giappone e l'Asia. Ha scritto numerosi libri, tra i quali, di recente, tre esami delle conseguenze dell'Impero Americano: "Blowback" (Contraccolpo), "The Sorrows of Empire" (le Pene dell'Impero), e "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic" (Nemesi, la Vendetta della Storia, gli ultimi giorni della Repubblica Americana). rdf:langString
查默斯·约翰逊(英語:Chalmers Johnson,1931年8月6日-2010年11月20日),中文名詹鶽,是一名美國政治科學家,專攻為比較政治、發展經濟學,為聖地牙哥加利福尼亞大學名譽教授。 出生於亞利桑那州鳳凰城,其後入讀加利福尼亞大學柏克萊分校取得經濟學文學士和政治學博士學位。朝鮮戰爭期間曾在海軍服役。 rdf:langString
Chalmers Ashby Johnson (August 6, 1931 – November 20, 2010) was an American political scientist specializing in comparative politics, and professor emeritus of the University of California, San Diego. He served in the Korean War, was a consultant for the CIA from 1967 to 1973 and chaired the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of California, Berkeley from 1967 to 1972. He was also president and co-founder with Steven Clemons of the Japan Policy Research Institute (now based at the University of San Francisco), an organization that promotes public education about Japan and Asia. rdf:langString
Chalmers Ashby Johnson, né le 6 août 1931 à Phoenix (Arizona) et mort le 20 novembre 2010 à Cardiff-by-the-Sea (Encinitas, Californie), est un écrivain américain, professeur émérite de l'Université de Californie à San Diego. Il a écrit de nombreux livres dont trois examens sur les conséquences de l'Empire américain. rdf:langString
Chalmers Ashby Johnson ( Phoenix, 6 de agosto de 1931 - , San Diego, 20 de novembro de 2010) foi um escritor e professor emérito estadunidense, da Universidade da Califórnia em San Diego. Também foi presidente e co-fundador do Japan Policy Research Institute, uma organização que promove a educação pública sobre o Japão e Ásia. Especialista em política internacional, escreveu vários livros, incluindo três análises das consequências do "Império Americano": Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire e Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic. rdf:langString
Чалмерс Эшби Джонсон (англ. Chalmers Ashby Johnson, 6 августа 1931 — 20 ноября 2010) — американский писатель и почётный профессор Калифорнийского университета в Сан-Диего. Воевал в Корейской войне, в 1967—1973 был консультантом ЦРУ, преподавал в Центре для китайских студентов Калифорнийского университета в Беркли (1967—1972). Также являлся президентом и сооснователем — организации, содействующей распространению информации относительно Японии и Азии. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Chalmers Johnson
rdf:langString شالمرز جونسون
rdf:langString Chalmers Johnson
rdf:langString Chalmers Johnson
rdf:langString Chalmers Johnson
rdf:langString Chalmers Johnson
rdf:langString チャルマーズ・ジョンソン
rdf:langString Джонсон, Чалмерс
rdf:langString Chalmers Johnson
rdf:langString 詹鶽
rdf:langString Chalmers Johnson
rdf:langString Chalmers Johnson
rdf:langString Cardiff-by-the-Sea, California, U.S.
xsd:date 2010-11-20
rdf:langString Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.
xsd:date 1931-08-06
xsd:integer 630369
xsd:integer 1100451055
rdf:langString Chalmers Johnson
xsd:date 1931-08-06
xsd:date 2010-11-27
xsd:date 2010-11-20
rdf:langString East Asian studies
rdf:langString Economics
rdf:langString Political science
rdf:langString Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic
xsd:gMonthDay --09-11
rdf:langString The Sorrows of Empire was written during the American preparations for and launching of the invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. I began to study our continuous military buildup since World War II and the 737 military bases we currently maintain in other people's countries. This empire of bases is the concrete manifestation of our global hegemony, and many of the blowback-inducing wars we have conducted had as their true purpose the sustaining and expanding of this network. We do not think of these overseas deployments as a form of empire; in fact, most Americans do not give them any thought at all until something truly shocking, such as the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, brings them to our attention. But the people living next door to these bases and dealing with the swaggering soldiers who brawl and sometimes rape their women certainly think of them as imperial enclaves, just as the people of ancient Iberia or nineteenth-century India knew that they were victims of foreign colonization.
rdf:langString In Nemesis, I have tried to present historical, political, economic, and philosophical evidence of where our current behavior is likely to lead. Specifically, I believe that to maintain our empire abroad requires resources and commitments that will inevitably undercut our domestic democracy and in the end produce a military dictatorship or its civilian equivalent. The founders of our nation understood this well and tried to create a form of government – a republic – that would prevent this from occurring. But the combination of huge standing armies, almost continuous wars, military Keynesianism, and ruinous military expenses have destroyed our republican structure in favor of an imperial presidency. We are on the cusp of losing our democracy for the sake of keeping our empire. Once a nation is started down that path, the dynamics that apply to all empires come into play – isolation, overstretch, the uniting of forces opposed to imperialism, and bankruptcy. Nemesis stalks our life as a free nation.
rdf:langString شالمرز جونسون (بالإنجليزية: Chalmers Johnson)‏ هو مؤرخ وبروفيسور واقتصادي أمريكي، ولد في 6 أغسطس 1931 في فينيكس في الولايات المتحدة، وتوفي في 20 نوفمبر 2010 في Cardiff-by-the-Sea ‏ في الولايات المتحدة.
