Battle of Guillemont an entity of type: Thing

Pertempuran Ginchy merupakan bagian dari Pertempuran Somme pada Perang Dunia I yang terjadi pada 3 - 6 September 1916 di Guillemont. Pertempuran Guillemont terjadi setelah Pertempuran Bazentin Ridge dan menjadi sasaran penyerangan di akhir bulan Juli dan Agustus. Sektor ini berisi sejumlah titik kekuatan pasukan Jerman; Delville Wood, Falfemont Farm, Guillemont, Combles dan Maurepas; saling memberikan perlindungan bagi yang lain. rdf:langString
A Batalha de Guillemont foi um assalto britânico a uma vila alemã realizada em Guillemont durante 1916 na Batalha do Somme, da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Guillemont estava sobre o flanco direito do setor britânico onde ele estava ligado a forças francêsas mas, os alemães impediram que os exércitos aliados operassem conforme o planejado. rdf:langString
The Battle of Guillemont (3–6 September 1916) was an attack, during the Battle of the Somme in the First World War, by the British Fourth Army against the German 2nd Army near the village of Guillemont in northern France. The village is on the D 20 running east to Combles and the D 64 south-west to Montauban. Longueval and Delville Wood lie to the north-west and Ginchy to the north-east. The village was on the right flank of the British sector, near the boundary with the French Sixth Army. The Fourth Army had advanced close to Guillemont during the Battle of Bazentin Ridge (14–17 July) and the capture of the village was the culmination of British attacks which began on the night of 22/23 July. The attacks were intended to advance the right flank of the Fourth Army and eliminate a salient f rdf:langString
La battaglia di Guillemont fu uno scontro che vide impegnate forze inglesi nel tentativo di conquistare il villaggio di Guillemont, in mano ai tedeschi. Questa battaglia ebbe luogo nell'ambito della battaglia della Somme.Huillemon si trovava sul fianco destro del settore britannico, dove esso si univa a quello francese. Tenendo Guillemont, i tedeschi impedivano agli Alleati di operare congiuntamente. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Battle of Guillemont
rdf:langString Pertempuran Guillemont
rdf:langString Battaglia di Guillemont
rdf:langString Batalha de Guillemont
rdf:langString Battle of Guillemont
xsd:float 50.01377868652344
xsd:float 2.824444532394409
xsd:integer 1308994
xsd:integer 1086615277
xsd:gMonthDay --07-01
rdf:langString *
rdf:langString Douglas Haig
rdf:langString Ferdinand Foch
rdf:langString Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria
rdf:langString Henry Rawlinson
rdf:langString Fritz von Below
rdf:langString General Émile Fayolle
rdf:langString Max von Gallwitz
rdf:langString Battle of Guillemont
xsd:gMonthDay --09-06
xsd:integer 250
rdf:langString the Battle of the Somme of the First World War
rdf:langString British victory
xsd:integer 6
xsd:string 50.013777777777776 2.8244444444444445
rdf:langString The Battle of Guillemont (3–6 September 1916) was an attack, during the Battle of the Somme in the First World War, by the British Fourth Army against the German 2nd Army near the village of Guillemont in northern France. The village is on the D 20 running east to Combles and the D 64 south-west to Montauban. Longueval and Delville Wood lie to the north-west and Ginchy to the north-east. The village was on the right flank of the British sector, near the boundary with the French Sixth Army. The Fourth Army had advanced close to Guillemont during the Battle of Bazentin Ridge (14–17 July) and the capture of the village was the culmination of British attacks which began on the night of 22/23 July. The attacks were intended to advance the right flank of the Fourth Army and eliminate a salient further north at Delville Wood. German defences ringed the wood and had observation over the French Sixth Army area to the south, towards the Somme river. Preparatory to a general attack intended for mid-September, from the Somme north to Courcelette (beyond the Albert–Bapaume road), the French Sixth Army, the Fourth Army and the Reserve Army conducted numerous attacks to capture the rest of the German second line and to gain observation over the German third line. The German defences around Guillemont were based on the remaining parts of the second line and fortified villages and farms northwards from Hem, Maurepas and Combles, to Falfemont Farm, Guillemont, Ginchy, Delville Wood and High Wood, which commanded the ground in between. Numerous attempts were made by Joseph Joffre, the French supreme commander, Sir Douglas Haig, Ferdinand Foch and the army commanders Henry Rawlinson and Émile Fayolle to co-ordinate joint attacks, which failed due to the recovery of the German 2nd Army from the disorganisation caused by the defeats in early July, disagreements over tactics by Haig and Joffre in July and August and organisational constraints caused by congestion behind the front, roads and tracks obliterated by Anglo-French artillery-fire becoming swamps when it rained and increasing German artillery-fire on targets behind the front line. Inexperience, unreliable machinery, guns, ammunition and an unpredictable flow of supplies from Britain, reduced the effectiveness of the British armies. Difficulty in co-ordinating attacks by the Entente armies and the large number of piecemeal attacks resorted to by the British, have been criticised as costly failures and evidence of muddle and incompetence by the generals. The French Sixth and Tenth Army armies had similar difficulties and severe strain had been put on the German 2nd and 1st Army (formed on 19 July), forcing them into a similar piecemeal defence. The official historian, Wilfrid Miles, wrote in the History of the Great War volume Military Operations France and Belgium, 1916: 2nd July 1916 to the End of the Battles of the Somme (1938), that the defence of Guillemont was judged by some observers to be the best performance of the war by the German army on the Western Front. A pause at the end of August in Anglo-French attacks, to organise bigger combined attacks and postponements for bad weather, coincided with the largest German counter-attack yet. Joffre, Foch and Haig abandoned attempts to organise large combined attacks, in favour of sequenced army attacks. The capture of the German defences from Cléry north of the Somme to Guillemont from 3 to 6 September brought the Sixth and Fourth armies onto ground which overlooked the German third position. Rain, congestion and relief of tired divisions forced a pause in French attacks until 12 September. At the Battle of Ginchy (9 September) the Fourth Army captured the village, ready to begin the Battle of Flers–Courcelette, (15–22 September).
