Ahitub (High Priest)


أخيطوب (بالعبرية: אֲחִיטוּב‏) هو شخصية توراتية، ومعناه "أخو الطيبة"، وهو ابن فينحاس حفيد الكاهن عالي وأخو إيخابود. يعد وفاة جده عالي، خلفه على الأرجح في تولي منصب رئيس كهنة بني إسرائيل، وهو أبو أخيمالك الكاهن. ويُعتقد أنه هو نفسه أخيطوب جد صادوق. rdf:langString
Ahitub (Hebrew: אֲחִיטוּב ’Aḥiṭub or ’Aḥiṭuv 'my brother is goodness') was a High Priest of Israel cited in the Bible. He was the son of Phinehas, grandson of Eli, and brother of Ichabod. On the death of his grandfather Eli he most likely succeeded to the office of High Priest of Israel, and would have been succeeded by his son Ahijah (references to Ahitub as the father of Ahijah are in 1 Sam. 14:3; 22:9, 11, 12, 20 and 1 Chr 9:11). Ahijah (also spelled Ahiah), who is listed as his son in 1 Samuel 14:2-3, 18-19, may have been the same person as Ahimelech (1 Samuel 22:9-20), or he may have been another son of Ahitub (probably an elder son if this was the case). rdf:langString
Achitub, indicato anche come Ahitub o Aitub (letteralmente "la bontà di mio fratello"; ... – ...; fl. XI secolo a.C.), è stato un sacerdote ebreo antico, sommo sacerdote degli Israeliti secondo la tradizione nella Bibbia ebraica. Era un figlio di Fineas (da non confondere con Fineas figlio del sommo sacerdote Eleazar), nipote del sommo sacerdote Eli e discendente del figlio di Aronne Ithamar. Probabilmente Ahitub successe a Eli, perché entrambi i figli di Eli furono uccisi in battaglia con i Filistei. Il figlio di Ahitub, il sommo sacerdote Ahimelech, fu ucciso da Doeg al comando del re Saul. rdf:langString
Ahitub of Achitub ("Mijn broeder is goedheid") was volgens de traditie in de Hebreeuwse Bijbel een hogepriester van de Israëlieten. Hij was een zoon van Pinechas (niet verwarren met Pinechas, de zoon van hogepriester Eleazar), kleinzoon van hogepriester Eli en nakomeling van Aärons zoon . Waarschijnlijk volgde Ahitub Eli op, omdat beide zonen van Eli werden gedood bij een slag met de Filistijnen. De zoon van Ahitub, de hogepriester Achimelech, werd op koning Sauls bevel door Doëg gedood. rdf:langString
Aitube (em hebraico: אחיטוב; romaniz.: Achiytuwb , lit. 'irmão é bom') foi um sumo-sacerdote de Israel após a morte de Fineias e de seu avô Eli (I Samuel 14:3; I Samuel 22:9,11,12,20), e sucedido por Aías, seu filho. Era o pai de Zadoque, nomeado sumo-sacerdote após o extermínio da casa de Aimeleque, e irmão de . rdf:langString
rdf:langString أخيطوب
rdf:langString Ahitub (High Priest)
rdf:langString Achitub
rdf:langString Ahitub
rdf:langString Aitube
xsd:integer 69183055
xsd:integer 1104738010
rdf:langString أخيطوب (بالعبرية: אֲחִיטוּב‏) هو شخصية توراتية، ومعناه "أخو الطيبة"، وهو ابن فينحاس حفيد الكاهن عالي وأخو إيخابود. يعد وفاة جده عالي، خلفه على الأرجح في تولي منصب رئيس كهنة بني إسرائيل، وهو أبو أخيمالك الكاهن. ويُعتقد أنه هو نفسه أخيطوب جد صادوق.
rdf:langString Ahitub (Hebrew: אֲחִיטוּב ’Aḥiṭub or ’Aḥiṭuv 'my brother is goodness') was a High Priest of Israel cited in the Bible. He was the son of Phinehas, grandson of Eli, and brother of Ichabod. On the death of his grandfather Eli he most likely succeeded to the office of High Priest of Israel, and would have been succeeded by his son Ahijah (references to Ahitub as the father of Ahijah are in 1 Sam. 14:3; 22:9, 11, 12, 20 and 1 Chr 9:11). Ahijah (also spelled Ahiah), who is listed as his son in 1 Samuel 14:2-3, 18-19, may have been the same person as Ahimelech (1 Samuel 22:9-20), or he may have been another son of Ahitub (probably an elder son if this was the case).
rdf:langString Achitub, indicato anche come Ahitub o Aitub (letteralmente "la bontà di mio fratello"; ... – ...; fl. XI secolo a.C.), è stato un sacerdote ebreo antico, sommo sacerdote degli Israeliti secondo la tradizione nella Bibbia ebraica. Era un figlio di Fineas (da non confondere con Fineas figlio del sommo sacerdote Eleazar), nipote del sommo sacerdote Eli e discendente del figlio di Aronne Ithamar. Probabilmente Ahitub successe a Eli, perché entrambi i figli di Eli furono uccisi in battaglia con i Filistei. Il figlio di Ahitub, il sommo sacerdote Ahimelech, fu ucciso da Doeg al comando del re Saul. Sebbene in 1 Samuele 14:3 si dica che ad Ahitub successe un figlio di nome Achijah, si ritiene generalmente che questo indichi Ahimelech. Tuttavia, alcuni commentatori presumono che Achijah e Ahimelech fossero fratelli ed entrambi ricoprissero la carica di sommo sacerdote, Achiah a Ghibea o Kirjath-jearim e Ahimelech a Nob.
rdf:langString Ahitub of Achitub ("Mijn broeder is goedheid") was volgens de traditie in de Hebreeuwse Bijbel een hogepriester van de Israëlieten. Hij was een zoon van Pinechas (niet verwarren met Pinechas, de zoon van hogepriester Eleazar), kleinzoon van hogepriester Eli en nakomeling van Aärons zoon . Waarschijnlijk volgde Ahitub Eli op, omdat beide zonen van Eli werden gedood bij een slag met de Filistijnen. De zoon van Ahitub, de hogepriester Achimelech, werd op koning Sauls bevel door Doëg gedood. Hoewel 1 Samuel 14:3 zegt dat Ahitub werd opgevolgd door een zoon die Achia wordt genoemd, wordt over het algemeen aangenomen dat dit Achimelech aanduidt. Sommige commentatoren veronderstellen echter dat Achia en Achimelech broers waren en beiden het ambt van hogepriester bekleedden, Achia in Gibea of Kirjath-jearim en Achimelech in Nob.
rdf:langString Aitube (em hebraico: אחיטוב; romaniz.: Achiytuwb , lit. 'irmão é bom') foi um sumo-sacerdote de Israel após a morte de Fineias e de seu avô Eli (I Samuel 14:3; I Samuel 22:9,11,12,20), e sucedido por Aías, seu filho. Era o pai de Zadoque, nomeado sumo-sacerdote após o extermínio da casa de Aimeleque, e irmão de . Não se sabe muito sobre Aitube, já que a Bíblia não o detalha bem, não esclarecendo se ele sobreviveu à destruição de Siló e continuou como sacerdote ou morreu junto com a família na batalha contra os filisteus. Alguns estudiosos sugerem que Aitube foi para , fez uma cidade sacerdotal e oficiou no lugar mais de 85 sacerdotes, até que Aimeleque, seu outro filho, o sucedeu.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 1377

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