Born coordinates an entity of type: WikicatCoordinateChartsInGeneralRelativity

En física relativista, las coordenadas de Born son un sistema de coordenadas para una parte del espacio-tiempo de Minkowski, el espacio-tiempo plano de la teoría de la relatividad especial. A menudo se utiliza para analizar la experiencia física de los observadores que viajan en un anillo o disco . Este sistema se atribuye a menudo a Max Born, debido a su trabajo de 1909 en la física relativista de un cuerpo en rotación (véase rigidez de Born). rdf:langString
상대성 이론에서 보른 좌표계(영어: Born coordinate system)는 민코프스키 공간의 일부에 대하여 정의하는 좌표계다. 이 좌표계에서는 원운동을 하는 관찰자의 궤적을 간단히 기술할 수 있다. 막스 보른의 이름을 땄다. rdf:langString
Координаты Борна в специальной теории относительности — система координат, применяемая для описания вращающейся окружности или (в более общем смысле) диска. rdf:langString
In relativistic physics, the Born coordinate chart is a coordinate chart for (part of) Minkowski spacetime, the flat spacetime of special relativity. It is often used to analyze the physical experience of observers who ride on a ring or disk rigidly rotating at relativistic speeds, so called Langevin observers. This chart is often attributed to Max Born, due to his 1909 work on the relativistic physics of a rotating body. For overview of the application of accelerations in flat spacetime, see Acceleration (special relativity) and proper reference frame (flat spacetime). rdf:langString
Die Born-Koordinaten beschreiben in der relativistischen Physik eine Karte für einen Teil des flachen Minkowski-Raumes der speziellen Relativitätstheorie, den räumlichen Zylinder mit Das entsprechende Linienelement mit der Signatur , also den natürlichen Einheiten und der Winkelgeschwindigkeit ist rdf:langString
rdf:langString Born-Koordinaten
rdf:langString Born coordinates
rdf:langString Coordenadas de Born
rdf:langString 보른 좌표계
rdf:langString Координаты Борна
xsd:integer 5186411
xsd:integer 1107857477
rdf:langString In relativistic physics, the Born coordinate chart is a coordinate chart for (part of) Minkowski spacetime, the flat spacetime of special relativity. It is often used to analyze the physical experience of observers who ride on a ring or disk rigidly rotating at relativistic speeds, so called Langevin observers. This chart is often attributed to Max Born, due to his 1909 work on the relativistic physics of a rotating body. For overview of the application of accelerations in flat spacetime, see Acceleration (special relativity) and proper reference frame (flat spacetime). From experience by inertial scenarios (i.e. measurements in inertial frames), Langevin observers synchronize their clocks by standard Einstein convention or by slow clock synchronization, respectively (both internal synchronizations). For a certain Langevin observer this method works perfectly. Within its immediate vicinity clocks are synchronized and light propagates isotropic in space. But the experience when the observers try to synchronize their clocks along a closed path in space is puzzling: there are always at least two neighboring clocks which have different times. To remedy the situation, the observers agree on an external synchronization procedure (coordinate time t — or for ring-riding observers, a proper coordinate time for a fixed radius r). By this agreement, Langevin observers riding on a rigidly rotating disk will conclude from measurements of small distances between themselves that the geometry of the disk is non-Euclidean. Regardless of which method they use, they will conclude that the geometry is well approximated by a certain Riemannian metric, namely the Langevin–Landau–Lifschitz metric. This is in turn very well approximated by the geometry of the hyperbolic plane (with the negative curvatures –3 ω2 and –3 ω2 r2, respectively). But if these observers measure larger distances, they will obtain different results, depending upon which method of measurement they use! In all such cases, however, they will most likely obtain results which are inconsistent with any Riemannian metric. In particular, if they use the simplest notion of distance, radar distance, owing to various effects such as the asymmetry already noted, they will conclude that the "geometry" of the disk is not only non-Euclidean, it is non-Riemannian. The rotating disk is not a paradox. Whatever method the observers use to analyze the situation: at the end they find themselves analyzing a rotating disk and not an inertial frame.
rdf:langString En física relativista, las coordenadas de Born son un sistema de coordenadas para una parte del espacio-tiempo de Minkowski, el espacio-tiempo plano de la teoría de la relatividad especial. A menudo se utiliza para analizar la experiencia física de los observadores que viajan en un anillo o disco . Este sistema se atribuye a menudo a Max Born, debido a su trabajo de 1909 en la física relativista de un cuerpo en rotación (véase rigidez de Born).
rdf:langString Die Born-Koordinaten beschreiben in der relativistischen Physik eine Karte für einen Teil des flachen Minkowski-Raumes der speziellen Relativitätstheorie, den räumlichen Zylinder mit Das entsprechende Linienelement mit der Signatur , also den natürlichen Einheiten und der Winkelgeschwindigkeit ist Die Born-Koordinaten werden für die mathematische Analyse der Physik von sogenannten Langevin-Beobachtern benutzt, die auf einem Ring mit konstantem Abstand zum Drehmittelpunkt rotierender starrer Scheiben ruhen (siehe Ehrenfestsches Paradoxon). Die erstmalige Beschreibung dieser Koordinaten erfolgte im Zusammenhang mit Max Borns (1909) relativistischer Physik der starren Körper, die für rotierende Körper unter anderem von Gustav Herglotz (1909) weiterentwickelt wurde. Für einen allgemeinen Überblick zu Beschleunigungen in der Minkowski-Raumzeit, siehe Beschleunigung (Spezielle Relativitätstheorie).
rdf:langString 상대성 이론에서 보른 좌표계(영어: Born coordinate system)는 민코프스키 공간의 일부에 대하여 정의하는 좌표계다. 이 좌표계에서는 원운동을 하는 관찰자의 궤적을 간단히 기술할 수 있다. 막스 보른의 이름을 땄다.
rdf:langString Координаты Борна в специальной теории относительности — система координат, применяемая для описания вращающейся окружности или (в более общем смысле) диска.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 38716

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