Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future an entity of type: Thing

الكابتن باور (Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future) كابتن باور موجه للمراهقين عرض على كابتن باور مدبلج للعربية بواسطة مركز الزهرة. يحكي المسلسل عن كابتن شجاع اسمه باور يحاول هو واصدقائه التصدي للاشرار. بدأ المسلسل في عام 1987 - 88 وهذا المسلسل من نوعية الخيال العلمي. كما تم إنتاج خط لعبة من قبل شركة ماتيل، وخلال كل حلقة كان هناك القطعة التي شملت البصرية والسمعية المواد التي تتفاعل مع اللعب. rdf:langString
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future conocido en Hispanoamérica como Capitán Poder y los Soldados del Futuro es una serie de televisión de ciencia ficción de 22 episodios que combina actores reales con animación hecha en computadora. Una línea de juguetes fue producida por Mattel y durante cada episodio había un segmento audiovisual que interactuaba con los juguetes.​​​ rdf:langString
Captain Power et les soldats du futur (Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future) est une série télévisée de science-fiction canado-américaine en 22 épisodes de 22 minutes, créée par Tony Christopher et , diffusée entre le 1er septembre 1987 et le 27 mars 1988 en syndication. Au Québec, elle a été diffusée sur CFCF-TV (CTV) pour le marché de Montréal. En France, elle a été diffusée à partir du 30 mars 1988 sur chaîne La Cinq. Rediffusion partielle (9 épisodes) du 19 au 29 mars 1991 sur La Cinq. Cette série mélange acteurs réels et personnages réalisés en images de synthèse. rdf:langString
『キャプテンパワー』(原題:Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future)は、アメリカ合衆国の特撮テレビドラマ。1987年9月20日から1988年3月27日まで放送された。全22話。 日本では1987年10月22日から1988年2月25日までテレビ朝日にて木曜日18時50分から放送されたが、初回放送時は18話までの放送で、1989年の再放送時に全話放送された。ローカルセールスによる自主編成のため、放送されていない地域もあった。 キッズステーションでも再放送された。 rdf:langString
Kapitan Power i żołnierze przyszłości (ang. Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future) – serial telewizyjny o tematyce science-fiction z lat osiemdziesiątych. Tytułową rolę odgrywał aktor Tim Dunigan. W Polsce emitowany był w Telewizji Polsat, ATV oraz Tele3 Katowice. rdf:langString
«Капитан Пауэр и солдаты будущего» (англ. Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future) — американский фантастический телесериал. В сериале использованы каноны сериала «Metal Hero». В СССР показ сериала начался 5 декабря 1991 года на телеканале 2x2. Над сериалом работал главный создатель научно-фантастического сериала «Вавилон-5» — Джозеф Майкл Стражински. rdf:langString
《飛龍特攻隊》(原文:Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future)是美國1987年製作的電視影集,於1987年9月1日至1988年3月27日播映,全22集。1988年2月13日至於7月16日間,由台灣台灣電視公司引進,於每週六晚上8:00~8:30時段播出;台視更於1990年農曆初三(1月29日)晚上8:30~10:30放映將影集重新編輯而成的《飛龍隊長》(Project New Order,但更早之前年代影視曾發行過錄影帶,同樣譯為《飛龍特攻隊》)。 本片已於2011年12月6日,在美國發行了收錄全集的25週年紀念版DVD。 rdf:langString
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future is a science fiction-action television series, merging live action with animation based on computer-generated images, that ran for 22 episodes in Canadian and American syndication. A toy line was also produced by Mattel, and during each episode there was a segment that included visual and audio material which interacted with the toys. A production of Landmark Entertainment Group, Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future was created by Gary Goddard and Tony Christopher, and developed by Marc Scott Zicree, with J. Michael Straczynski becoming de facto head writer. Plans to bring the series back, set 28 years after the first series, were announced in July 2016. Goddard Film Group, headed by one of the original series co-creators, Gary Goddard, rdf:langString
Capitan Power e i combattenti del futuro (Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future), meglio noto semplicemente come Capitan Power, è un telefilm di fantascienza prodotto negli Stati Uniti dove fu trasmesso tra il 1987 e il 1988. In Italia, la serie venne trasmessa dal circuito Odeon TV. Ambientata in un prossimo futuro postapocalittico, la serie narra di un pugno di soldati impegnati a salvare l'umanità superstite dal dominio delle macchine. rdf:langString
rdf:langString الكابتن باور
rdf:langString Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future
rdf:langString Capitán Poder y los Soldados del Futuro
rdf:langString Captain Power et les soldats du futur
rdf:langString Capitan Power
rdf:langString キャプテンパワー
rdf:langString Kapitan Power i żołnierze przyszłości
rdf:langString Капитан Пауэр и солдаты будущего
rdf:langString 飛龍特攻隊
xsd:integer 2251158
xsd:integer 1117215020
rdf:langString Hawk tracks a mysterious band of humans and discovers their leader has a link to his past. Meanwhile, Scout and Tank investigate Project New Order, unaware that Dread is manipulating events.
