Albert Stubblebine an entity of type: Thing

Альберт «Берт» Ньютон Стабблбайн III (англ. Albert "Bert" Newton Stubblebine III; 6 февраля 1930 — 6 февраля 2017) — генерал-майор Армии США, служивший на протяжении 32 лет, руководитель Командования разведки и безопасности Армии США в 1981—1984 годах. Известен как один из руководителей американского военного , направленного на изучение паранормальных способностей человека. rdf:langString
Albert "Bert" Newton Stubblebine III (February 6, 1930 – February 6, 2017) was a United States Army major general whose active duty career spanned 32 years. Beginning as an armor officer, he later transferred to intelligence. He is credited with redesigning the U.S. Army intelligence architecture during his time as commanding general of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) from 1981 to 1984, after which he retired from active service. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Albert Stubblebine
rdf:langString Albert Stubblebine
rdf:langString Стабблбайн, Альберт
rdf:langString Albert Stubblebine
rdf:langString "Bert"
rdf:langString Albert Stubblebine
xsd:integer 4585369
xsd:integer 1110024809
xsd:integer 1952
xsd:date 1930-02-06
rdf:langString Albert Newton Stubblebine III
rdf:langString Stubblebine as a major general, circa 1981
rdf:langString yes
xsd:date 2017-02-06
rdf:langString "Bert"
xsd:integer 35
rdf:langString BLP
rdf:langString Albert "Bert" Newton Stubblebine III (February 6, 1930 – February 6, 2017) was a United States Army major general whose active duty career spanned 32 years. Beginning as an armor officer, he later transferred to intelligence. He is credited with redesigning the U.S. Army intelligence architecture during his time as commanding general of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) from 1981 to 1984, after which he retired from active service. Over the course of his retirement, it became widely known that Stubblebine maintained a keen interest in psychic warfare throughout his service. He sought to develop an army of soldiers with special powers, such as the ability to walk through walls.
rdf:langString Альберт «Берт» Ньютон Стабблбайн III (англ. Albert "Bert" Newton Stubblebine III; 6 февраля 1930 — 6 февраля 2017) — генерал-майор Армии США, служивший на протяжении 32 лет, руководитель Командования разведки и безопасности Армии США в 1981—1984 годах. Известен как один из руководителей американского военного , направленного на изучение паранормальных способностей человека.
rdf:langString Branch
xsd:gYear 1984
xsd:gYear 1952
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 10517
xsd:string U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command

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