Andrew Keith Jack an entity of type: Thing
أندرو كيث جاك (بالإنجليزية: Andrew Keith Jack) هو فيزيائي أسترالي، ولد في 9 سبتمبر 1885 في ملبورن في أستراليا، وتوفي في 26 سبتمبر 1966.
Andrew Keith Jack (Melbourne, 9 settembre 1885 – 26 settembre 1966) è stato un fisico ed esploratore australiano.Ha partecipato alla spedizione Endurance in Antartide come membro del gruppo del mare di Ross. Durante la spedizione Endurance una tempesta rompe gli ormeggi dell'Aurora lasciando Jack con altri nove compagni isolati sul continente Antartico. Decisi comunque a portare a termine la loro missione di costruire alcuni depositi di provviste per Ernest Shackleton che credevano in arrivo dall'altro lato del continente, tre esploratori trovano la morte sul continente.
Andrew Keith Jack (also known as Keith Jack) (9 September 1885 – 26 September 1966) was an Australian physicist who served as a member of the Ross Sea Party as part of Ernest Shackleton's Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. After the expedition, Keith worked during the war in an explosives factory (known as the Cordite Factory), utilising his expertise in chemistry, eventually become a Senior Assistant Manager. After the war he took on various roles managing explosives and safety for the Australian Government.
Andrew Keith Jack (1885eko irailaren 9a - 1966ko irailaren 26a) fisikari australiarra izan zen, Ross Sea Party-ko kidea izan zena Ernest Shackleton-en Trans-Antartika Espedizio Inperialaren baitan. Keith Jack-ek Melbourneko Unibertsitatean ikasi zuen, 1914an zientzietako master batean (MSc) lizentziatu zen. Urtebete geroago Shackleton espedizioan sartu zen eta bertan tripulazioko beste kide batzuekin batera bi urtean Antartidan lehorreratuta geratu zen Aurora itsasontziaren galeraren ostean. Denbora horretan, aldizkari arrunt bat mantendu zuen bost liburukitan. Keith 1917an beste sei bizilagunekin batera salbatu zuten. Keith-ek argazki ugari ere egin zituen espedizioan zehar, eta horietako batzuk geroago koloreztatu zituzten linterna magikorako. Keith-en egunkariak, baita bere espedizioare
Andrew Keith Jack
أندرو كيث جاك
Andrew Keith Jack
Andrew Jack
Andrew Keith Jack
Andrew Keith Jack
Melbourne, Australia
A small circular pocket-watch sized instrument in a leather case
Aneroid Barometer used by Keith Jack during Antarctic expedition
أندرو كيث جاك (بالإنجليزية: Andrew Keith Jack) هو فيزيائي أسترالي، ولد في 9 سبتمبر 1885 في ملبورن في أستراليا، وتوفي في 26 سبتمبر 1966.
Andrew Keith Jack (also known as Keith Jack) (9 September 1885 – 26 September 1966) was an Australian physicist who served as a member of the Ross Sea Party as part of Ernest Shackleton's Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Keith Jack was educated at the University of Melbourne, graduating with an MSc in 1914. A year later he joined the Shackleton expedition, where along with other members of the crew, he became stranded for 2 years in Antarctic after the loss of the ship Aurora. During this time he kept a regular diary across five volumes. Keith was rescued along with six other survivors in 1917. Keith also took many photographs during the expedition, some of which were later hand-coloured as lantern slides. Keith's diaries, as well as a number of his artefacts from the expedition, including his 1829 Aneroid barometer and a set of two thermometers, were bequeathed to the Museum Victoria. After the expedition, Keith worked during the war in an explosives factory (known as the Cordite Factory), utilising his expertise in chemistry, eventually become a Senior Assistant Manager. After the war he took on various roles managing explosives and safety for the Australian Government.
Andrew Keith Jack (1885eko irailaren 9a - 1966ko irailaren 26a) fisikari australiarra izan zen, Ross Sea Party-ko kidea izan zena Ernest Shackleton-en Trans-Antartika Espedizio Inperialaren baitan. Keith Jack-ek Melbourneko Unibertsitatean ikasi zuen, 1914an zientzietako master batean (MSc) lizentziatu zen. Urtebete geroago Shackleton espedizioan sartu zen eta bertan tripulazioko beste kide batzuekin batera bi urtean Antartidan lehorreratuta geratu zen Aurora itsasontziaren galeraren ostean. Denbora horretan, aldizkari arrunt bat mantendu zuen bost liburukitan. Keith 1917an beste sei bizilagunekin batera salbatu zuten. Keith-ek argazki ugari ere egin zituen espedizioan zehar, eta horietako batzuk geroago koloreztatu zituzten linterna magikorako. Keith-en egunkariak, baita bere espedizioaren hainbat objektu ere, barometroa eta bi termometroen multzo bat ere oinordetzan utzi zizkion . Espedizioaren ondoren, Keith gerra garaian lan egin zuen lehergailuen lantegi batean (Cordite Factory izenez ezaguna), kimikako trebetasunak erabiliz, azkenean Senior Assistant Manager bihurtu zen. Gerra ostean, Australiako Gobernurako lehergailuak eta segurtasuna kudeatzeko hainbat rol hartu zituen.
* Datuak: Q3616266
Andrew Keith Jack (Melbourne, 9 settembre 1885 – 26 settembre 1966) è stato un fisico ed esploratore australiano.Ha partecipato alla spedizione Endurance in Antartide come membro del gruppo del mare di Ross. Durante la spedizione Endurance una tempesta rompe gli ormeggi dell'Aurora lasciando Jack con altri nove compagni isolati sul continente Antartico. Decisi comunque a portare a termine la loro missione di costruire alcuni depositi di provviste per Ernest Shackleton che credevano in arrivo dall'altro lato del continente, tre esploratori trovano la morte sul continente.