rdf:langString The Power Team head to the old city of Toronto to try and save the human settlement there being threatened by Dread and his Bio-Dredds. During the rescue operation, Scout comes across a mysterious figure in the tunnels below the city, known only as 'Mindi 7'.
rdf:langString A Captain Power impostor is on the prowl, searching for human survivors for Soaron to digitize. It is up to the real Captain Power to shut him down and regain the humans' trust.
rdf:langString The Power Team traces strange transmissions to a place called Haven, where non-violence is a way of life. A closer look reveals that the citizens were coerced to work in another Project New Order element codenamed Styx.
rdf:langString Pilot and Power successfully fight off Soaron during a desert patrol, but Power's injuries prompt Pilot to leave him behind and seek medical help. A visit to a nearby town goes awry, as its residents recognize Pilot and put her on trial for atrocities she committed on the town during her service with the Dread Youth.
rdf:langString Tank meets another man from the Babylon 5 genetic engineering facility and must confront him when civilian hostages are taken.
rdf:langString Lord Dread's race to find Power triggers his own memories of the Metal Wars and how he and Power's father parted ways. The origins of Soaron are also revealed.
rdf:langString The Power Team pick up a bunch of refugees after staving off a Dread attack on them. Power suspects a spy amongst the refugees and dispatches Scout to unveil the snitch. Steve Gerber's script introduces the mysterious operative Morgana and sets the tone for her relationship with Lord Dread , with an unexpected twist for Captain Power.
rdf:langString The Power Team discovers entire areas devoid of human life but find leaflets offering promise of a well-stocked human settlement. Power decides to pose as a refugee to find out more, but the mission takes an unexpected turn.
rdf:langString Hawk rescues a boy pursued by Dread's forces. The team is determined to discover more about the boy's origins, especially when the places he just left become contaminated by a mysterious illness.
rdf:langString The team encounters an old general who has been broken by Lord Dread's offensives.
rdf:langString Captain Power visits his father's grave, where he remembers the origins of the Metal Wars and his father's role in it. Lord Dread, who was once a close friend of Power's father, goes out to find the younger Power.
rdf:langString Power attempts to find and activate a new Power Base, which had been created by his father somewhere within the Arctic Circle. But first they raid a Dread installation for supplies and fuel. Their mission is cut short when the JumpShip is severely damaged and crash lands in a densely forested area in northern Canada.
rdf:langString Power and his team are on the run after the Power Base is destroyed by Pilot. They take refuge in the Passages to lick their wounds, but Power is consumed by his desire for revenge on Locke, the man responsible for the death of Pilot. His plan ultimately brings him face to face with the new Lord Dread, a cyborg who is now far more machine than man. Also, a woman by the name of Chris "Ranger" O'Connor comes into the picture.
