Battle of the Fetters an entity of type: WikicatBattlesInvolvingSparta
Bitva řetězů byl ozbrojený konflikt mezi Spartou a Arkádií kolem roku 550 př. n. l., ve kterém Arkaďané porazili Spartu. Dle Hérodota Sparťané pochodovali do bitvy, nesouce s sebou tyče na vyznačení území, které už viděli dobyté a řetězy, ve kterých se chystali odvléci zajaté Arkaďany. Nakonec však byli poraženi a skončili ve vlastních řetězech.
La battaglia dei ceppi di Tegea fu combattuta attorno al 560 a.C. da spartani e tegeati e fu vinta dai secondi. Secondo Erodoto, la Pizia aveva detto che avrebbe concesso agli spartani Tegea, non la nemica storica Argo, se fossero andati a fissare i confini con dei ceppi. Allora, la Pizia fornì un nuovo responso: gli spartani avrebbero potuto conquistare la città soltanto se avessero portato all'interno le ossa di Oreste. La nuova battaglia avvenne attorno al 550 a.C. circa.
The Battle of the Fetters was an engagement between Sparta and Arcadia c. 550 BCE, in which the Arcadians defeated the Spartans. According to Herodotus, the Spartans consulted the Delphic Oracle before taking military action. They were told that they would not conquer all of Arcadia but it was possible for Tegea to fall, for the oracle would "give you Tegea to dance in with stamping feet and her fair plain to measure out the line". The Spartans misinterpreted this oracle, believing that it referred to them measuring out the line to split it into (the land allocated to each Spartan citizen upon coming of age). They then marched to battle carrying rods with which to parcel out their soon-to-be-conquered land and chains (fetters) with which to shackle their soon-to-be-conquered Arcadian Helo
Bitva řetězů
Battle of the Fetters
Battaglia dei ceppi di Tegea
Bitva řetězů byl ozbrojený konflikt mezi Spartou a Arkádií kolem roku 550 př. n. l., ve kterém Arkaďané porazili Spartu. Dle Hérodota Sparťané pochodovali do bitvy, nesouce s sebou tyče na vyznačení území, které už viděli dobyté a řetězy, ve kterých se chystali odvléci zajaté Arkaďany. Nakonec však byli poraženi a skončili ve vlastních řetězech.
The Battle of the Fetters was an engagement between Sparta and Arcadia c. 550 BCE, in which the Arcadians defeated the Spartans. According to Herodotus, the Spartans consulted the Delphic Oracle before taking military action. They were told that they would not conquer all of Arcadia but it was possible for Tegea to fall, for the oracle would "give you Tegea to dance in with stamping feet and her fair plain to measure out the line". The Spartans misinterpreted this oracle, believing that it referred to them measuring out the line to split it into (the land allocated to each Spartan citizen upon coming of age). They then marched to battle carrying rods with which to parcel out their soon-to-be-conquered land and chains (fetters) with which to shackle their soon-to-be-conquered Arcadian Helots. Instead, they themselves became prisoners of war and ended up wearing the very chains they had brought with them. Sparta, still recoiling from the defeat at Hysiai and Messenian revolts, in need of more land and resources took to attacking Arcadian Tegea. Though few details are known today of the battle itself, the upset victory for Tegea is legendary. The fetters, the chains that the Spartans brought, were put on display for centuries to come in the temple of Athene Alea, in Tegea. Sparta's cocky attitude and Tegea's non-militaristic status was often remarked on by Herodotus, Greek historian of the time, saying the battle's failure for the Spartans and the shame that came with it inspired Sparta to further improve their military.
La battaglia dei ceppi di Tegea fu combattuta attorno al 560 a.C. da spartani e tegeati e fu vinta dai secondi. Secondo Erodoto, la Pizia aveva detto che avrebbe concesso agli spartani Tegea, non la nemica storica Argo, se fossero andati a fissare i confini con dei ceppi. Allora, la Pizia fornì un nuovo responso: gli spartani avrebbero potuto conquistare la città soltanto se avessero portato all'interno le ossa di Oreste. La nuova battaglia avvenne attorno al 550 a.C. circa.