Adulterated food
الغش التجاري هو مصطلح قانوني يعني أن منتجًا غذائيًا لا يستوفي المعايير القانونية. أحد أشكال الغش هو إضافة مادة أخرى إلى المادة الغذائية بهدف زيادة الكمية في شكل الخام أو شكل المُعد، مما قد يؤدي إلى فقدان الجودة الفعلية للمواد الغذائية. قد تكون المواد المضافة مواد غذائية أخرى أو مواد غير غذائية. بعض المواد المستخدمة في الغش سواء منتجات اللحوم أو غير اللحوم هي الماء أو الثلج أو الجثث أو جثث الحيوانات الأخرى غير الحيوان المقصود استهلاكه.
Adulteration is a legal offence and when the food fails to meet the legal standards set by the government, it is said to have been Adulterated Food. One form of adulteration is an addition of another substance to a food item in order to increase the quantity of the food item in raw form or prepared form, which results in the loss of actual quality of food item. These substances may be either available food items or non-food items. Among meat and meat products some of the items used to adulterate are water or ice, carcasses, or carcasses of animals other than the animal meant to be consumed. In the case of seafood, adulteration may refer to species substitution (mislabeling), which replaces the species identified on the product label with another species, or undisclosed processing methods,
Alimento adulterado é o alimento cuja produção envolve ações com intuito de modificá-lo, tentando manter ou simular suas características únicas (sabor, odor e textura), sem alterar sua aparência. Considera-se também adulteração de alimentos a inclusão involuntária de substâncias estranhas a sua composição, em virtude de desconhecimento ou por falhas no controle do processamento dos produtos alimentícios.
غش تجاري
Adulterated food
Alimento adulterado
الغش التجاري هو مصطلح قانوني يعني أن منتجًا غذائيًا لا يستوفي المعايير القانونية. أحد أشكال الغش هو إضافة مادة أخرى إلى المادة الغذائية بهدف زيادة الكمية في شكل الخام أو شكل المُعد، مما قد يؤدي إلى فقدان الجودة الفعلية للمواد الغذائية. قد تكون المواد المضافة مواد غذائية أخرى أو مواد غير غذائية. بعض المواد المستخدمة في الغش سواء منتجات اللحوم أو غير اللحوم هي الماء أو الثلج أو الجثث أو جثث الحيوانات الأخرى غير الحيوان المقصود استهلاكه.
Adulteration is a legal offence and when the food fails to meet the legal standards set by the government, it is said to have been Adulterated Food. One form of adulteration is an addition of another substance to a food item in order to increase the quantity of the food item in raw form or prepared form, which results in the loss of actual quality of food item. These substances may be either available food items or non-food items. Among meat and meat products some of the items used to adulterate are water or ice, carcasses, or carcasses of animals other than the animal meant to be consumed. In the case of seafood, adulteration may refer to species substitution (mislabeling), which replaces the species identified on the product label with another species, or undisclosed processing methods, in which treatments such as additives, excessive glazing, or short-weighting are not disclosed to the consumer.
Alimento adulterado é o alimento cuja produção envolve ações com intuito de modificá-lo, tentando manter ou simular suas características únicas (sabor, odor e textura), sem alterar sua aparência. Considera-se também adulteração de alimentos a inclusão involuntária de substâncias estranhas a sua composição, em virtude de desconhecimento ou por falhas no controle do processamento dos produtos alimentícios. O alimento é constituído pela combinação de ingredientes, substâncias químicas, que juntos determinam suas propriedades físicas químicas e biológicas. Essas propriedades dão identidade ao alimento, ou seja, determinam suas características de sabor, odor, textura (propriedades organolépticas), bem como suas propriedades nutricionais. As manipulações necessárias para a adulteração modificam as propriedades químicas do alimento tornando-o prejudicial à saúde.