rdf:langString Chalmers Ashby Johnson (* 6. August 1931 in Phoenix, Arizona; † 20. November 2010 in , Kalifornien) war Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der University of California, San Diego, Berater der CIA und Asienexperte.
rdf:langString Chalmers Ashby Johnson (August 6, 1931 – November 20, 2010) was an American political scientist specializing in comparative politics, and professor emeritus of the University of California, San Diego. He served in the Korean War, was a consultant for the CIA from 1967 to 1973 and chaired the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of California, Berkeley from 1967 to 1972. He was also president and co-founder with Steven Clemons of the Japan Policy Research Institute (now based at the University of San Francisco), an organization that promotes public education about Japan and Asia. Johnson wrote numerous books, including three examinations of the consequences of what he called the "American Empire": Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire, and Nemesis; The Last Days of the American Republic. A former Cold Warrior, he notably stated, "A nation can be one or the other, a democracy or an imperialist, but it can't be both. If it sticks to imperialism, it will, like the old Roman Republic, on which so much of our system was modeled, lose its democracy to a domestic dictatorship."
rdf:langString Chalmers Ashby Johnson (6 de agosto de 1931 – 20 de noviembre de 2010) fue un escritor estadounidense, profesor emérito de la Universidad de California en San Diego. También fue el presidente y cofundador del Japan Policy Research Institute, organización dedicada a promover la educación pública sobre Japón y Asia.
rdf:langString Chalmers Ashby Johnson, né le 6 août 1931 à Phoenix (Arizona) et mort le 20 novembre 2010 à Cardiff-by-the-Sea (Encinitas, Californie), est un écrivain américain, professeur émérite de l'Université de Californie à San Diego. Il a servi pendant la guerre de Corée, a été consultant de la CIA de 1967 à 1973, et a présidé le Center for Chinese Studies à l'Université de Californie à Berkeley de 1967 à 1972. Il a également été Président et cofondateur avec Steven Clemons du Japan Policy Research Institute (Université de Californie à San Francisco), une organisation dédiée à l'information du public sur le Japon et l'Asie. Il a écrit de nombreux livres dont trois examens sur les conséquences de l'Empire américain. Après avoir pris une part active à la guerre froide, ses craintes pour les États-Unis changèrent de nature après sa fin. Il déclara ainsi qu'« Une nation peut être deux choses, une démocratie ou un empire, mais elle ne peut pas être les deux à la fois. Si elle adhère à l'impérialisme ; tout comme l'ancienne République romaine, qui a tellement inspiré notre système, elle perdra sa démocratie, qui sera remplacée par une dictature ».
rdf:langString チャルマーズ・アシュビー・ジョンソン(Chalmers Ashby Johnson, 1931年8月6日 - 2010年11月20日)は、アメリカ合衆国の国際政治学者。日本および中国を始めとした東アジア政治・国際関係が専門。
rdf:langString Chalmers Ashby Johnson (Phoenix, 6 agosto 1931 – , 20 novembre 2010) è stato uno storico, economista e saggista statunitense. Professor emeritus dell'Università della California, San Diego, è anche presidente e cofondatore della Japan Policy Research Institute, una organizzazione che promuove la diffusione di cultura sul Giappone e l'Asia. Ha scritto numerosi libri, tra i quali, di recente, tre esami delle conseguenze dell'Impero Americano: "Blowback" (Contraccolpo), "The Sorrows of Empire" (le Pene dell'Impero), e "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic" (Nemesi, la Vendetta della Storia, gli ultimi giorni della Repubblica Americana).
rdf:langString Чалмерс Эшби Джонсон (англ. Chalmers Ashby Johnson, 6 августа 1931 — 20 ноября 2010) — американский писатель и почётный профессор Калифорнийского университета в Сан-Диего. Воевал в Корейской войне, в 1967—1973 был консультантом ЦРУ, преподавал в Центре для китайских студентов Калифорнийского университета в Беркли (1967—1972). Также являлся президентом и сооснователем — организации, содействующей распространению информации относительно Японии и Азии. Он написал много книг, включая трилогию-исследование Американской империи: «Возврат» (англ. Blowback), «Скорбь империи» (англ. The Sorrows of Empire) и «Немезида: Последние дни американской республики» (англ. Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic).
rdf:langString Chalmers Ashby Johnson ( Phoenix, 6 de agosto de 1931 - , San Diego, 20 de novembro de 2010) foi um escritor e professor emérito estadunidense, da Universidade da Califórnia em San Diego. Também foi presidente e co-fundador do Japan Policy Research Institute, uma organização que promove a educação pública sobre o Japão e Ásia. Especialista em política internacional, escreveu vários livros, incluindo três análises das consequências do "Império Americano": Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire e Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic. Segundo Chalmers Johnson, o militarismo engendrado pelo imperialismo é a ruína da democracia norte-americana.
rdf:langString 查默斯·约翰逊(英語:Chalmers Johnson,1931年8月6日-2010年11月20日),中文名詹鶽,是一名美國政治科學家,專攻為比較政治、發展經濟學,為聖地牙哥加利福尼亞大學名譽教授。 出生於亞利桑那州鳳凰城,其後入讀加利福尼亞大學柏克萊分校取得經濟學文學士和政治學博士學位。朝鮮戰爭期間曾在海軍服役。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 21064

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