California Building Standards Code
The California Building Standards Code is the building code for California, and Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR). It is maintained by the California Building Standards Commission which is granted the authority to oversee processes related to the California building codes by California Building Standards Law. The California building codes under Title 24 are established based on several criteria: standards adopted by states based on national model codes, national model codes adapted to meet California conditions, and standards passed by the California legislature that address concerns specific to California.
California Building Standards Code
The California Building Standards Code is the building code for California, and Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR). It is maintained by the California Building Standards Commission which is granted the authority to oversee processes related to the California building codes by California Building Standards Law. The California building codes under Title 24 are established based on several criteria: standards adopted by states based on national model codes, national model codes adapted to meet California conditions, and standards passed by the California legislature that address concerns specific to California. Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) consist of 13 parts: Part 1-California Administrative Code Part 2-California Building Code Part 2.5-California Residential Code Part 3-California Electrical Code Part 4-California Mechanical Code Part 5-California Plumbing Code Part 6-California Energy Code Part 7- Reserved Part 8-California Historical Building Code Part 9-California Fire Code Part 10-California Existing Building Code Part 11-California Green Building Standards Code Part 12-California Referenced Standards Code Portions of editions of the California building codes are published by the International Code Council (ICC), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), and BNi Building News. As they are, in effect, amended versions of copyright works such as the International Building Code (IBC) maintained by the International Code Council (ICC), the regulations have substantial portions under copyright, and hence may be withheld from the public or individuals, but still have the force of law. In 2008, Carl Malamud published the California Building Standards Code on Public.Resource.Org for free.