Athletics abbreviations
The sports under the umbrella of athletics, particularly track and field, use a variety of statistics. In order to report that information efficiently, numerous abbreviations have grown to be common in the sport. Starting in 1948 by Bert Nelson and Cordner Nelson, Track & Field News became the leader in creating and defining abbreviations in this field. These abbreviations have also been adopted by, among others, World Athletics; the world governing body, various domestic governing bodies, the Association of Track and Field Statisticians, the Association of Road Racing Statisticians, the Associated Press, and the individual media outlets who receive their reports. These abbreviations also appear in Wikipedia.
Atletismoko probek, batez ere pistako probek, hainbat estatistika erabiltzen dituzte. Informazio hori modu eraginkorrean emateko, laburdura asko sortu dira kirolean arruntak izateko. 1948tik aurrera, Bert Nelson eta Cordner Nelson, Track & Field News, aitzindari izan zen eremu horretan laburdurak sortu eta definitzen. Laburdura horiek beste hauek ere hartu dituzte, besteak beste: World Athletics; munduko zuzendaritza-organoa, hainbat gobernu-organo nazional, Pistako Estatistikoen Elkartea, Errepide-lasterketen Estatistikarien Elkartea, Associated Press eta txostenak jasotzen dituzten banakako komunikabideak. Laburdura horiek Wikipedian ere agertzen dira.
Los deportes que agrupa el atletismo, utilizan un gran número de estadísticas con el fin de mostrar la información de una manera eficiente, y esta información muchas veces se presenta empleando abreviaturas.
Athletics abbreviations
Atletismoaren terminologia
Terminología del atletismo
The sports under the umbrella of athletics, particularly track and field, use a variety of statistics. In order to report that information efficiently, numerous abbreviations have grown to be common in the sport. Starting in 1948 by Bert Nelson and Cordner Nelson, Track & Field News became the leader in creating and defining abbreviations in this field. These abbreviations have also been adopted by, among others, World Athletics; the world governing body, various domestic governing bodies, the Association of Track and Field Statisticians, the Association of Road Racing Statisticians, the Associated Press, and the individual media outlets who receive their reports. These abbreviations also appear in Wikipedia.
Atletismoko probek, batez ere pistako probek, hainbat estatistika erabiltzen dituzte. Informazio hori modu eraginkorrean emateko, laburdura asko sortu dira kirolean arruntak izateko. 1948tik aurrera, Bert Nelson eta Cordner Nelson, Track & Field News, aitzindari izan zen eremu horretan laburdurak sortu eta definitzen. Laburdura horiek beste hauek ere hartu dituzte, besteak beste: World Athletics; munduko zuzendaritza-organoa, hainbat gobernu-organo nazional, Pistako Estatistikoen Elkartea, Errepide-lasterketen Estatistikarien Elkartea, Associated Press eta txostenak jasotzen dituzten banakako komunikabideak. Laburdura horiek Wikipedian ere agertzen dira.
Los deportes que agrupa el atletismo, utilizan un gran número de estadísticas con el fin de mostrar la información de una manera eficiente, y esta información muchas veces se presenta empleando abreviaturas. A partir de 1948, la revista Track and Field News se convirtió en líder en la creación y definición de abreviaturas, las cuales han sido adoptadas por la Asociación Internacional de Federaciones de Atletismo (siglas IAAF en inglés), la Association of Track and Field Statisticians, la Association of Road Racing Statisticians, Associated Press, y un sinnúmero de medios de comunicación y organizaciones dedicadas al atletismo.