COVID-19 pandemic in California an entity of type: Thing
كانت كاليفورنيا الولاية الأمريكية الأولى التي تسجِّل إصابة مؤكدة مرتبطة بجائحة فيروس كورونا 2019–20 بتاريخ 26 يناير. وبدأت الولاية بتطبيق قانون الطواريء اعتبارًا من 4 مارس 2020. كما أنه في 19 مارس، اُصْدِر قرار يُجْبِر سكان الولاية على البقاء في منازلهم وعدم الخروج. واستنادًا إلى إدارة الصحة العامة في كاليفورنيا، فإنه بحلول 13 مايو 2020، بَلَغَت أعداد الإصابات المؤكدة في الولاية ما مقداره 74,936 أصابة، مع تسجيل 3,108 حالة وفاة بسبب مرض كوفيد-19.
El primer caso de la pandemia de COVID-19 en California, estado de los Estados Unidos, inició el 26 de enero de 2020. Hay 175.213 casos confirmados y 5.494 fallecidos.
Kasus pertama terkait pandemi COVID-19 di negara bagian California dikonfirmasi pada 26 Januari. Keadaan darurat diberlakukan di negara bagian tersebut sejak 4 Maret. Perintah bertahan di rumah dikeluarkan pada 19 Maret. Pada 5 Mei 2020, (CDPH) melaporkan 58.815 kasus terkonfirmasi dan 2.412 kematian di negara bagian tersebut.
2019冠狀病毒病加利福尼亞州疫情,介紹2019冠狀病毒病疫情中,美国加利福尼亞州各地的確診病例,疑似病例個案詳情。3月4日,在普萊瑟縣出現第一例病死於冠狀病毒病的病例之後,州長紐瑟姆宣佈全州進入緊急狀態。3月19日,州長纽瑟姆發布禁足令,要求加州的4000萬名居民非必須情況下不得出門。3月22日,美国总统特朗普宣布加利福尼亚州为疫情重大灾区。根据公布的数据,截至2020年11月27日,加州境内累计已有1,183,320名确诊病例和19,089名死亡病例。 6月18日,加州公共衛生署發佈了通用面罩佩戴指南。各縣可遵循此指南要求所有2歲以上的人在所有室內公共場所中以及在無法保持社交距離的室外場所中都需佩戴布制面罩。(餐館內(如果保持社交距離),囚犯和患有特殊疾病的人除外)。 7月22日,加州超過紐約州成為美國确诊COVID-19病例最多的州。然而,加州的感染者比例比紐約要小。截至2020年9月28日,加州是美國確診病例最多的州,人均確診病例數位居全美第25位。在與COVID-19相關的死亡人數方面,加州第四多,在人均死亡人數中則排名第25。 加利福尼亞州是的起源地, 截至2021年3月,感染該變異株的病例占该州所有COVID-19确诊病例的35%。
Ten of the first twenty confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States occurred in California, the first of which was confirmed on January 26, 2020. All of the early confirmed cases were persons who had recently travelled to China, as testing was restricted to this group. On January 29, 2020, as disease containment protocols were still being developed, the U.S. Department of State evacuated 195 persons from Wuhan, China aboard a chartered flight to March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, and in the process may have contributed to spread within the state and the US at large. On February 5, 2020, the U.S. evacuated 345 more citizens from Hubei Province to two military bases in California, Travis Air Force Base in Solano County and Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, San Diego, where they we
Il primo caso relativo alla pandemia di COVID-19 in California, negli Stati Uniti è stato confermato il 26 gennaio 2020. Dal 4 marzo 2020 è in vigore uno stato di emergenza. Il 19 marzo è stato emesso un ordine di soggiorno obbligatorio in tutto lo stato. A partire dal 7 dicembre 2020, il Dipartimento della sanità pubblica della California (CDPH) ha riferito 1.366.435 casi confermati e 19.935 decessi nello stato. Al 30 dicembre 2020, la California ha somministrato 300.696 dosi di vaccino COVID-19, pari allo 0,76% della popolazione.
COVID-19 pandemic in California
جائحة فيروس كورونا في كاليفورنيا
Pandemia de COVID-19 en California
Pandemi Covid-19 di California
Pandemia di COVID-19 in California
COVID-19 pandemic in California
COVID-19 Prevalence in California by county.svg
September 2021
California, U.S
via ArcGIS
More recent events need to be updated
Center for Geospatial Science and Technology
LA County Communities COVID-19 Cases
Steven Graves
Tracking California coronavirus confirmed cases
continuously updated
At least 221,000 in April 2020
كانت كاليفورنيا الولاية الأمريكية الأولى التي تسجِّل إصابة مؤكدة مرتبطة بجائحة فيروس كورونا 2019–20 بتاريخ 26 يناير. وبدأت الولاية بتطبيق قانون الطواريء اعتبارًا من 4 مارس 2020. كما أنه في 19 مارس، اُصْدِر قرار يُجْبِر سكان الولاية على البقاء في منازلهم وعدم الخروج. واستنادًا إلى إدارة الصحة العامة في كاليفورنيا، فإنه بحلول 13 مايو 2020، بَلَغَت أعداد الإصابات المؤكدة في الولاية ما مقداره 74,936 أصابة، مع تسجيل 3,108 حالة وفاة بسبب مرض كوفيد-19.
