Cant deficiency
Dans le profil en travers d'une voie ferrée en courbe, l'insuffisance de dévers est l'écart, négatif, entre le dévers théoriquement nécessaire pour compenser la force centrifuge et le dévers réel.
The term "cant deficiency" is defined in the context of travel of a rail vehicle at constant speed on a constant radius curve. Cant itself is a British synonym for the superelevation of the curve, that is, the elevation of the outside rail minus the elevation of the inside rail. Cant deficiency is present when a vehicle's speed on a curve is greater than the speed at which the components of wheel to rail force are normal to the plane of the track. In that case, the resultant force (aggregated force of gravitational force and centrifugal force) exerts the outside rail more than the inside rails, in which it creates lateral acceleration toward outside of the curve. In order to reduce cant deficiency, the speed can be reduced or the superelevation can be increased. The amount of cant deficien
Cant deficiency
Insuffisance de dévers
The term "cant deficiency" is defined in the context of travel of a rail vehicle at constant speed on a constant radius curve. Cant itself is a British synonym for the superelevation of the curve, that is, the elevation of the outside rail minus the elevation of the inside rail. Cant deficiency is present when a vehicle's speed on a curve is greater than the speed at which the components of wheel to rail force are normal to the plane of the track. In that case, the resultant force (aggregated force of gravitational force and centrifugal force) exerts the outside rail more than the inside rails, in which it creates lateral acceleration toward outside of the curve. In order to reduce cant deficiency, the speed can be reduced or the superelevation can be increased. The amount of cant deficiency is expressed in term of required superelevation to be added in order to bring the resultant force into balance between the two rails. In the contrary, it is said to be "cant excess" if the resultant force exerts more against the inside rail than the outside rail, for instance, a high superelevation curve with a train traveling at a low speed.
Dans le profil en travers d'une voie ferrée en courbe, l'insuffisance de dévers est l'écart, négatif, entre le dévers théoriquement nécessaire pour compenser la force centrifuge et le dévers réel.