Bob Holman an entity of type: Thing
بوب فرنسيس (بالإنجليزية: Bob Holman) هو مؤلف وكاتب وشاعر أمريكي، ولد في 10 مارس 1948 في لافوليت في الولايات المتحدة.
Bob Holman is an American poet and poetry activist, most closely identified with the oral tradition, the spoken word, and poetry slam. As a promoter of poetry in many media, Holman has spent the last four decades working variously as an author, editor, publisher, performer, emcee of live events, director of theatrical productions, producer of films and television programs, record label executive, university professor, and archivist. He was described by Henry Louis Gates Jr. in The New Yorker as "the postmodern promoter who has done more to bring poetry to cafes and bars than anyone since Ferlinghetti."
Bob Holman (* 10. März 1948 in La Follette, Tennessee) ist ein US-amerikanischer Dichter und Poesie-Aktivist. Seine genreübergreifenden Arbeiten und Literatur-Initiativen hatten großen Einfluss auf die Spoken Word Poetry, den Poetry Slam, die Poetry-Videokunst und die Poetry Club-Kultur weltweit.
Bob Holman va néixer als Estats Units el 1948. És poeta, , cineasta i professor de la Universitat de Nova York. Ha publicat els llibres Bicentennial Suicide: a novel to be performed (1976); The Rainbow Raises Its Shoulder/When A Flower Grows (1979); Tear To Open (1979); 8 Chinese Poems (1981); SWEAT&SEX&POLITICS! (1986); Cupid's Cashbox, 1990; Bob Holman's The Collect Call of the Wild (1995); Aloud! Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe (1996); In With the Out Crowd (1996); Beach Simplifies Horizon' (1998); A Couple of Ways of Doing Something (2003) i The Awesome Whatever (2007). De 1978 a 1984 va dirigir les sessions de lectura de poesia al St. Mark's Poetry Project. Ha dedicat gran part del seu temps al rescat de les Llengües amenaçades que estan desapareixent al món.
بوب فرنسيس
Bob Holman
Bob Holman
Bob Holman
بوب فرنسيس (بالإنجليزية: Bob Holman) هو مؤلف وكاتب وشاعر أمريكي، ولد في 10 مارس 1948 في لافوليت في الولايات المتحدة.
Bob Holman va néixer als Estats Units el 1948. És poeta, , cineasta i professor de la Universitat de Nova York. Ha publicat els llibres Bicentennial Suicide: a novel to be performed (1976); The Rainbow Raises Its Shoulder/When A Flower Grows (1979); Tear To Open (1979); 8 Chinese Poems (1981); SWEAT&SEX&POLITICS! (1986); Cupid's Cashbox, 1990; Bob Holman's The Collect Call of the Wild (1995); Aloud! Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe (1996); In With the Out Crowd (1996); Beach Simplifies Horizon' (1998); A Couple of Ways of Doing Something (2003) i The Awesome Whatever (2007). De 1978 a 1984 va dirigir les sessions de lectura de poesia al St. Mark's Poetry Project. Ha dedicat gran part del seu temps al rescat de les Llengües amenaçades que estan desapareixent al món. Al llarg dels Estats Units, la premsa ha descrit la nova poesia-performance com "exuberantment viva", "immediata" i "sense pretensions, articulada i tremendament divertida". Bob Holman, un dels fundadors dels Poetes Nuyoricans, explica que la definició de poesia està "constantment expandint-se. rap és poesia. Els poetes cowboys són poetes. El Llenguatge Nord-americà de Signes per a Sordmuts és tan poema com un poema Nobel".
Bob Holman is an American poet and poetry activist, most closely identified with the oral tradition, the spoken word, and poetry slam. As a promoter of poetry in many media, Holman has spent the last four decades working variously as an author, editor, publisher, performer, emcee of live events, director of theatrical productions, producer of films and television programs, record label executive, university professor, and archivist. He was described by Henry Louis Gates Jr. in The New Yorker as "the postmodern promoter who has done more to bring poetry to cafes and bars than anyone since Ferlinghetti."
Bob Holman (* 10. März 1948 in La Follette, Tennessee) ist ein US-amerikanischer Dichter und Poesie-Aktivist. Seine genreübergreifenden Arbeiten und Literatur-Initiativen hatten großen Einfluss auf die Spoken Word Poetry, den Poetry Slam, die Poetry-Videokunst und die Poetry Club-Kultur weltweit.
Holman, Bob