Anarky an entity of type: Thing

أناركي هو شرير خارق في دي سي كومكس من ابتكار آلان غرانت ونورم بريفوجل،ظهرت الشخصية لأول مرة في نوفمبر 1989. rdf:langString
Anarky ist der Titel einer Reihe von Comicveröffentlichungen die der US-amerikanische Verlag DC Comics seit 1996 herausgibt. Die Anarky-Comics, die von den Abenteuern eines jugendlichen Anarchisten handeln, sind eine Mischung aus Abenteuer- und Science-Fiction-Comic. Typisch für die in Anarky geschilderten Geschichten sind zudem Motive des Superhelden-Comics sowie philosophische und esoterische Anklänge. rdf:langString
Anarquía es un personaje ficticio que aparece en cómics publicados por DC Comics y que fue creado conjuntamente por Alan Grant y Norm Breyfogle, rdf:langString
Anarky, il cui vero nome è Lonnie Machin, è un personaggio dei fumetti creato da Alan Grant e Norm Breyfogle pubblicato dalla DC Comics. Il personaggio fa il suo esordio nel novembre 1989 su Detective Comics n. 608. L'ispirazione per la creazione e lo sviluppo del personaggio, si basava sull'interesse personale di Grant per la filosofia e la politica anti-autoritaria. Tuttavia, quando Grant ha adottato la filosofia di Neo-Tech, ideata da Frank R. Wallace, ha trasformato Anarky da un veicolo per la filosofia socialista e populista, a razionalista, ateo e pensatore del libero mercato. rdf:langString
Анархия (англ. Anarky) — персонаж вселенной DC Comics, враг Бэтмена. Впервые он появился в Detective Comics #608 (ноябрь 1989). rdf:langString
Anarky is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Co-created by Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle, he first appeared in Detective Comics #608 (November 1989), as an adversary of Batman. Anarky is introduced as Lonnie Machin, a child prodigy with knowledge of radical philosophy and driven to overthrow governments to improve social conditions. Stories revolving around Anarky often focus on political and philosophical themes. The character, who is named after the philosophy of anarchism, primarily espouses anti-statism and attacks capitalism; however, multiple social issues have been addressed through the character, including environmentalism, antimilitarism, economic inequality, and political corruption. Inspired by multiple sources, early stories featuring the c rdf:langString
Anarky (Lonnie Machin) est un personnage de fiction créé par Alan Grant et Norm Breyfogle dans Detective Comics #608 en 1989, bande dessinée publiée par DC Comics. Il apparaît la première fois comme adversaire de Batman. À l'origine, Anarky était prévu pour apparaître uniquement dans ce comics comme un personnage violent mais très intelligent, rationalisant ses meurtres au nom d'une cause. À la demande de Dennis O'Neil, cette première interprétation a été modifié avant la publication, et Anarky a été décrit comme violent mais non létal, caractérisation qui est restée constante depuis lors. À la suite de la réception positive des lecteurs, Grant imagina brièvement en secret qu'Anarky se transforme en un nouveau Robin, remplaçant Jason Todd récemment décédé. Toutefois, cette idée a été aband rdf:langString
Anarquia (Anarky no original) é um personagem fictício, é um vilão e inimigo do Batman no Universo DC. Foi criado em 1989, por Alan Grant e Norm Breyfogle. Seu nome é baseado em um ideal político: o anarquismo. Anarquia teve sua ideologia modificada conforme Grant mudava sua própria ideologia pessoal. O personagem passou a defender o racionalismo, o ateísmo e o livre mercado, inspirado no Objetivismo, filosofia de Ayn Rand. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Anarky
rdf:langString أناركي
rdf:langString Anarky
rdf:langString Anarquía (historieta)
rdf:langString Anarky
rdf:langString Anarky
rdf:langString Anarquia (DC Comics)
rdf:langString Анархия (DC Comics)
rdf:langString Lonnie Machin
xsd:integer 1192060
xsd:integer 1124877655
rdf:langString y
rdf:langString [[#Return as "Moneyspider"
rdf:langString left
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString Lonnie Machin
rdf:langString Promotional art for Anarky, vol. 2, #1 by Norm Breyfogle.
rdf:langString super
rdf:langString y
rdf:langString Detective Comics #608
rdf:langString y
xsd:integer 627
xsd:integer 52
rdf:langString A promotional image of the DC Collectibles Anarky figurine. This figurine was based on the design featured in Batman: Arkham Origins.
rdf:langString Batman: Arkham Origins Anarky promotional image. This was the first of two promotional images released to feature Anarky's design for the game.
rdf:langString Promotional cover art for Robin No.182, by Brian Stelfreeze. The costume design for the Ulysses H. Armstrong version of Anarky.
