Battle of Le Transloy an entity of type: Thing

The Battle of Le Transloy was the last big attack by the Fourth Army of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in the 1916 Battle of the Somme in France, during the First World War. The battle was fought in conjunction with attacks by the French Tenth and Sixth armies on the southern flank and the Reserve/5th Army on the northern flank, against Army Group Rupprecht of Bavaria (Heeresgruppe Rupprecht) created on 28 August. General Ferdinand Foch, commander of groupe des armées du nord (Northern Army Group) and co-ordinator of the armies on the Somme, was unable to continue the sequential attacks of September because persistent rain, mist and fog grounded aircraft, turned the battlefield into a swamp and greatly increased the difficulty of transporting supplies to the front over the roads lan rdf:langString
Pertempuran Le Transloy adalah serangan terakhir Angkatan Darat Keempat Inggris selama Pertempuran Somme 1916. Sukses pada Pertempuran Morval di akhir September, Angkatan Darat Keempat Letnan Jenderal Henry Rawlinson akhirnya merebut lapis ketiga pertahanan Jerman di Somme. Sayangnya, hanya ada tiga lapis di awal Pertempuran Somme pada bulan Juli. Jerman tidak tinggal diam selama Sekutu bergerak lambat dan pasukan Rawlinson berhadapan dengan lapis keempat pertahanan di sepanjang punggung bukit di luar Transloy sedangkan lapis kelima dan keenam pertahanan sedang dipersiapkan. rdf:langString
La bataille de Le Transloy (ou bataille du Transloy) est une bataille constitutive de la bataille de la Somme lors de la Première Guerre mondiale. Combattue entre le 8 et le 18 octobre 1916, elle est la dernière grande attaque de la 4e armée du Corps expéditionnaire britannique (CEB) lors de la bataille de la Somme. La bataille a été menée en conjonction avec les attaques des 10e et 6e armées françaises sur le flanc sud et de la 5e armée (et de la réserve) sur le flanc nord, contre le Groupe d'armées Rupprecht de Bavière. Malgré l'engagement, le résultat de la bataille n'est pas conclusif. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Battle of Le Transloy
rdf:langString Pertempuran Le Transloy
rdf:langString Bataille de Le Transloy
rdf:langString Battle of Le Transloy
xsd:float 50.05738830566406
xsd:float 2.887722253799438
xsd:integer 1310315
xsd:integer 1123841503
xsd:gMonthDay --07-01
rdf:langString French: 37,626
rdf:langString October: 78,500
rdf:langString October: British: 57,722
rdf:langString * * * *
rdf:langString Douglas Haig
rdf:langString Ferdinand Foch
rdf:langString Henry Rawlinson
rdf:langString Erich Ludendorff
rdf:langString Fritz von Below
rdf:langString Joseph Alfred Micheler
rdf:langString Kronprinz Rupprecht
rdf:langString Max von Gallwitz
rdf:langString Émile Fayolle
rdf:langString Battle of Le Transloy
xsd:gMonthDay --10-18
xsd:integer 250
rdf:langString Le Transloy
xsd:integer 200
rdf:langString France
rdf:langString the Battle of the Somme of the First World War
rdf:langString Le Transloy, France
rdf:langString Indecisive
rdf:langString Fourth Army: 14 divisions
rdf:langString Reserve Army: Canadian Corps
xsd:string 50.05738888888889 2.887722222222222
rdf:langString The Battle of Le Transloy was the last big attack by the Fourth Army of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in the 1916 Battle of the Somme in France, during the First World War. The battle was fought in conjunction with attacks by the French Tenth and Sixth armies on the southern flank and the Reserve/5th Army on the northern flank, against Army Group Rupprecht of Bavaria (Heeresgruppe Rupprecht) created on 28 August. General Ferdinand Foch, commander of groupe des armées du nord (Northern Army Group) and co-ordinator of the armies on the Somme, was unable to continue the sequential attacks of September because persistent rain, mist and fog grounded aircraft, turned the battlefield into a swamp and greatly increased the difficulty of transporting supplies to the front over the roads land devastated since 1 July. The German armies on the Somme managed a recovery after the string of defeats