rdf:langString While attempting to gather more data on Project Rebirth, Captain Power, Tank and Ranger are marooned on a tropical island where the evil Dr Severius is carrying out horrific experiments for Lord Dread, experiments which have created a race of mutants with strange powers. While Jonathan strives to persuade the mutants to ally with the humans struggling for freedom, Hawk, Scout and TNT must hold out against Dread and his forces all by themselves. The sub-title for the final chapter of this story arc comes from the poem Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley, which includes the line, "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
rdf:langString The Bio-Dread Empire orders the destruction of all books. The Power team scramble to save all literary artifacts, but Tank is wounded in an attempt to save a librarian and her collection of antique tomes.
rdf:langString Emboldened with the information given by Soaron, Lord Dread sends Blastarr and a squad of soldiers to ambush the male members of the team as they exit the gate on a Christmas Day patrol, and slip through to the Power Base, where Pilot has to fight off the invaders on her own. In a last act of defiance, she wires the base to self-destruct, but not before sending various equipment and key elements of Mentor out on a hover-bike for the rest of the team to recover.
rdf:langString While attempting to gather more data on Project Rebirth, Captain Power, Tank and Ranger are marooned on a tropical island where the evil Dr Severius is carrying out horrific experiments for Lord Dread, experiments which have created a race of mutants with strange powers. While Jonathan strives to persuade the mutants to ally with the humans struggling for freedom, Hawk, Scout and TNT must hold out against Dread and his forces all by themselves. The title for this three part story arc comes from the poem The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats, which includes the lines "The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned".
rdf:langString The Power Team head to Darktown to meet a courier from Eden II, a secret human refuge often derided as a myth. Determined to prove Eden II's existence, Power tries to coerce more information from the courier, who gives them an orange apparently grown at Eden II's natural gardens.
rdf:langString Three weeks after the Power Team's disruption of Project New Order, Lord Dread launches a worldwide crackdown against all of humanity. The Soldiers of the Future combat Dread's troops at every possible hotspot and try to save as many people as they can. However, after being injured during one of the battles, Blastarr discovers the Power Team's warpgate capabilities and alerts Lord Dread. Activating his stealth camouflage, Soaron provides Lord Dread with the frequency of the Power Team's warp gate activation code. Concerned that OverMind is corrupting Lackki to watch over him, Lord Dread engineers an accident to dispose of the robot for good.
rdf:langString After finding parts to repair the JumpShip in a raid of the Baron's warehouse, Hawk and Scout struggle to repair the ship while Tank, Chris and the Archers attempt to capture the Baron's laser cannon. Only the cannon has sufficient power to hold off the growing plasma storm. But Dread has too many forces protecting the cannon, so Captain Power draws attention away from it by challenging Dread to a fight to the death.
rdf:langString Power is lured to a devastated San Francisco , where he meets an enigmatic woman from his past.
rdf:langString Crashing in the Great Northern Forest, Power and his men are attacked by a phalanx of troopers and then captured by an armed group carrying high tech bows and arrows who call themselves "The Archers". Angry that the JumpShip's crash has destroyed a large amount of prime forest and fearful that the crash will draw Dread's forces into their land in greater numbers, the Archers threaten to kill Power and his team.
rdf:langString Captain Power obtains information about Charon, one element of Lord Dread's Project New Order, designed to produce a new fleet of Bio Dreads.
rdf:langString The East Coast Resistance organizes a meeting of top rebel leaders with the Power Team's help. A traitor puts everything in jeopardy.
rdf:langString The Hunter-Seekers begin igniting a plasma storm as ordered while the Power team watches in horror from a distance. Dread vows to destroy the entire forest unless Power surrenders to him. Ignoring the Captain's orders, Hawk attempts to stop the BioDreads from spreading the holocaust, but when his suit's power begins to fail, he is shot out of the sky and falls into the middle of the raging plasma storm.
rdf:langString Pilot uses her past in the BioDread Youth to infiltrate one of the BioDread Empire's medical laboratories to steal a vaccine. The mission is put at risk as she encounters another BioDread Youth who attacks her.
