Bay View massacre an entity of type: SocietalEvent

The Bay View massacre (sometimes also referred to as the Bay View Tragedy) was the result of a strike held on May 4, 1886, by 7,000 building-trades workers and 5,000 Polish laborers who had organized at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to strike against their employers, demanding the enforcement of an eight-hour work day. A few days earlier, on May 1, a peaceful demonstration had been held in nearby Chicago, with similar demands. rdf:langString
Bay Viewko sarraskia (Bay Viewko tragedia ere deitua) greba baten ondorio latza izan zen 1886ko maiatzaren 4an antolatu zena, eta eraikuntzako 7.000 langilek eta 5.000 langile poloniarrek Milwaukee-ko (Wisconsin) St. Stanislaus Catholic Church elizan bildu ziren haien ugazaben aurka, zortzi orduko lanaldia errespetatu zezaten. Egun batzuk lehenago, maiatzaren 1an, Chicagoko inguruneetan manifestazio baketsu bat antolatu zen, antzeko eskaerekin. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Bay View massacre
rdf:langString Bay Viewko tragedia
xsd:float 42.99944305419922
xsd:float -87.88966369628906
xsd:integer 5110851
xsd:integer 1117921960
rdf:langString Arrests, etc
rdf:langString Wisconsin Historical Marker
rdf:langString Deaths:
rdf:langString Injuries:
rdf:langString Arrests:
rdf:langString Deaths: 7
xsd:date 1886-05-05
xsd:integer 250 14000
rdf:langString Wisconsin National Guard
rdf:langString Bay View Massacre
xsd:string 42.99944444444444 -87.88966666666667
rdf:langString The Bay View massacre (sometimes also referred to as the Bay View Tragedy) was the result of a strike held on May 4, 1886, by 7,000 building-trades workers and 5,000 Polish laborers who had organized at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to strike against their employers, demanding the enforcement of an eight-hour work day. A few days earlier, on May 1, a peaceful demonstration had been held in nearby Chicago, with similar demands. By Monday, May 3, the number of participants had increased to over 14,000 workers who gathered at the rolling mill in Bay View. They were met by 250 National Guardsmen under order from Republican Governor Jeremiah M. Rusk. The strikers had shut down every business in the city except the North Chicago Rolling Mills in Bay View. The guardsmen's orders were that, if the strikers were to enter the Mills, they should shoot to kill. But when the captain received the order it had a different meaning: he ordered his men to pick out a man and shoot to kill when the order was given. Workers camped in the nearby fields and the arrived by May 4. Early the next day the crowd, which by this time contained children, approached the mill and were fired upon. Seven people died as a result, including a thirteen-year-old boy. Several more were injured during the protest. Several contradictory newspaper accounts described other possible casualties, but the count of seven deaths is substantiated by specific names (Frank Kunkel, Frank Nowarczyk, John Marsh, Robert Erdman, Johann Zazka, Martin Jankowiak, and Michael Ruchalski). Since 1986, members of the Bay View Historical Society, the Wisconsin Labor History Society, and other community groups have held a commemorative event to honor the memories of those killed during the incident. The event is held every year on the first Sunday in May at 3pm, at the State Historical Marker site at the intersection of Superior Street and Russell Avenue, within view of the former rolling mill location.
rdf:langString Bay Viewko sarraskia (Bay Viewko tragedia ere deitua) greba baten ondorio latza izan zen 1886ko maiatzaren 4an antolatu zena, eta eraikuntzako 7.000 langilek eta 5.000 langile poloniarrek Milwaukee-ko (Wisconsin) St. Stanislaus Catholic Church elizan bildu ziren haien ugazaben aurka, zortzi orduko lanaldia errespetatu zezaten. Egun batzuk lehenago, maiatzaren 1an, Chicagoko inguruneetan manifestazio baketsu bat antolatu zen, antzeko eskaerekin. Astelehenerako, maiatzaren 3a, parte-hartzaileen kopurua 14.000 langilera hazi zen, eta ijezketa trenbide batean bildu ziren, Bay View-en. 250 guardia nazional bertaratu ziren, gobernadore errepublikanoaren agindupean. Grebalariek hiriaren komertzio guztiak itxi zituzten, North Chicago Rolling Mils-ekoak izan ezin, Bay View-en. Guardiek manifestariak tirokatzeko agindua zuten, hauek Mils-era sartzen ausartzen baziren. Baina kapitain batek aginduak jaso zituenean, beste esanahi desberdin bat ailegatu zitzaion: haren gozinei agindu zien gizon bat aukeratzeko, eta agindua ematean, bera tirokatzeko hil egin arte. Langileek zelai batzuetan kanpatu zuten, eta Kosciuszko Milizia maiatzaren 4an ailegatu zen. Hurrengo eguneko goizean, manifestariak, momentu horretan umeak zituztelarik, errotara hurbildu ziren, eta tirokatuak izan ziren. Zazpi pertsona galdu zuten bizitza, tartean hamahiru urteko ume bat. Protesta bitartean askok zaurituak izan ziren. Egunkariek kaleratutako kontaketa ezberdinek beste biktima posibleak aipatzen dituzte, baina hil ziren zazpiek izen eta abizena zuten (Frank Kunkel, Frank Nowarczyk, John Marsh, Robert Erdman, Johann Zazka, Martin Jankowiak eta Michael Ruchalski). 1986. urteaz geroztik, kideek, Wisconsingo Historia Laboralaren Elkarteak eta beste komunitate elkartek protestetan bizitza galdu zutenak omentzeko ekitaldiak antolatu izan dituzte. Ekitaldia maiatzaren lehenengo igandean izaten da, 15:00etan.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 5273
<Geometry> POINT(-87.889663696289 42.999443054199)

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