Chalcedon tribunal

Shortly after the death of Roman emperor Constantius II, his successor Julian held a tribunal at the city of Chalcedon, which was then a suburb of Constantinople. Saturninius Secundus Salutius, who was raised to the rank of Praetorian Prefect was given the chief oversight and with him were associated Claudius Mamertinus (another civilian), and four military commanders, Arbitio, Agilo, Nevitta and Jovinus. The first two were ex-officers of Constantius, while the other two had served with Julian. rdf:langString
Tribunal da Calcedônia foi um tribunal conveniado pelo imperador Juliano, o Apóstata (r. 361–363) na cidade da Calcedônia, então subúrbio da capital imperial oriental de Constantinopla, logo após a morte de seu antecessor Constâncio II. Salúcio, que foi elevado ao posto de prefeito pretoriano, foi incumbido de supervisioná-lo com auxílio do civil Cláudio Mamertino e quatro oficiais militares: Arbício, Agilão, Nevita e Jovino. Os primeiros dois foram ex-oficiais de Constâncio, enquanto os outros serviram com Juliano. rdf:langString
Kort na de dood van de Romeinse keizer Constantius II liet zijn opvolger Julianus de Afvallige een tribunaal organiseren in Chalcedon, in die tijd een voorstad van Constantinopel. Constantius II overleed op 3 november 361, het tribunaal moet dus in de laatste maanden van 361 en het begin van 362 hebben plaatsgevonden. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Chalcedon tribunal
rdf:langString Tribunaal van Chalcedon
rdf:langString Tribunal da Calcedônia
xsd:integer 9572990
xsd:integer 1097564328
rdf:langString Shortly after the death of Roman emperor Constantius II, his successor Julian held a tribunal at the city of Chalcedon, which was then a suburb of Constantinople. Saturninius Secundus Salutius, who was raised to the rank of Praetorian Prefect was given the chief oversight and with him were associated Claudius Mamertinus (another civilian), and four military commanders, Arbitio, Agilo, Nevitta and Jovinus. The first two were ex-officers of Constantius, while the other two had served with Julian. At this tribunal a large part of Constantius's ministers were brought to trial. In charge of the daily inquisitions was Arbitio, "while the others were present merely for show" according to historian Ammianus Marcellinus. Palladius, Taurus, Euagrius, Saturninus and Cyrinus are known to have been exiled. Florentius, and Eusebius were condemned to death. Apodemius and Paulus Catena were even burned alive. Another Florentius was imprisoned on a Dalmatian island. Constantius II died on 3 November 361, so all this must have happened in late 361 and early 362.
rdf:langString Kort na de dood van de Romeinse keizer Constantius II liet zijn opvolger Julianus de Afvallige een tribunaal organiseren in Chalcedon, in die tijd een voorstad van Constantinopel. Constantius II overleed op 3 november 361, het tribunaal moet dus in de laatste maanden van 361 en het begin van 362 hebben plaatsgevonden. Saturninius Secundus Salutius, die tot de rang van pretoriaanse prefect werd verheven, kreeg de algemene leiding over het tribunaal. Hij werd daarbij gesteund door Claudius Mamertinus (ook een burger), en vier militaire bevelhebbers, Arbitio, , Nevitta en Jovinus. De eerste twee waren oud-officieren van Constantius II, terwijl de andere twee onder Julianus hadden gediend. Op dit tribunaal werd een groot deel van de ministers van Constantius II berecht. Verantwoordelijk voor de dagelijkse gang van zaken tijdens het tribunaal was Arbitio, "terwijl de anderen alleen maar voor de show aanwezig waren", dit volgens de historicus Ammianus Marcellinus. Van Palladius, Taurus, Euagrius, Saturninus en Cyrinus is bekend dat ze zijn verbannen. , en werden ter dood veroordeeld. en Paulus Catena werden zelfs levend verbrand. Een andere Florentius werd gevangengezet op een Dalmatisch eiland.
rdf:langString Tribunal da Calcedônia foi um tribunal conveniado pelo imperador Juliano, o Apóstata (r. 361–363) na cidade da Calcedônia, então subúrbio da capital imperial oriental de Constantinopla, logo após a morte de seu antecessor Constâncio II. Salúcio, que foi elevado ao posto de prefeito pretoriano, foi incumbido de supervisioná-lo com auxílio do civil Cláudio Mamertino e quatro oficiais militares: Arbício, Agilão, Nevita e Jovino. Os primeiros dois foram ex-oficiais de Constâncio, enquanto os outros serviram com Juliano. No tribunal, grande parte dos ministros de Constâncio foram julgados. Arbício foi responsável pelas acusações, enquanto os demais estavam presentes para assistir. Segundo o historiador Amiano Marcelino, Paládio, Tauro, Evágrio, Saturnino e Cirino são conhecido por terem sido exilados; Florêncio, Úrsulo e Eusébio foram condenados à morte; Apodêmio e Paulo Catena foram queimados vivos; e outro Florêncio foi preso numa ilha da Dalmácia.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 1684

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