<second> 3.15576E8
rdf:langString "[Anarky] does represent the anarchist philosophy His whole point of existing is rolled up in his name. It's a philosophy of responsibility and freedom from the hierarchical power".
rdf:langString "... as an antihero, Anarky doesn't have to be beholden to one fashion statement".
rdf:langString "[Anarky's fake head] was unique and provided a drawing challenge in that the reader should later say, 'So that's why Anarky looked so awkward!' Such awkwardness, in fact, was one reason I eliminated the fake head in the miniseries ...
rdf:langString "So, one of the reasons I really like Anarky is he's a kind of classic anti-villain, right? Like, he's trying to do the right thing; he believes he's doing the right thing; from Batman's perspective he's not; but from a dramatic perspective, if you look at him, there's a really good argument to be made for what he does and why he does it".
rdf:langString "I think Anarky's age is right now. He looks like a street protester. He looks like Anonymous. He's like one of these guys who wants to go out there and change the world to what he believes is the better, and I think of all the Batman enemies, and one of the reasons I'm most excited about Anarky, is he feels relevant today".
rdf:langString "Anarky's world clashes as much with the traditional world of superheroes as it does with the world of crime. So the interplay between him and Green Lantern and him and Superman is not the usual kind of hero interplay".
rdf:langString " a philosophical action hero, an Aristotle in tights, rising above mere "crime-fighter" status into the realm of incisive social commentary. In fact, Anarky exists primarily to challenge the status quo of hierarchical power, and he may be the first mainstream comics hero of his type to do it consistently and with such rational intelligence".
rdf:langString "The audaciousness of a non-super-powered teenager functioning as a highly effective adult without a mentor is pretty iconoclastic in a genre where it sometimes appears 'it's all been done before'".
rdf:langString "Anarky is a direct contrast to Batman – he is an active agent of change while Batman is simply a reactive agent, reinforcing the status quo ... "
rdf:langString "A large part of our relationship, especially when we got into doing Anarky, became a friendly philosophical debate over politics and conspiracy theory; mysticism versus scientism and all this other stuff. We came to really enjoy those debates, even when they got a little heated".
rdf:langString "My character Anarky - a 15-year-old vigilante kid - tried to put anarchist values into action. He's immensely popular - or, at least, he was - in countries like Mexico, Peru, Chile, and Argentina, where comic fans were able to empathize with his ethos a lot more than Americans did".
rdf:langString "Anarky, not having any super powers, doesn't have what it takes to bring the fans in month after month. He's the sort of character you can get away with using in an annual once a year plus his own miniseries once a year and maybe as a guest star every couple of years, but he's not capable, he's not strong enough to hold his own monthly title. Very few characters are when it comes down to it".
rdf:langString "Although I haven't read them in chronological order I would think it would be quite easy to see the parallel between Anarky's thought processes and my own thought processes".
rdf:langString "We don't have any conclusive evidence, but Alan and I can't help but feel that Anarky's philosophy grated on somebody's nerves; somebody got a look at it and didn't like it [...] So I've generally gotten the impression that Anarky was nixed because of its philosophy. Especially in this age of post 9/11, Anarky would be a challenge to established authority. He's very anti-establishment, that's why he's named Anarky!"
rdf:langString Anarky
rdf:langString —Alan Grant, 1997.
rdf:langString —Alan Grant, 1998.
rdf:langString —Alan Grant, 2007.
rdf:langString —Alan Grant, 2013.
rdf:langString —Eric Holmes, 2013.
rdf:langString —Fabian Nicieza, 2009.
rdf:langString —Greg Burgas, 2006.
rdf:langString —Norm Breyfogle, 1998.
rdf:langString —Norm Breyfogle, 1999.
rdf:langString —Norm Breyfogle, 2003.
rdf:langString —Norm Breyfogle, 2006.
rdf:langString —Vera H-C Chan, 1999.
rdf:langString DC Comics
rdf:langString Anarky
rdf:langString character
rdf:langString A promotional clip from Beware the Batman episode 3, "Tests". This design was intended to thematically posit Anarky as a reflection of Batman, and is thus almost entirely white.