Ten of the first twenty confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States occurred in California, the first of which was confirmed on January 26, 2020. All of the early confirmed cases were persons who had recently travelled to China, as testing was restricted to this group. On January 29, 2020, as disease containment protocols were still being developed, the U.S. Department of State evacuated 195 persons from Wuhan, China aboard a chartered flight to March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County, and in the process may have contributed to spread within the state and the US at large. On February 5, 2020, the U.S. evacuated 345 more citizens from Hubei Province to two military bases in California, Travis Air Force Base in Solano County and Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, San Diego, where they were quarantined for 14 days. A state of emergency was declared in the state on March 4, 2020. A mandatory statewide stay-at-home order was issued on March 19, 2020, that was ended on January 25, 2021. On April 6, 2021, the state announced plans to fully reopen the economy by June 15, 2021. As of June 16, 2022, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has reported 9,199,942 confirmed cumulative cases and 91,240 deaths in the state, the highest number of confirmed cases in the United States, and the 41st-highest number of confirmed cases per capita. It has the highest count of deaths related to the virus, and the 35th-highest count of deaths per capita. As of June 15, 2021, California administered 40,669,793 COVID-19 vaccine doses, the largest number of doses nationwide, and currently 11th of 50 states in terms of per capita dose administration. The slow initial rollout of vaccinations, along with the timing and scope of state COVID-19 restrictions, triggered a wide-scale effort to recall Governor Gavin Newsom in 2021. California is the origin of the Epsilon variant of SARS-CoV-2, which by March 2021, accounted for 35% of all confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state.
El primer caso de la pandemia de COVID-19 en California, estado de los Estados Unidos, inició el 26 de enero de 2020. Hay 175.213 casos confirmados y 5.494 fallecidos.
Kasus pertama terkait pandemi COVID-19 di negara bagian California dikonfirmasi pada 26 Januari. Keadaan darurat diberlakukan di negara bagian tersebut sejak 4 Maret. Perintah bertahan di rumah dikeluarkan pada 19 Maret. Pada 5 Mei 2020, (CDPH) melaporkan 58.815 kasus terkonfirmasi dan 2.412 kematian di negara bagian tersebut.
Il primo caso relativo alla pandemia di COVID-19 in California, negli Stati Uniti è stato confermato il 26 gennaio 2020. Dal 4 marzo 2020 è in vigore uno stato di emergenza. Il 19 marzo è stato emesso un ordine di soggiorno obbligatorio in tutto lo stato. A partire dal 7 dicembre 2020, il Dipartimento della sanità pubblica della California (CDPH) ha riferito 1.366.435 casi confermati e 19.935 decessi nello stato. Al 28 settembre 2020, la California ha il maggior numero di casi confermati negli Stati Uniti e il 25° numero più alto di casi confermati pro capite. Ha il quarto conteggio più alto di decessi legati al virus e il 25º conteggio più alto di decessi pro capite. Il 9 agosto 2020, la dott.ssa Sonia Y. Angell ha rassegnato le dimissioni da Direttore CDPH e Funzionario statale per la salute pubblica. Il governatore Gavin Newsom ha indicato che le dimissioni di Angell erano legate a problemi di dati con il sistema CalREDIE (California Reportable Disease Information Exchange) che ha portato a quasi 300.000 risultati dei test COVID-19 registrati. Il 10 agosto 2020, Sandra Shewry è stata nominata direttrice ad interim e la dott.ssa Erica Pan, epidemiologa dello stato della California, è stata nominata funzionaria statale della sanità pubblica. Il 26 ottobre 2020, San Francisco e Oakland hanno eliminato gradualmente il sistema di test COVID-19 della società sorella di Google Verily in seguito alle preoccupazioni sulla privacy dei dati dei pazienti e ai reclami sul suo finanziamento, che nonostante l'intenzione di aumentare i test nei quartieri neri e latini a basso reddito ne stavano beneficiando residenti ad alto reddito in altre comunità. Al 30 dicembre 2020, la California ha somministrato 300.696 dosi di vaccino COVID-19, pari allo 0,76% della popolazione.
2019冠狀病毒病加利福尼亞州疫情,介紹2019冠狀病毒病疫情中,美国加利福尼亞州各地的確診病例,疑似病例個案詳情。3月4日,在普萊瑟縣出現第一例病死於冠狀病毒病的病例之後,州長紐瑟姆宣佈全州進入緊急狀態。3月19日,州長纽瑟姆發布禁足令,要求加州的4000萬名居民非必須情況下不得出門。3月22日,美国总统特朗普宣布加利福尼亚州为疫情重大灾区。根据公布的数据,截至2020年11月27日,加州境内累计已有1,183,320名确诊病例和19,089名死亡病例。 6月18日,加州公共衛生署發佈了通用面罩佩戴指南。各縣可遵循此指南要求所有2歲以上的人在所有室內公共場所中以及在無法保持社交距離的室外場所中都需佩戴布制面罩。(餐館內(如果保持社交距離),囚犯和患有特殊疾病的人除外)。 7月22日,加州超過紐約州成為美國确诊COVID-19病例最多的州。然而,加州的感染者比例比紐約要小。截至2020年9月28日,加州是美國確診病例最多的州,人均確診病例數位居全美第25位。在與COVID-19相關的死亡人數方面,加州第四多,在人均死亡人數中則排名第25。 加利福尼亞州是的起源地, 截至2021年3月,感染該變異株的病例占该州所有COVID-19确诊病例的35%。