Bernard Willson an entity of type: Thing

Harold Bernard Willson (25 February 1919–1994) was a British linguist and noted academic, who during the Second World War was the first person to decrypt the Italian Navy Hagelin C-38 code machine. He was the father of television presenter and motoring journalist Quentin Willson. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Bernard Willson
rdf:langString Bernard Willson
rdf:langString Bernard Willson
xsd:date 1919-02-25
xsd:integer 38604549
xsd:integer 1068946680
xsd:date 1919-02-25
rdf:langString Harold Bernard Willson
rdf:langString Ashley Willson
rdf:langString Chloe Willson
rdf:langString Vivian Willson
xsd:integer 1994
rdf:langString British
rdf:langString Linguist , Academic
rdf:langString Agnes "Nan" Gullon/Willson
rdf:langString Harold Bernard Willson (25 February 1919–1994) was a British linguist and noted academic, who during the Second World War was the first person to decrypt the Italian Navy Hagelin C-38 code machine. He was the father of television presenter and motoring journalist Quentin Willson.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 7458
rdf:langString Harold Bernard Willson
xsd:gYear 1919
xsd:gYear 1994

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