Battle of Nola (216 BC) an entity of type: Thing
La primera batalla de Nola fou un enfrontament que tingué lloc el 216 aC en el marc de la Segona Guerra Púnica, entre la República Romana i Cartago. En aquesta ocasió, Anníbal hagué de retirar-se sense aconseguir rendir la ciutat.
La batalla de Nola se libró en el año 216 a. C. entre las fuerzas del general cartaginés Aníbal y una fuerza romana dirigida por Marco Claudio Marcelo. Aníbal estaba tratando de apoderarse de la ciudad de Nola, pero fracasó. Tras la primera batalla de Nola, volvería a intentar otros dos asaltos a la ciudad en los siguientes dos años, pero también fracasarían.
De Eerste Slag om Nola, dat ligt in de buurt van Napels, werd gestreden in 216 v.Chr. tussen de legers van Carthago van Hannibal en een Romeins leger, geleid door Marcus Claudius Marcellus. Hannibal probeerde de stad Nola te veroveren: het mislukte. Hij probeerde nog twee keer de stad te veroveren in de komende twee jaar, maar zonder succes.
La prima battaglia di Nola fu combattuta nel 216 a.C. tra l'esercito di Annibale e reparti dell'esercito romano guidati da Marco Claudio Marcello.
A Primeira Batalha de Nola foi travada em 216 a.C. entre as forças do general cartaginês Aníbal e um exército romano comandado por Marco Cláudio Marcelo. Aníbal queria capturar a cidade de Nola, mas fracassou. Depois desta primeira batalha, Nola voltaria a enfrentar mais dois assaltos, também fracassados, nos anos seguintes.
Битва при Ноле (216 до н. э.) — сражение между римской и карфагенской армиями в ходе второй Пунической войны. Было первым поражением Ганнибала, несмотря на то, что в некоторых источниках указывается, что битва при Заме была его первым поражением.
Erste Schlacht von Nola Teil von: Zweiter Punischer Krieg Karte Süditaliens mit der Kleinstadt Nola in der Mitte Zweiter Punischer Krieg (218–201 v. Chr.) Saguntum – Lilybaeum II – Rhone – Ticinus – Trebia – Cissa – Trasimenischer See – Ager Falernus – Geronium – Cannae – – Nola II – Ibera – Cornus – Nola III – Beneventum I – Syrakus – Tarentum I – Capua I – Beneventum II – Silarus – Herdonia I – Obere Baetis – Capua II – Herdonia II – Numistro – Asculum – Tarentum II – Neu Karthago – Baecula – Grumentum – Metaurus – Ilipa – Crotona – Große Felder – Cirta – Zama
The First Battle of Nola was fought in 216 BC between the forces of Hannibal and a Roman force led by Marcus Claudius Marcellus. Hannibal was attempting to seize the town of Nola: He failed to do so, and would make two more unsuccessful attempts on the city over the next two years. The battle was a minor Roman victory.
La première bataille de Nola, en Campanie, s'est déroulée en 216 av. J.-C. entre l'armée de Hannibal Barca et une force romaine menée par le préteur Marcus Claudius Marcellus. Hannibal tente de conquérir la ville de Nola, à une trentaine de kilomètres au sud-est de Capoue. Mais Marcellus a eu le temps de s'y enfermer et lance une vigoureuse sortie qui prend les Carthaginois au dépourvu et leur inflige de lourdes pertes. Deux tentatives ultérieures, en -215 et -214, toujours devant Marcellus, connaîtront également l'échec.
Primera batalla de Nola
Erste Schlacht von Nola
Battle of Nola (216 BC)
Batalla de Nola (216 a. C.)
Battaglia di Nola (216 a.C.)
Bataille de Nola (216 av. J.-C.)
ノラの戦い (紀元前216年)
Eerste Slag om Nola
Batalha de Nola (216 a.C.)
Битва при Ноле (216 до н. э.)
First Battle of Nola
Map of the 216 BC Nola campaign
First Battle of Nola
Late 216 BC
the Second Punic War
Nola, present-day Italy
Roman Victory
40.9261 14.5275
La primera batalla de Nola fou un enfrontament que tingué lloc el 216 aC en el marc de la Segona Guerra Púnica, entre la República Romana i Cartago. En aquesta ocasió, Anníbal hagué de retirar-se sense aconseguir rendir la ciutat.
