Bibliographical Society of America an entity of type: Thing
La Bibliographical Society of America (BSA) est une société savante vouée à l'étude des livres et manuscrits en tant qu'objets. Créée en 1904, la société promeut les recherches bibliographiques et édite des publications sur le sujet. Elle tient une conférence annuelle à New York en janvier et propose des conférences et des bourses. En plus de publier des livres, la société publie une des plus importantes revues d'histoire du livre, les Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, depuis mai 1907.
The Bibliographical Society of America (BSA) is the oldest learned society in North America dedicated to the study of books and manuscripts as physical objects. Established in 1904, the society promotes bibliographical research and issues bibliographical publications. It holds its annual meeting in New York City in late January, during which time an annual address is presented by a guest speaker followed by three papers from young scholars selected as part of the society's New Scholars Program. It also sponsors lectures, an annual fellowship program, and three prizes for work published in the fields of printing and publishing history.
Bibliographical Society of America
Bibliographical Society of America
The Bibliographical Society of America (BSA) is the oldest learned society in North America dedicated to the study of books and manuscripts as physical objects. Established in 1904, the society promotes bibliographical research and issues bibliographical publications. It holds its annual meeting in New York City in late January, during which time an annual address is presented by a guest speaker followed by three papers from young scholars selected as part of the society's New Scholars Program. It also sponsors lectures, an annual fellowship program, and three prizes for work published in the fields of printing and publishing history. In addition, the society publishes the quarterly Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. The first issue of what was then called The Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of America was published in May 1907. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in bibliography, including bibliographers, collectors, librarians, professors, and students.
La Bibliographical Society of America (BSA) est une société savante vouée à l'étude des livres et manuscrits en tant qu'objets. Créée en 1904, la société promeut les recherches bibliographiques et édite des publications sur le sujet. Elle tient une conférence annuelle à New York en janvier et propose des conférences et des bourses. En plus de publier des livres, la société publie une des plus importantes revues d'histoire du livre, les Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, depuis mai 1907.