xsd:integer 25
rdf:langString أناركي هو شرير خارق في دي سي كومكس من ابتكار آلان غرانت ونورم بريفوجل،ظهرت الشخصية لأول مرة في نوفمبر 1989.
rdf:langString Anarky is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Co-created by Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle, he first appeared in Detective Comics #608 (November 1989), as an adversary of Batman. Anarky is introduced as Lonnie Machin, a child prodigy with knowledge of radical philosophy and driven to overthrow governments to improve social conditions. Stories revolving around Anarky often focus on political and philosophical themes. The character, who is named after the philosophy of anarchism, primarily espouses anti-statism and attacks capitalism; however, multiple social issues have been addressed through the character, including environmentalism, antimilitarism, economic inequality, and political corruption. Inspired by multiple sources, early stories featuring the character often included homages to political and philosophical texts, and referenced anarchist philosophers and theorists. The inspiration for the creation of the character and its early development was based in Grant's personal interest in anti-authoritarian philosophy and politics. However, when Grant himself transitioned to the philosophy of Neo-Tech, developed by Frank R. Wallace, he shifted the focus of Anarky from a vehicle for social anarchism and then libertarian socialism, with an emphasis on wealth redistribution and critique of crony capitalism, to a Neo-Tech economy. Originally intended to only be used in the debut story in which he appeared, Grant decided to continue using Anarky as a sporadically recurring character throughout the early 1990s, following positive reception by readers and Dennis O'Neil. The character experienced a brief surge in media exposure during the late 1990s when Breyfogle convinced Grant to produce a limited series based on the character. The 1997 spin-off series, Anarky, was received with positive reviews and sales, and later declared by Grant to be among his "career highlights". Batman: Anarky, a trade paperback collection of stories featuring the character, soon followed. This popular acclaim culminated, however, in a financially and critically unsuccessful ongoing solo series. The 1999 Anarky series, in which even Grant has expressed his distaste, was quickly canceled after eight issues. Following the cancellation of the Anarky series, and Grant's departure from DC Comics, Anarky experienced a prolonged period of absence from DC publications, despite professional and fan interest in his return. This period of obscurity lasted approximately nine years, with three brief interruptions for minor cameo appearances in 2000, 2001, and 2005. In 2008, Anarky reappeared in an issue of Robin authored by Fabian Nicieza, with the intention of ending this period of obscurity. The storyline drastically altered the character's presentation, prompting a series of responses by Nicieza to concerned readers. Anarky became a recurring character in issues of Red Robin, authored by Nicieza, until the series was cancelled in 2011 in the aftermath of The New 52. A new Anarky was introduced into the New 52 continuity in October 2013, in an issue of Green Lantern Corps, which itself was a tie-in to the "Batman: Zero Year" storyline. Yet more characters have been authored as using the Anarky alias in the New 52 continuity via the pages of Detective Comics and Earth 2: Society. From 2013, Anarky began to be featured more heavily in media adaptations of DC Comics properties, across multiple platforms. In July, a revamped version of Anarky was debuted as the primary antagonist in Beware the Batman, a Batman animated series produced by Warner Bros. Animation. In October, the character made his video game debut in Batman: Arkham Origins, as a villain who threatens government and corporate institutions with destruction. Anarky made his live action debut in the Arrowverse television series Arrow in the fourth and fifth seasons, portrayed by Alexander Calvert, once again as a villain.
rdf:langString Anarky ist der Titel einer Reihe von Comicveröffentlichungen die der US-amerikanische Verlag DC Comics seit 1996 herausgibt. Die Anarky-Comics, die von den Abenteuern eines jugendlichen Anarchisten handeln, sind eine Mischung aus Abenteuer- und Science-Fiction-Comic. Typisch für die in Anarky geschilderten Geschichten sind zudem Motive des Superhelden-Comics sowie philosophische und esoterische Anklänge.
