Autonomous Liquidity Fund
Autonomous Liquidity Fund (FLA) (Spanish: Fondo de Liquidez Autonómica) is a credit line created by the Spanish Government on 2012 because of the financial crisis. It is designed so that the central government lends money to the autonomous communities and that they do not have to finance their debt in the markets. It is run by the ICO (Official Credit Institute), under the Ministry of Economy. There is a common and indispensable requirement, which forces the autonomous communities that cling to the Fund to allocate the money to pay the debt with the banks or financial entities mainly.
Autonomous Liquidity Fund
Autonomous Liquidity Fund (FLA) (Spanish: Fondo de Liquidez Autonómica) is a credit line created by the Spanish Government on 2012 because of the financial crisis. It is designed so that the central government lends money to the autonomous communities and that they do not have to finance their debt in the markets. It is run by the ICO (Official Credit Institute), under the Ministry of Economy. There is a common and indispensable requirement, which forces the autonomous communities that cling to the Fund to allocate the money to pay the debt with the banks or financial entities mainly.