Brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome
Brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome (BAOS) is a pathological condition affecting short nosed dogs and cats which can lead to severe respiratory distress. There are four different anatomical abnormalities that contribute to the disease, all of which occur more commonly in brachycephalic breeds: an elongated soft palate, stenotic nares, a hypoplastic trachea, and everted laryngeal saccules (a condition which occurs secondary to the other abnormalities). Because all of these components make it more difficult to breathe in situations of exercise, stress, or heat, an animal with these abnormalities may be unable to take deep or fast enough breaths to blow off carbon dioxide. This leads to distress and further increases respiratory rate and heart rate, creating a vicious cycle that can qu
El síndrome braquiocefálico, de “braqui” significa “acortado” y “céfalo” significa “cabeza”, también denominado síndrome respiratorio de los braquicéfalos, es una patología obstructiva de las vías respiratorias que se genera por un aumento en la resistencia de las vías aéreas, caracterizada por una nariz estenótica, cornetes y nasofaringe turbinados, prolongación del paladar blando y eversión de los sáculos laríngeos.
Síndrome braquiocefálico
Brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome
Brachycefaal Obstructief Syndroom
Stenotic nares in a Boxer before and after surgery.
Stenotic nares after.jpg
Stenotic nares before1.jpg
Brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome (BAOS) is a pathological condition affecting short nosed dogs and cats which can lead to severe respiratory distress. There are four different anatomical abnormalities that contribute to the disease, all of which occur more commonly in brachycephalic breeds: an elongated soft palate, stenotic nares, a hypoplastic trachea, and everted laryngeal saccules (a condition which occurs secondary to the other abnormalities). Because all of these components make it more difficult to breathe in situations of exercise, stress, or heat, an animal with these abnormalities may be unable to take deep or fast enough breaths to blow off carbon dioxide. This leads to distress and further increases respiratory rate and heart rate, creating a vicious cycle that can quickly lead to a life-threatening situation. Brachycephalic dogs have a higher risk of dying during air travel and many commercial airlines refuse to transport them. Dogs experiencing a crisis situation due to brachycephalic syndrome typically benefit from oxygen, cool temperatures, sedatives, and in some cases more advanced medical intervention, including intubation. BAOS is also referred to as Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome (BAS), Brachycephalic Syndrome (BS), and in the UK as Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS).
El síndrome braquiocefálico, de “braqui” significa “acortado” y “céfalo” significa “cabeza”, también denominado síndrome respiratorio de los braquicéfalos, es una patología obstructiva de las vías respiratorias que se genera por un aumento en la resistencia de las vías aéreas, caracterizada por una nariz estenótica, cornetes y nasofaringe turbinados, prolongación del paladar blando y eversión de los sáculos laríngeos. Afecta principalmente a las razas caninas: Bulldog (inglés, francés y Boston Bull terrier), Pequinés, Pug, Bóxer, Beagles, Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, Carlino y Shar Pei chinos. También hay felinos con este tipo de cráneo, como son los gatos persas y del Himalaya. Los perros que cursan con este síndrome generalmente presentan conformación craneofacial acortada, paladar blando elongado, disnea, intolerancia al ejercicio, ronquido, síncopes, cianosis, entre otros signos. El cuadro clínico que se presenta puede llevar a la muerte si no se trata adecuadamente.