rdf:langString Pertempuran Ginchy merupakan bagian dari Pertempuran Somme pada Perang Dunia I yang terjadi pada 3 - 6 September 1916 di Guillemont. Pertempuran Guillemont terjadi setelah Pertempuran Bazentin Ridge dan menjadi sasaran penyerangan di akhir bulan Juli dan Agustus. Sektor ini berisi sejumlah titik kekuatan pasukan Jerman; Delville Wood, Falfemont Farm, Guillemont, Combles dan Maurepas; saling memberikan perlindungan bagi yang lain.
rdf:langString La battaglia di Guillemont fu uno scontro che vide impegnate forze inglesi nel tentativo di conquistare il villaggio di Guillemont, in mano ai tedeschi. Questa battaglia ebbe luogo nell'ambito della battaglia della Somme.Huillemon si trovava sul fianco destro del settore britannico, dove esso si univa a quello francese. Tenendo Guillemont, i tedeschi impedivano agli Alleati di operare congiuntamente. Guillemont arrivò a tiro delle forze britanniche dopo la del 14 luglio e fu oggetto di sanguinosi attacchi tra la fine di luglio e l'agosto successivo. Questo settore possedeva un certo numero di capisaldi tedeschi - Delville, , Guillemont, Combles e Maurepas - che si proteggevano l'un l'altro. Il 18 agosto fu lanciata un'offensiva anglo-francese contro questo settore, con tre corpi d'armata inglesi che attaccavano la zona circostante Guillemont e i francesi che attaccavano Maurepas. Gli inglesi riuscirono a catturare la stazione ferroviaria di Guillemont ma non riuscirono a completare gli altri obbiettivi. L'attacco decisivo fu lanciato il 3 settembre: la 20th (Light) Division e la 47th Brigade della 16th Irish Division catturarono Guillemont mentre la 5th Division avanzò sulla destra, prendendo Falfemont Farm il 5 settembre. Le unità tedesche combatterono fino alla morte nelle trincee. Il 73º reggimento di fucilieri del tenente Ernst Jünger fu coinvolto negli scontri per la difesa di Guillemont e lui stesso, nelle sue memorie Nelle tempeste d'acciaio, descrisse le terribili condizioni che i tedeschi dovettero sopportare. Nella storia sullo stato del 73º reggimento scrisse: "Nessuno dalla 3ª Compagnia può redigere un rapporto - tutti gli uomini sono stati uccisi, così come ogni ufficiale". Della 5ª Compagnia del 73º reggimento sopravvissero in totale solamente cinque uomini. La cattura di Guillemont indebolì il controllo tedesco sul settore. Il bosco di Delville fu alla fine messo in sicurezza e il vicino villaggio di Ginchy cadde relativamente velocemente nelle mani della 16th Irish Division il 9 settembre. Al 15 di settembre gli inglesi erano pronti a lanciare su un vasto fronte la loro prossima offensiva, la battaglia di Flers-Courcelette.
rdf:langString A Batalha de Guillemont foi um assalto britânico a uma vila alemã realizada em Guillemont durante 1916 na Batalha do Somme, da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Guillemont estava sobre o flanco direito do setor britânico onde ele estava ligado a forças francêsas mas, os alemães impediram que os exércitos aliados operassem conforme o planejado.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 119311
xsd:string *
xsd:date 1916-09-06
xsd:string British victory
xsd:string 6 divisions
<Geometry> POINT(2.8244445323944 50.013778686523)

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