CRT projector an entity of type: Person
Un projector TRC o projector a TRC és un tipus de projector de vídeo en el qual la imatge es genera com en un televisor clàssic mitjançant tubs TRC. Típicament, s'utilitzen tres tubs: vermell, verd i blau, que produeixen tres imatges diferents que cal superposar perfectament per tal d'obtenir una correcta imatge de color.
Ein Röhrenprojektor ist ein Projektor zur Wiedergabe von Video- und Computersignalen.
Un proyector TRC o proyector CRT es un tipo de proyector de vídeo en el que se genera la imagen como en un televisor normal mediante tubos de rayos catódicos. Típicamente, se utilizan tres tubos de rojo, verde y azul para producir tres imágenes diferentes que deben superponerse perfectamente a fin de obtener una imagen en color. La superposición de imágenes se realiza mediante lentes. Existen varios diseños de lentes, entre los que se incluyen las lentes «directas» a CRT y las .
음극선관 프로젝터 또는 CRT 프로젝터는 작고 매우 밝은 음극선관을 영상을 만들어 내는 데에 쓰이는 영상 프로젝터이다. 영상은 렌즈를 사용하여 CRT 표면 앞에서 화면이 확대되어 초점이 맞춰진다. 꽤 현대의 음극 선관 프로젝터는 들어오는 비디오 신호의 3 개의 빨강, 초록, 파랑의 색을 처리하여 영상이 렌즈에 초점이 맞춰되는 각 CRT로 보내면서 화면에 완전한 그림을 만들어 낸다. 다양한 설계가 있는데, "다이렉트" CRT 렌즈 디자인, -CRT 등을 들 수 있다.
Кинескопный видеопроектор или CRT-проектор (от англ. Cathode Ray Tube, CRT — электронно-лучевая трубка) — разновидность видеопроектора, источником света в котором являются люминофор одного или нескольких кинескопов с повышенной яркостью свечения. До конца XX века видеопроекторы этого типа получили наиболее широкое распространение в небольших аудиториях, поскольку светоклапанные устройства типа «Эйдофор» были чрезвычайно громоздки, дороги и требовали квалифицированного обслуживания.
A CRT projector is a video projector that uses a small, high-brightness cathode ray tube (CRT) as the image generating element. The image is then focused and enlarged onto a screen using a lens kept in front of the CRT face. The first color CRT projectors came out in the early 1950s. Most modern CRT projectors are color and have three separate CRTs (instead of a single, color CRT), and their own lenses to achieve color images. The red, green and blue portions of the incoming video signal are processed and sent to the respective CRTs whose images are focused by their lenses to achieve the overall picture on the screen. Various designs have made it to production, including the "direct" CRT-lens design, and the Schmidt CRT, which employed a phosphor screen that illuminates a perforated spheri
Projector CRT
Proyector TRC
CRT projector
음극선관 프로젝터
Кинескопный видеопроектор
Un projector TRC o projector a TRC és un tipus de projector de vídeo en el qual la imatge es genera com en un televisor clàssic mitjançant tubs TRC. Típicament, s'utilitzen tres tubs: vermell, verd i blau, que produeixen tres imatges diferents que cal superposar perfectament per tal d'obtenir una correcta imatge de color.
A CRT projector is a video projector that uses a small, high-brightness cathode ray tube (CRT) as the image generating element. The image is then focused and enlarged onto a screen using a lens kept in front of the CRT face. The first color CRT projectors came out in the early 1950s. Most modern CRT projectors are color and have three separate CRTs (instead of a single, color CRT), and their own lenses to achieve color images. The red, green and blue portions of the incoming video signal are processed and sent to the respective CRTs whose images are focused by their lenses to achieve the overall picture on the screen. Various designs have made it to production, including the "direct" CRT-lens design, and the Schmidt CRT, which employed a phosphor screen that illuminates a perforated spherical mirror, all within an evacuated cathode ray tube. The image in the Sinclair Microvision flat CRT is viewed from the same side of the phosphor struck by the electron beam. The other side of the screen can be connected directly to a heat sink, allowing the projector to run at much brighter power levels than the more common CRT arrangement. Though systems utilizing projected video at one time almost exclusively used CRT projectors, they have largely been replaced by other technologies such as LCD projection and Digital Light Processing. Improvements in these digital video projectors, and their subsequent increased availability and desirability, resulted in a drastic decline of CRT projector sales by the year 2009. As of 2012, very few (if any) new units are manufactured, though a number of installers do sell refurbished units, generally higher-end 8" and 9" models. Some of the first CRT projection tubes were made in 1933, and by 1938 CRT projectors were already in use in theaters.
Ein Röhrenprojektor ist ein Projektor zur Wiedergabe von Video- und Computersignalen.
Un proyector TRC o proyector CRT es un tipo de proyector de vídeo en el que se genera la imagen como en un televisor normal mediante tubos de rayos catódicos. Típicamente, se utilizan tres tubos de rojo, verde y azul para producir tres imágenes diferentes que deben superponerse perfectamente a fin de obtener una imagen en color. La superposición de imágenes se realiza mediante lentes. Existen varios diseños de lentes, entre los que se incluyen las lentes «directas» a CRT y las .
음극선관 프로젝터 또는 CRT 프로젝터는 작고 매우 밝은 음극선관을 영상을 만들어 내는 데에 쓰이는 영상 프로젝터이다. 영상은 렌즈를 사용하여 CRT 표면 앞에서 화면이 확대되어 초점이 맞춰진다. 꽤 현대의 음극 선관 프로젝터는 들어오는 비디오 신호의 3 개의 빨강, 초록, 파랑의 색을 처리하여 영상이 렌즈에 초점이 맞춰되는 각 CRT로 보내면서 화면에 완전한 그림을 만들어 낸다. 다양한 설계가 있는데, "다이렉트" CRT 렌즈 디자인, -CRT 등을 들 수 있다.
Кинескопный видеопроектор или CRT-проектор (от англ. Cathode Ray Tube, CRT — электронно-лучевая трубка) — разновидность видеопроектора, источником света в котором являются люминофор одного или нескольких кинескопов с повышенной яркостью свечения. До конца XX века видеопроекторы этого типа получили наиболее широкое распространение в небольших аудиториях, поскольку светоклапанные устройства типа «Эйдофор» были чрезвычайно громоздки, дороги и требовали квалифицированного обслуживания.