rdf:langString The story deals with a possibly alien race or humans in exile who escaped Earth and are sitting in judgment over what has transpired on Earth. One of these neutral observers of the battle between Power and Dread chooses to align himself with the humans – violating his non-interference directive.
rdf:langString A former Earth Forces soldier infiltrates the Power Base to present himself as an additional candidate for the Power Team. However, his brazenness and the risk of compromising the base angers the group.
rdf:langString Unable to find Jonathan after his fall from the cliff, the remaining team members go with the Archers to a meeting with a man they call the "Trader". But unbeknownst to his team, Power was rescued from the river by the Trader, who identifies him as being wanted by Dread. Dread sends his newest BioDreads, the "Hunter-Seekers" to attack the rebellious group, who find the new units nearly indestructible. The group manages to escape, but Dread orders them to surrender at once or he will create a plasma storm which will burn everything within a 1000 km radius.
rdf:langString Tank goes berserk after he drinks water laced with a psychotic drug. Hawk is assigned to calm him down while the others trace the source of the drug.
rdf:langString Realizing that Lord Dread has completed the Icarus and Prometheus phases of Project New Order, the Power Team assaults the Icarus command station in Volcania and reprogram the satellite to crash on the place in the hope of destroying both programs.
rdf:langString Captain Power plugs into the "web" to learn more information about Project New Order, but Lord Dread is aware of his online presence and tries to stop him.
rdf:langString Despite Soaron's best efforts to stop it, the Icarus satellite crashes into the main structure in Volcania causing extensive damage to the base, but deflector shields minimize the damage to the Prometheus facilities. The Power Team heads back to Volcania to finish the job but Blastarr, a new BioDread Warlord, stands in the way. Power also has a short fight with Lord Dread.
rdf:langString While Power and the team are gaining the trust of the Archers, Dread seeks an alliance the "Baron", a tyrant who attempts to rule the forest people through his use of force. Learning of the unholy alliance, the Power team and the Archers mount a joint recon mission. But the Captain finds himself in great personal danger when his Power Suit runs out of juice as the "clickers" attack.
rdf:langString While attempting to gather more data on Project Rebirth, Captain Power, Tank and Ranger are marooned on a tropical island where the evil Dr. Severius is carrying out horrific experiments for Lord Dread, experiments which have created a race of mutants with strange powers. While Jonathan strives to persuade the mutants to ally with the humans struggling for freedom, Hawk, Scout and TNT must hold out against Dread and his forces all by themselves. The sub-title for the second part of the story arc is from the poem The Tyger by William Blake, which begins, "Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright".
rdf:langString Lord Dread commissions a blind artist prodigy to create portraits of his ideal world. Power tries to make her understand Lord Dread's deception, especially after Lord Dread threatens to kill her friends.
rdf:langString n/a
rdf:langString J. Michael Straczynski
rdf:langString Michael Reaves
rdf:langString Larry DiTillio
rdf:langString Christy Marx
rdf:langString David Bennett Carren, J. Larry Carroll
rdf:langString Katherine Lawrence
rdf:langString Marc Scott Zicree
rdf:langString Marc Scott Zicree, J. Michael Straczynski
rdf:langString Mark Cassutt
rdf:langString The Captain Power title card.