The First Battle of Nola was fought in 216 BC between the forces of Hannibal and a Roman force led by Marcus Claudius Marcellus. Hannibal was attempting to seize the town of Nola: He failed to do so, and would make two more unsuccessful attempts on the city over the next two years. Hannibal moved to capture the city of Nola due to some leaders in the city offering to open their gates to him. A Roman force under the command of Marcellus arrived before Hannibal and was able to enter the city. Hannibal camped near the city, and daily skirmishes would happen between the two armies. Marcellus learned that the only support he enjoyed was the senators in the city. Marcellus took action to prevent betrayal by undermining the pro-Hannibal faction in the city. Marcellus learned that some leaders in the city had been conspiring with Hannibal. Marcellus learned that should he make any sortie from the town or draw up for battle outside, they planned on plundering the baggage and closing the gates upon him. After this, Marcellus decided his situation was not sustainable. He took action to protect himself from a revolt, pulled his troops from the walls, and secretly organized them behind the gates. Hannibal drew up his men in battle order in anticipation of an attack or at least another skirmish. When nothing happened, Hannibal concluded that Marcellus had discovered his plan and would not dare attempt sortie with the threat of betrayal. Confident of this, he marched his soldiers forward to attempt an assault on the central gate. The Carthaginian forces approached with ladders and machines useful for an assault. When they did this, Marcellus sprung his trap and ordered his forces to charge out of the gates and personally lead the center. Hannibal troops found themselves caught off guard. Hannibal made attempts to change the tide of the ensuing battle; however, when the second line of the Roman troops charged from the gates, it became clear he couldn't win the battle. After sustaining heavy losses, Hannibal ordered an organized retreat from the field to save his army from further losses. Hannibal gave up hope of capturing Nola and withdrew to a camp near Acerræ. The victory, while not decisive enough to end Hannibal's fighting potential, was a boost to Roman morale. The battle was a minor Roman victory.
Erste Schlacht von Nola Teil von: Zweiter Punischer Krieg Karte Süditaliens mit der Kleinstadt Nola in der Mitte Zweiter Punischer Krieg (218–201 v. Chr.) Saguntum – Lilybaeum II – Rhone – Ticinus – Trebia – Cissa – Trasimenischer See – Ager Falernus – Geronium – Cannae – – Nola II – Ibera – Cornus – Nola III – Beneventum I – Syrakus – Tarentum I – Capua I – Beneventum II – Silarus – Herdonia I – Obere Baetis – Capua II – Herdonia II – Numistro – Asculum – Tarentum II – Neu Karthago – Baecula – Grumentum – Metaurus – Ilipa – Crotona – Große Felder – Cirta – Zama Die Erste Schlacht von Nola wurde im selben Jahre wie die Schlacht von Cannae, also 216 v. Chr., zwischen Hannibals Truppen und den Legionen des Marcellus ausgefochten.
La batalla de Nola se libró en el año 216 a. C. entre las fuerzas del general cartaginés Aníbal y una fuerza romana dirigida por Marco Claudio Marcelo. Aníbal estaba tratando de apoderarse de la ciudad de Nola, pero fracasó. Tras la primera batalla de Nola, volvería a intentar otros dos asaltos a la ciudad en los siguientes dos años, pero también fracasarían.
La première bataille de Nola, en Campanie, s'est déroulée en 216 av. J.-C. entre l'armée de Hannibal Barca et une force romaine menée par le préteur Marcus Claudius Marcellus. Hannibal tente de conquérir la ville de Nola, à une trentaine de kilomètres au sud-est de Capoue. Mais Marcellus a eu le temps de s'y enfermer et lance une vigoureuse sortie qui prend les Carthaginois au dépourvu et leur inflige de lourdes pertes. Conscient que les Romains pourront répéter ces attaques sans grands risques puisque leur retraite derrière les murs de la ville serait toujours assurée, Hannibal renonce à son projet. Le succès romain de Nola eut une grande importance politique : survenant peu de temps après le désastre de Cannes, il démontrait aux cités de l'Alliance Latine que Rome demeurait pugnace et qu'il y avait péril à passer dans le camp carthaginois. Deux tentatives ultérieures, en -215 et -214, toujours devant Marcellus, connaîtront également l'échec.
De Eerste Slag om Nola, dat ligt in de buurt van Napels, werd gestreden in 216 v.Chr. tussen de legers van Carthago van Hannibal en een Romeins leger, geleid door Marcus Claudius Marcellus. Hannibal probeerde de stad Nola te veroveren: het mislukte. Hij probeerde nog twee keer de stad te veroveren in de komende twee jaar, maar zonder succes.
La prima battaglia di Nola fu combattuta nel 216 a.C. tra l'esercito di Annibale e reparti dell'esercito romano guidati da Marco Claudio Marcello.
A Primeira Batalha de Nola foi travada em 216 a.C. entre as forças do general cartaginês Aníbal e um exército romano comandado por Marco Cláudio Marcelo. Aníbal queria capturar a cidade de Nola, mas fracassou. Depois desta primeira batalha, Nola voltaria a enfrentar mais dois assaltos, também fracassados, nos anos seguintes.
Битва при Ноле (216 до н. э.) — сражение между римской и карфагенской армиями в ходе второй Пунической войны. Было первым поражением Ганнибала, несмотря на то, что в некоторых источниках указывается, что битва при Заме была его первым поражением.
19pxRoman Republic
Roman Victory
POINT(14.527500152588 40.92610168457)