All Saints' Church, Southampton'_Church,_Southampton an entity of type: Thing
All Saints' Church was a church building in Southampton City Centre, located on the corner of the High Street and East Street, a short distance south of the Bargate. The original church on the site was named All Hallows, and was constructed in medieval times on land granted by the monarch at the time, Henry II, to the monks of St. Denys Priory. This building fell into disrepair and in the 1790s a new church building was constructed and the church renamed to All Saints. The old church was demolished in 1791 and the new building was completed in 1795, following two acts of Parliament allowing trustees of the church to raise funds from rates on property and rents in the parish. The All Hallows catacombs were incorporated into the All Saints building, and a separate graveyard was established.
Santu guztien eliza Southampton hiriaren erdialdeko eliza zen, High Street eta East Street izkinan kokatua, Bargatetik hegoalderaino oso gertu. Jatorrizko eliza, All Hallows izenez ezagutzen zen. Erdi Aroko garaian Henrike II.a Ingalaterrako erregeak eraiki zuen, fraideei emandako lurraldean. Eraikin hau erori zen eta 1790. urtean elizako eraikin berri bat eraiki zuten eta Santu guztien izenarekin berrizendatu zuten. Eliza zaharra 1791. urtean eraitsi zuten eta 1795. urtean eraikin berria altxatu zuten, Parlamentuko bi itunen ondoren elizako patronatuak parrokiako ondasunen eta errenten gaineko fondoen funtsak biltzeko. All Hallows elizako katakonbak Santu guztien eraikinean sartu zituzten, eta beste hilerri bat ezarri zen bereiz. Eliza Jane Austen idazleak zaindu ohi zuen aldizka Southam
All Saints' Church, Southampton
Santu guztien eliza (Southampton)
All Saints' Church
All Saints' Church
High Street, Southampton
All Saints' Church with neighbouring shops in 1852
All Hallows' Church
Shown within Southampton
His principal work is the New Church at Southampton, which possesses great merit as it is; and would have been a very distinguished monument of his talents if his original design had been completed, and he had not been curbed and controlled in the progress of it by his employers.
John Nichols, The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 86
Spring 1792
50.90182 -1.40409
All Saints' Church was a church building in Southampton City Centre, located on the corner of the High Street and East Street, a short distance south of the Bargate. The original church on the site was named All Hallows, and was constructed in medieval times on land granted by the monarch at the time, Henry II, to the monks of St. Denys Priory. This building fell into disrepair and in the 1790s a new church building was constructed and the church renamed to All Saints. The old church was demolished in 1791 and the new building was completed in 1795, following two acts of Parliament allowing trustees of the church to raise funds from rates on property and rents in the parish. The All Hallows catacombs were incorporated into the All Saints building, and a separate graveyard was established. The church was regularly attended by author Jane Austen while she lived in Southampton and painter Sir John Everett Millais was baptised there. A new organ was installed in the church in 1861 and a substantial refurbishment programme took place in 1872. All Saints was heavily damaged in the Southampton Blitz and was subsequently demolished. The All Saints building was designed by architect Willey Reveley and featured an arched ceiling that spanned the whole sanctuary, some 90 feet (27 m) long and 60 feet (18 m) wide, without the use of any supporting pillars. The neoclassical frontage of the church was dominated by four columns supporting Grecian pilasters and a triangular pediment. The catacombs were the resting place of a chancellor of the Exchequer and two notable Royal Navy officers among others. In August 1944 the remains of all 403 people buried in the catacombs were transferred to a communal grave elsewhere in Southampton.
Santu guztien eliza Southampton hiriaren erdialdeko eliza zen, High Street eta East Street izkinan kokatua, Bargatetik hegoalderaino oso gertu. Jatorrizko eliza, All Hallows izenez ezagutzen zen. Erdi Aroko garaian Henrike II.a Ingalaterrako erregeak eraiki zuen, fraideei emandako lurraldean. Eraikin hau erori zen eta 1790. urtean elizako eraikin berri bat eraiki zuten eta Santu guztien izenarekin berrizendatu zuten. Eliza zaharra 1791. urtean eraitsi zuten eta 1795. urtean eraikin berria altxatu zuten, Parlamentuko bi itunen ondoren elizako patronatuak parrokiako ondasunen eta errenten gaineko fondoen funtsak biltzeko. All Hallows elizako katakonbak Santu guztien eraikinean sartu zituzten, eta beste hilerri bat ezarri zen bereiz. Eliza Jane Austen idazleak zaindu ohi zuen aldizka Southamptonen bizi zen bitartean eta Sir John Everett Millais margolaria bertan bataiatua izan zen. 1861ean elizako organo berri bat instalatu zuten eta 1872an birgaitze-programa garrantzitsua egin zuten. Santu guztiak -en oso kaltetua izan zen eta ondoren eraitsi zuten. Santu guztien eraikina arkitektoak diseinatu zuen eta santutegi osoa estaltzen duen sabai makotua zeukan, 90 bat oin (27 metro) luze eta 60 bat oin (18 metro) zabal, zutabe euskarririk gabe. Elizako frontoi neoklasikoa lau zutabe nagusi zeuden greziar pilastrak eta frontoi triangeluarra. katakonbetan bat eta beste bi Royal Navyko ofizial, besteak beste, atseden hartu zuten. 1944ko abuztuan katakonbetan ehortzi zituzten 403 pertsona guztien aztarnak Southampton-eko beste toki komun batera eraman zituzten.
High Street, Southampton
Spring 1792
All Hallows' Church
POINT(-1.4040900468826 50.901821136475)