rdf:langString Landmark Entertainment Group
rdf:langString Canada
rdf:langString United States
rdf:langString Landmark Entertainment Group
rdf:langString Tony Christopher
rdf:langString Gary Goddard
xsd:date 1987-09-01
xsd:date 1988-03-27
<ampere> 416.0
rdf:langString BCC9D2
rdf:langString Toronto, Ontario, Canada
xsd:integer 22
rdf:langString not produced
<second> 1320.0
rdf:langString Judgment
rdf:langString The Observer
rdf:langString Pariah
rdf:langString The Room
rdf:langString The Ferryman
rdf:langString The Intruder
rdf:langString The Abyss
rdf:langString Shattered
rdf:langString A Fire in the Dark
rdf:langString A Passion Forged in Steel
rdf:langString A Summoning of Thunder, Part I
rdf:langString A Summoning of Thunder, Part II
rdf:langString And Madness Shall Reign
rdf:langString And Study War No More
rdf:langString Code Name: Ranger
rdf:langString Face of Darkness
rdf:langString Final Stand
rdf:langString Flame Street
rdf:langString Freedom One
rdf:langString Gemini and Counting
rdf:langString New Order, Part I: The Sky Shall Swallow Them
rdf:langString New Order, Part II: The Land Shall Burn Them
rdf:langString Retribution, Part I
rdf:langString Retribution, Part II
rdf:langString The Archers, Part I: The Order of the Arrow
rdf:langString The Archers, Part II: Visions in Ultraviolet
rdf:langString The Archers, Part III: The Willow and the Oak
rdf:langString The Archers, Part IV: Plasma Storm Raging
rdf:langString The Archers, Part V: Death and Beyond
rdf:langString The Blood Dimmed Tide, Part II: Tyger, Tyger
rdf:langString The Blood Dimmed Tide, Part III: Ozymandias
rdf:langString The Eden Road
rdf:langString The Mirror in Darkness
rdf:langString The Rose of Yesterday
rdf:langString Unnamed script 15
rdf:langString Unnamed script 16
rdf:langString Unnamed script 17
rdf:langString Unnamed script 18
rdf:langString Vendetta, Part I
rdf:langString Vendetta, Part II
rdf:langString Wardogs
rdf:langString The Blood Dimmed Tide, Part I: The Ceremony of Innocence
rdf:langString الكابتن باور (Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future) كابتن باور موجه للمراهقين عرض على كابتن باور مدبلج للعربية بواسطة مركز الزهرة. يحكي المسلسل عن كابتن شجاع اسمه باور يحاول هو واصدقائه التصدي للاشرار. بدأ المسلسل في عام 1987 - 88 وهذا المسلسل من نوعية الخيال العلمي. كما تم إنتاج خط لعبة من قبل شركة ماتيل، وخلال كل حلقة كان هناك القطعة التي شملت البصرية والسمعية المواد التي تتفاعل مع اللعب.
rdf:langString Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future is a science fiction-action television series, merging live action with animation based on computer-generated images, that ran for 22 episodes in Canadian and American syndication. A toy line was also produced by Mattel, and during each episode there was a segment that included visual and audio material which interacted with the toys. A production of Landmark Entertainment Group, Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future was created by Gary Goddard and Tony Christopher, and developed by Marc Scott Zicree, with J. Michael Straczynski becoming de facto head writer. Plans to bring the series back, set 28 years after the first series, were announced in July 2016. Goddard Film Group, headed by one of the original series co-creators, Gary Goddard, was one of the development team of the new series.
rdf:langString Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future conocido en Hispanoamérica como Capitán Poder y los Soldados del Futuro es una serie de televisión de ciencia ficción de 22 episodios que combina actores reales con animación hecha en computadora. Una línea de juguetes fue producida por Mattel y durante cada episodio había un segmento audiovisual que interactuaba con los juguetes.​​​
rdf:langString Captain Power et les soldats du futur (Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future) est une série télévisée de science-fiction canado-américaine en 22 épisodes de 22 minutes, créée par Tony Christopher et , diffusée entre le 1er septembre 1987 et le 27 mars 1988 en syndication. Au Québec, elle a été diffusée sur CFCF-TV (CTV) pour le marché de Montréal. En France, elle a été diffusée à partir du 30 mars 1988 sur chaîne La Cinq. Rediffusion partielle (9 épisodes) du 19 au 29 mars 1991 sur La Cinq. Cette série mélange acteurs réels et personnages réalisés en images de synthèse.
