Bachelor of Sacred Theology an entity of type: WikicatBachelor'sDegrees

البكالوريوس في اللاهوت المقدس (باللاتينية: Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus؛ مختصر STB) هي درجة أكاديمية على مستوى الدراسات العليا في اللاهوت. يتم تقديم بكالوريوس اللاهوت المقدس من قبل عدد من الجامعات البابوية. يتم تقديمه أحيانًا كدرجة دراسات عليا، للطلاب الذين أكملوا بالفعل درجة البكالوريوس في الآداب أو درجة أولى أخرى. يمكن أيضًا تقديمها كـ "درجة كنسية"، تُمنح مباشرة من قبل التسلسل الهرمي للكنيسة بعد أن يكون الفرد قد أكمل المتطلبات بالإضافة إلى المتطلبات اللازمة للحصول على درجة مدنية، ولكنها مطلوبة للرسامة. rdf:langString
The Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology (Latin: Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus; abbreviated STB), not to be confused with a Bachelor of Arts in Theology, is the first of three ecclesiastical degrees in theology (the second being the Licentiate in Sacred Theology and the third being the Doctorate in Sacred Theology) which are conferred by a number of pontifical faculties around the world. rdf:langString
Le baccalauréat canonique en théologie est une formation de premier cycle universitaire, appelé couramment licence de théologie ; il ne doit pas être confondu avec la licence canonique en théologie, équivalent d'un master. Il représente cinq années d'études, et est considéré comme équivalent d'une licence (bac + 3) dans le système LMD. C'est le diplôme qu'ont souvent, au minimum, les prêtres, qu'ils étudient au séminaire ou dans une université catholique. Ce diplôme est considéré par l’Église catholique comme le socle fondamental de la formation universitaire en théologie. rdf:langString
Il Bachelor of Sacred Theology (Bachelor in Teologia sacra, in latino Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus; abbreviato S.T.B.) è un titolo accademico in teologia, offerto da alcune università pontificie. A volte viene offerto come diploma di specializzazione post-laurea, per gli studenti che hanno già completato un B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) o altra laurea di primo livello; può anche essere offerto come una "laurea ecclesiastica", concessa direttamente dalla gerarchia della Chiesa dopo aver completato gli studi in aggiunta a quelli necessari per una laurea civile, ma che sono necessari per l'ordinazione. rdf:langString
rdf:langString بكالوريوس في اللاهوت المقدس
rdf:langString Bachelor of Sacred Theology
rdf:langString Baccalauréat canonique de théologie
rdf:langString Bachelor of Sacred Theology
xsd:integer 6897272
xsd:integer 1124056021
rdf:langString البكالوريوس في اللاهوت المقدس (باللاتينية: Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus؛ مختصر STB) هي درجة أكاديمية على مستوى الدراسات العليا في اللاهوت. يتم تقديم بكالوريوس اللاهوت المقدس من قبل عدد من الجامعات البابوية. يتم تقديمه أحيانًا كدرجة دراسات عليا، للطلاب الذين أكملوا بالفعل درجة البكالوريوس في الآداب أو درجة أولى أخرى. يمكن أيضًا تقديمها كـ "درجة كنسية"، تُمنح مباشرة من قبل التسلسل الهرمي للكنيسة بعد أن يكون الفرد قد أكمل المتطلبات بالإضافة إلى المتطلبات اللازمة للحصول على درجة مدنية، ولكنها مطلوبة للرسامة.
rdf:langString The Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology (Latin: Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus; abbreviated STB), not to be confused with a Bachelor of Arts in Theology, is the first of three ecclesiastical degrees in theology (the second being the Licentiate in Sacred Theology and the third being the Doctorate in Sacred Theology) which are conferred by a number of pontifical faculties around the world. Despite its designation as a "baccalaureate", a holdover from historic nomenclature, it is a graduate level, academic degree in theology, equivalent in the United States and the United Kingdom to a first professional degree. As an ecclesiastical degree, it is conferred in the name of and by the authority of the Holy See. It is often granted alongside a civil degree, such as the Master of Divinty. The curriculum varies slightly from faculty to faculty, but generally requires competency in Latin or Greek as well as the completion of the "first cycle" of theological training, a three to five year course of studies that aims for a comprehensive competence in philosophy and theology. The basic requirements for any of the three ecclesiastical degree are regulated by the Holy See, most recently in the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium.
rdf:langString Le baccalauréat canonique en théologie est une formation de premier cycle universitaire, appelé couramment licence de théologie ; il ne doit pas être confondu avec la licence canonique en théologie, équivalent d'un master. Il représente cinq années d'études, et est considéré comme équivalent d'une licence (bac + 3) dans le système LMD. C'est le diplôme qu'ont souvent, au minimum, les prêtres, qu'ils étudient au séminaire ou dans une université catholique. Il donne une formation en philosophie, sciences humaines, langues (hébreu, latin et grec), exégèse et théologie (dogme, christologie, sacrements etc.). À terme, l’étudiant est titulaire du diplôme canonique de premier cycle délivré et reconnu par l'Église catholique romaine. Ce diplôme est considéré par l’Église catholique comme le socle fondamental de la formation universitaire en théologie.
rdf:langString Il Bachelor of Sacred Theology (Bachelor in Teologia sacra, in latino Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureus; abbreviato S.T.B.) è un titolo accademico in teologia, offerto da alcune università pontificie. A volte viene offerto come diploma di specializzazione post-laurea, per gli studenti che hanno già completato un B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) o altra laurea di primo livello; può anche essere offerto come una "laurea ecclesiastica", concessa direttamente dalla gerarchia della Chiesa dopo aver completato gli studi in aggiunta a quelli necessari per una laurea civile, ma che sono necessari per l'ordinazione. All'interno della Chiesa cattolica, l'S.T.B. è il primo dei tre titoli ecclesiastici in teologia (il secondo e il terzo sono il Licentiate of Sacred Theology e Doctor of Sacred Theology) e come tale è conferito dalle facoltà pontificie sotto l'autorità della Santa Sede. È assegnata al completamento del primo ciclo, un corso di tre anni di studi che mira ad una competenza completa in teologia. Mentre l'accettazione di un corso di S.T.B richiede sempre almeno due precedenti anni di studi universitari in filosofia, insieme alla conoscenza del latino e del greco, negli Stati Uniti è generalmente richiesto un completo corso di laurea per l'ammissione. Corrisponde a livello accademico a un Master of Divinity (M.div.), anche se l'S.T.B. ha una finalità più accademica, mentre il Master of Divinity più pastorale; per questo i due titoli a volte sono concessi insieme. Atenei che offrono il titolo accademico di bachelor in teologia sacra comprendono la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgio), l'Università Cattolica d'America e l'Università di Tilburg (Paesi Bassi).
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 3088

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