Blooming (geometry)

在幾何學中,展開或連續展開是指三維幾何體表面的連續運動,將三維幾何體從立體狀態切割並在平面上展開成不互相重疊的展開圖。與一樣,在立體展開成展開圖的過程中,展開圖上的多邊形面必須保持平坦且不得互相相交。與展開相反的動作為摺疊,將幾何體的展開圖摺疊回幾何體,直觀上來說,這是一種從紙展開圖摺成幾何體的方法,除了指定的摺痕外不會彎曲紙張。是否每個凸多面體都可以展開,目前是一個未解決的數學問題。 rdf:langString
In the geometry of convex polyhedra, blooming or continuous blooming is a continuous three-dimensional motion of the surface of the polyhedron, cut to form a polyhedral net, from the polyhedron into a flat and non-self-overlapping placement of the net in a plane. As in rigid origami, the polygons of the net must remain individually flat throughout the motion, and are not allowed to intersect or cross through each other. A blooming, reversed to go from the flat net to a polyhedron, can be thought of intuitively as a way to fold the polyhedron from a paper net without bending the paper except at its designated creases. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Blooming (geometry)
rdf:langString 展開 (幾何)
xsd:integer 68007496
xsd:integer 1041361933
rdf:langString In the geometry of convex polyhedra, blooming or continuous blooming is a continuous three-dimensional motion of the surface of the polyhedron, cut to form a polyhedral net, from the polyhedron into a flat and non-self-overlapping placement of the net in a plane. As in rigid origami, the polygons of the net must remain individually flat throughout the motion, and are not allowed to intersect or cross through each other. A blooming, reversed to go from the flat net to a polyhedron, can be thought of intuitively as a way to fold the polyhedron from a paper net without bending the paper except at its designated creases. An early work on blooming by Biedl, Lubiw, and Sun from 1999 showed that some nets for non-convex but topologically spherical polyhedra have no blooming. The question of whether every convex polyhedron admits a net with a blooming was posed by Robert Connelly, and came to be known as Connelly’s blooming conjecture. More specifically, Miller and Pak suggested in 2003 that the source unfolding, a net that cuts the polyhedral surface at points with more than one shortest geodesic to a designated source point (including cuts across faces of the polyhedron), always has a blooming. This was proven in 2009 by Demaine et al., who showed in addition that every convex polyhedral net whose polygons are connected in a single path has a blooming, and that every net can be refined to a path-connected net. It is unknown whether every net of a convex polyhedron has a blooming, and Miller and Pak were unwilling to make a conjecture in either direction on this question. Unsolved problem in mathematics: Does every net of a convex polyhedron have a blooming? (more unsolved problems in mathematics) Because it is unknown whether every convex polyhedron has a net that cuts only edges of the polyhedron, and not across its faces ("Dürer's conjecture"), it is also unknown whether every convex polyhedron has a blooming that cuts only edges. In an unpublished manuscript from 2009, Igor Pak and Rom Pinchasi have claimed that this is indeed possible for every Archimedean solid. The problem of finding a blooming for a polyhedral net has also been approached computationally, as a problem in motion planning.
rdf:langString 在幾何學中,展開或連續展開是指三維幾何體表面的連續運動,將三維幾何體從立體狀態切割並在平面上展開成不互相重疊的展開圖。與一樣,在立體展開成展開圖的過程中,展開圖上的多邊形面必須保持平坦且不得互相相交。與展開相反的動作為摺疊,將幾何體的展開圖摺疊回幾何體,直觀上來說,這是一種從紙展開圖摺成幾何體的方法,除了指定的摺痕外不會彎曲紙張。是否每個凸多面體都可以展開,目前是一個未解決的數學問題。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 5696

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