rdf:langString 『キャプテンパワー』(原題:Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future)は、アメリカ合衆国の特撮テレビドラマ。1987年9月20日から1988年3月27日まで放送された。全22話。 日本では1987年10月22日から1988年2月25日までテレビ朝日にて木曜日18時50分から放送されたが、初回放送時は18話までの放送で、1989年の再放送時に全話放送された。ローカルセールスによる自主編成のため、放送されていない地域もあった。 キッズステーションでも再放送された。
rdf:langString Capitan Power e i combattenti del futuro (Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future), meglio noto semplicemente come Capitan Power, è un telefilm di fantascienza prodotto negli Stati Uniti dove fu trasmesso tra il 1987 e il 1988. In Italia, la serie venne trasmessa dal circuito Odeon TV. Ambientata in un prossimo futuro postapocalittico, la serie narra di un pugno di soldati impegnati a salvare l'umanità superstite dal dominio delle macchine. Esperimento unico nel suo genere, la particolarità della serie consisteva nell'interattività tra telefilm e merchandising: gli action figure in vendita nei negozi reagivano agli impulsi audio e video trasmessi durante la serie televisiva. Una serie di videocassette di cartoni animati, studiati principalmente per l'interazione con il merchandise, è stata messa in vendita parallelamente nello stesso periodo.
rdf:langString Kapitan Power i żołnierze przyszłości (ang. Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future) – serial telewizyjny o tematyce science-fiction z lat osiemdziesiątych. Tytułową rolę odgrywał aktor Tim Dunigan. W Polsce emitowany był w Telewizji Polsat, ATV oraz Tele3 Katowice.
rdf:langString «Капитан Пауэр и солдаты будущего» (англ. Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future) — американский фантастический телесериал. В сериале использованы каноны сериала «Metal Hero». В СССР показ сериала начался 5 декабря 1991 года на телеканале 2x2. Над сериалом работал главный создатель научно-фантастического сериала «Вавилон-5» — Джозеф Майкл Стражински.
rdf:langString 《飛龍特攻隊》(原文:Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future)是美國1987年製作的電視影集,於1987年9月1日至1988年3月27日播映,全22集。1988年2月13日至於7月16日間,由台灣台灣電視公司引進,於每週六晚上8:00~8:30時段播出;台視更於1990年農曆初三(1月29日)晚上8:30~10:30放映將影集重新編輯而成的《飛龍隊長》(Project New Order,但更早之前年代影視曾發行過錄影帶,同樣譯為《飛龍特攻隊》)。 本片已於2011年12月6日,在美國發行了收錄全集的25週年紀念版DVD。
rdf:langString n/a
rdf:langString Doug Williams
rdf:langString Jorge Montesi
rdf:langString Aiken Scherberger
rdf:langString Mario Azzopardi
rdf:langString Otta Hanus
xsd:integer 1
xsd:integer 2
xsd:integer 3
xsd:integer 4
xsd:integer 5
xsd:integer 6
xsd:integer 7
xsd:integer 8
xsd:integer 9
xsd:integer 10
xsd:integer 11
xsd:integer 12
xsd:integer 13
xsd:integer 14
xsd:integer 15
xsd:integer 16
xsd:integer 17
xsd:integer 18
xsd:integer 19
xsd:integer 20
xsd:integer 21
xsd:integer 22
xsd:integer 23
xsd:integer 24
rdf:langString n/a
xsd:date 1987-09-20
xsd:date 1987-09-27
xsd:date 1987-10-04
xsd:date 1987-10-11
xsd:date 1987-10-18
xsd:date 1987-10-25
xsd:date 1987-11-01
xsd:date 1987-11-08
xsd:date 1987-11-15
xsd:date 1987-11-22
xsd:date 1987-11-29
xsd:date 1988-01-10
xsd:date 1988-01-17
xsd:date 1988-01-31
xsd:date 1988-02-07
xsd:date 1988-02-14
xsd:date 1988-02-21
xsd:date 1988-02-28
xsd:date 1988-03-06
xsd:date 1988-03-13
xsd:date 1988-03-20
xsd:date 1988-03-27
<minute> 22.0
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 60270
xsd:date 1988-03-27
xsd:string 0092329
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 22
xsd:date 1987-09-01
xsd:double 1320.0

data from the linked data cloud