Aluka an entity of type: Thing
Aluka è una biblioteca digitale e una piattaforma collaborativa, che ospita contenuti multimediali e documentali relativi al continente africano. In Africa, l'accesso è gratuito per tutte le istituzioni accademiche e non profit. Il nome deriva da una parola della lingua zulu che significa "tessere". La missione di Aluka è quella di connettere gli studiosi di tutto il mondo all'interno di una piattaforma collaborativa per la condivisione della conoscenza. Il pubblico di Aluka è composto da comunità di ricerca e da centri di formazione secondaria a livello globale.
Aluka was an online digital library focused on Africa-related material. It focused on globally connecting scholars by building a common platform for online collaboration and knowledge sharing. Aluka's intended audience was higher education and research communities. Founded in 2003, Aluka was an initiative of Ithaka, a non-profit organization based in New York City and Princeton, New Jersey. The initial funding was provided by the Mellon Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation. The name 'Aluka' is derived from a Zulu word meaning 'to weave'.
Aluka est une bibliothèque numérique collaborative en ligne relative à l'Afrique développée autour de trois thématiques différentes :
* le patrimoine culturel : sites et paysages,
* les plantes d'Afrique, via la publication d'un herbier numérique africain par le projet API (African Plants Initiative, parrainé par la fondation Andrew W. Mellon). Ce programme a numérisé et publié plus de 300 000 planches d'herbiers en 3 ans en associant 39 institutions originaires de 20 pays (d’Afrique, d’Europe et des États-Unis). En 2007, fort de son succès il a été élargi aux plantes d'Amérique du Sud avec le projet Latin American Plants Initiative, puis au monde entier et alors renommé « Global Plants Initiative » ou « GPI ». En 2011, 190 institutions de 60 pays y participaient, et en 2013 plus de 300
Aluka (library)
Aluka homepage
Aluka logo
Ithaka Harbors
Digital library
Aluka was an online digital library focused on Africa-related material. It focused on globally connecting scholars by building a common platform for online collaboration and knowledge sharing. Aluka's intended audience was higher education and research communities. Aluka was an initiative of Ithaka Harbors, a non-profit organization focused on incubating promising new projects that use technology for the benefit of higher education. It aims to grow successful projects into independent services or adjoined to larger, existing organizations for the academic community. In June 2008, the Ithaka and JSTOR Trustees approved a recommendation that the Aluka initiative be integrated into JSTOR. Founded in 2003, Aluka was an initiative of Ithaka, a non-profit organization based in New York City and Princeton, New Jersey. The initial funding was provided by the Mellon Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation. The first release of Aluka took place in early February 2007 with preview access to JSTOR subscribers. Aluka was made free to all academic and other not-for-profit institutions in Africa. The name 'Aluka' is derived from a Zulu word meaning 'to weave'. Aluka sought to attract other collections of scholarly interest from institutions and individuals worldwide. By bringing materials together, it created new opportunities for research and collaboration. Documents and materials that were previously hard or impossible to access were made globally available to researchers.
Aluka est une bibliothèque numérique collaborative en ligne relative à l'Afrique développée autour de trois thématiques différentes :
* le patrimoine culturel : sites et paysages,
* les plantes d'Afrique, via la publication d'un herbier numérique africain par le projet API (African Plants Initiative, parrainé par la fondation Andrew W. Mellon). Ce programme a numérisé et publié plus de 300 000 planches d'herbiers en 3 ans en associant 39 institutions originaires de 20 pays (d’Afrique, d’Europe et des États-Unis). En 2007, fort de son succès il a été élargi aux plantes d'Amérique du Sud avec le projet Latin American Plants Initiative, puis au monde entier et alors renommé « Global Plants Initiative » ou « GPI ». En 2011, 190 institutions de 60 pays y participaient, et en 2013 plus de 300 institutions dans 75 pays sont associées, ayant contribué à mettre à disposition de tous plus de 2 millions de documents botaniques (1,8 million de spécimens d'herbier, 450 000 articles). Il est en France notamment soutenu par l'université Montpellier 2 (herbier MPU) et Tela Botanica.
* les combats pour la liberté en Afrique australe. « Aluka » est dérivé d’un mot zoulou signifiant « tisser ».
Aluka è una biblioteca digitale e una piattaforma collaborativa, che ospita contenuti multimediali e documentali relativi al continente africano. In Africa, l'accesso è gratuito per tutte le istituzioni accademiche e non profit. Il nome deriva da una parola della lingua zulu che significa "tessere". La missione di Aluka è quella di connettere gli studiosi di tutto il mondo all'interno di una piattaforma collaborativa per la condivisione della conoscenza. Il pubblico di Aluka è composto da comunità di ricerca e da centri di formazione secondaria a livello globale.