rdf:langString Anarky (Lonnie Machin) est un personnage de fiction créé par Alan Grant et Norm Breyfogle dans Detective Comics #608 en 1989, bande dessinée publiée par DC Comics. Il apparaît la première fois comme adversaire de Batman. À l'origine, Anarky était prévu pour apparaître uniquement dans ce comics comme un personnage violent mais très intelligent, rationalisant ses meurtres au nom d'une cause. À la demande de Dennis O'Neil, cette première interprétation a été modifié avant la publication, et Anarky a été décrit comme violent mais non létal, caractérisation qui est restée constante depuis lors. À la suite de la réception positive des lecteurs, Grant imagina brièvement en secret qu'Anarky se transforme en un nouveau Robin, remplaçant Jason Todd récemment décédé. Toutefois, cette idée a été abandonnée quand il a été officialisé que Tim Drake avait déjà été créé pour ce remplacement. Les histoires autour d'Anarky sont souvent axées sur des plans aux thèmes politiques et philosophiques. Nommé d'après l'anarchisme, le personnage a été partiellement influencé par le personnage de V de V pour Vendetta d'Alan Moore. Avec l'adaptation à l'époque, Anarky a été transformé d'un personnage populiste et socialiste comme quelqu'un de rationaliste, athée, et défendant la pensée du marché libre. Le personnage a connu une brève couverture médiatique au cours de la fin des années 1990, lorsque le dessinateur Norm Breyfogle a convaincu Alan Grant de produire une série limitée basée sur le personnage. En 1997, la série spin-off , a été reçu avec des critiques positives et de bonnes ventes. , une série mettant en vedette le personnage, suivie. Ce succès populaire n'a toutefois pas abouti financièrement. En 1999, la série Anarky a rapidement été annulée après huit numéros. Dans ce temps, une controverse eut lieu lorsque Anarky fut imaginé comme le fils biologique du Joker. À la suite de l'annulation de la série Anarky et le départ d'Alan Grant de DC Comics, Anarky a connu une longue période d'absence dans les publications de DC, en dépit de l'intérêt des professionnels et des lecteurs pour son retour. Cette période, qui a duré près de dix ans, a été brièvement interrompu en 2005, avec son caméo dans un numéro de Green Arrow, et de nouveau en 2008 avec une apparition dans un numéro de Robin. Il est cependant apparu dans Batman: Arkham Origins en 2013. Dans Batman Anarky de la collection DC Renaissance, la véritable identité d'Anarky est le député Sam Young, prenant l'identité d'Anarky pour se venger du Chapelier Fou ayant tué sa petite sœur. Lonnie Machin fait une apparition dans le comics mais n'est pas encore méchant.
rdf:langString Anarquía es un personaje ficticio que aparece en cómics publicados por DC Comics y que fue creado conjuntamente por Alan Grant y Norm Breyfogle,
rdf:langString Anarky, il cui vero nome è Lonnie Machin, è un personaggio dei fumetti creato da Alan Grant e Norm Breyfogle pubblicato dalla DC Comics. Il personaggio fa il suo esordio nel novembre 1989 su Detective Comics n. 608. L'ispirazione per la creazione e lo sviluppo del personaggio, si basava sull'interesse personale di Grant per la filosofia e la politica anti-autoritaria. Tuttavia, quando Grant ha adottato la filosofia di Neo-Tech, ideata da Frank R. Wallace, ha trasformato Anarky da un veicolo per la filosofia socialista e populista, a razionalista, ateo e pensatore del libero mercato.
rdf:langString Anarquia (Anarky no original) é um personagem fictício, é um vilão e inimigo do Batman no Universo DC. Foi criado em 1989, por Alan Grant e Norm Breyfogle. Seu nome é baseado em um ideal político: o anarquismo. Anarquia teve sua ideologia modificada conforme Grant mudava sua própria ideologia pessoal. O personagem passou a defender o racionalismo, o ateísmo e o livre mercado, inspirado no Objetivismo, filosofia de Ayn Rand. As histórias envolvendo Anarquia frequentemente giram em torno de temas políticos ou filosóficos. Sua criação foi parcialmente influenciada pelo personagem V, do romance gráfico V de Vingança. Curiosamente, foi criado com a intenção de que um dia viesse a se tornar Robin, o que acabou nunca acontecendo. Anarquia tornou-se popular principalmente em países de língua espanhola, pelo fato de a maioria destes países ter experimentado severas repressões militares, uma das motivações para o surgimento do personagem.
rdf:langString Анархия (англ. Anarky) — персонаж вселенной DC Comics, враг Бэтмена. Впервые он появился в Detective Comics #608 (ноябрь 1989).
rdf:langString *Child prodigy *Cunning tactician *Weapon/tool improvisation *Skilled hacker *Proficient inventor *Hybrid martial artist *Amplified intelligence
rdf:langString Anarky
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 138917

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