in September, with fresh divisions to replace exhausted troops and more aircraft, artillery and ammunition diverted from Verdun and stripped from other parts of the Western Front. Command of the German Air Service (Die Fliegertruppen) was centralised and the new Luftstreitkräfte (German Air Force) was able to challenge Anglo-French air superiority with the reinforcements and new, superior, fighter aircraft. The German flyers further reduced the ability of the Anglo-French airmen to support the armies with artillery-observation and contact patrols in the rare periods of clear weather. The German armies lost much less ground and had fewer casualties in October than in September (the costliest month of the battle) but the proportion of casualties increased from 78.9 to 82.3 per cent of the Anglo-French total. Rain, fog and mud were lesser problems for the Germans, who had to carry supplies forward over a much narrower beaten zone and were being forced back onto undamaged ground. German bombardments on the few roads between the original front line and the line in October increased the difficulties of the British and French armies; the size and ambition of Anglo-French attacks was reduced progressively to local operations. Every soldier endured miserable conditions but the Germans knew that the onset of winter would end the battle, despite the many extra casualties caused by illness. The British and French outnumbered the Germans and could relieve divisions after shorter periods in the line. Severe criticism of General Sir Douglas Haig and General Henry Rawlinson during and since the war for persisting with attacks on October, was challenged in 2009 by William Philpott, who put the British share of the battle into the context of strategic subordination to French wishes, the concept of a general Allied offensive established by Joffre and the continuation of French attacks south of Le Transloy which had to be supported by British operations. In a 2017 publication, Jack Sheldon translated overlooked German material on the ordeal endured by the German armies.
rdf:langString Pertempuran Le Transloy adalah serangan terakhir Angkatan Darat Keempat Inggris selama Pertempuran Somme 1916. Sukses pada Pertempuran Morval di akhir September, Angkatan Darat Keempat Letnan Jenderal Henry Rawlinson akhirnya merebut lapis ketiga pertahanan Jerman di Somme. Sayangnya, hanya ada tiga lapis di awal Pertempuran Somme pada bulan Juli. Jerman tidak tinggal diam selama Sekutu bergerak lambat dan pasukan Rawlinson berhadapan dengan lapis keempat pertahanan di sepanjang punggung bukit di luar Transloy sedangkan lapis kelima dan keenam pertahanan sedang dipersiapkan. Namun, komandan Inggris, Jenderal Sir Douglas Haig, masih memiliki rencana untuk menerobos dengan melibatkan tiga pasukan di Somme; Angkatan Darat Keempat di selatan, Angkatan Darat Cadangan (kemudian Angkatan Darat Kelima) di pusat dan Angkatan Darat Ketiga, Jenderal Edmund Allenby, di utara. Langkah pertama adalah merebut Transloy.
rdf:langString La bataille de Le Transloy (ou bataille du Transloy) est une bataille constitutive de la bataille de la Somme lors de la Première Guerre mondiale. Combattue entre le 8 et le 18 octobre 1916, elle est la dernière grande attaque de la 4e armée du Corps expéditionnaire britannique (CEB) lors de la bataille de la Somme. La bataille a été menée en conjonction avec les attaques des 10e et 6e armées françaises sur le flanc sud et de la 5e armée (et de la réserve) sur le flanc nord, contre le Groupe d'armées Rupprecht de Bavière. Malgré l'engagement, le résultat de la bataille n'est pas conclusif. * Portail de la Première Guerre mondiale * Portail de la Somme
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 131634
xsd:string October: British: 57,722 (Fourth and Reserve Army total)
xsd:string French: 37,626 (Sixth and Tenth Army total)
xsd:string *
xsd:date 1916-10-18
xsd:string Indecisive
xsd:string Fourth Army: 14 divisions
xsd:string Reserve Army:Canadian Corps
<Geometry> POINT(2.8877222537994 50.057388305664)

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