Adolf Fischhof an entity of type: Thing
Adolf Fischhof (8. prosince 1816 Budín – 23. března 1893 ) byl rakouský lékař, publicista a politik německé národnosti a židovského původu, během revolučního roku 1848 poslanec Říšského sněmu; představitel umírněné liberální levice.
Adolf Ephraim Fischhof (* 8. Dezember 1816 in Ofen (Budapest); † 23. März 1893 in Emmersdorf, heute Teil von Klagenfurt) war österreichischer Arzt und liberaler Politiker.
Адольф Фишгоф (8 декабря 1816, Офер (Обуда, ныне в составе Будапешта) — 23 марта 1893, Эммерсдорф) — австрийский медик и политик-либерал еврейского происхождения.
Adolf Fischhof (Hungarian: Fischhof Adolf) (8 December 1816 – 23 March 1893) was a Hungarian-Austrian writer and politician of Jewish descent. After studying medicine (1836–1844) he was appointed physician at the Vienna hospital. Fischhof was one of the leaders in the revolutionary movement of 1848, commanding the students' legion of Vienna and presiding over the . He was especially prominent in the Constitutional Assembly, in which he represented one of the Vienna districts. In the Liberal cabinet of Doblhoff he was attached as counselor to the Ministry of the Interior. After the dissolution of the Kremsier Parliament on 7 March 1849, Fischhof was arrested, accused of rebellion and high treason, but was acquitted after an imprisonment of 9 months. He devoted himself to the practise of
Adolf Ephraim Fischhof, född den 8 december 1816 i Buda, död den 23 mars 1893, var en österrikisk politiker. Fischhof, som var av judisk släkt, studerade i Wien 1836–44 och blev sjukhusläkare där. Han tog verksam del i den politiska röran marsdagarna 1848 som en av studenternas anförare och var maj–juli ordförare för säkerhetsutskottet, som stod som medlare mellan folkmassan och myndigheterna.
Adolf Fischhof
Adolf Fischhof
Adolf Fischhof
Adolf Fischhof
Фишгоф, Адольф
Adolf Fischhof
Adolf Fischhof
Emmersdorf, today a part of Klagenfurt, Carinthia
Alt-Ofen/Óbuda, Hungary
Fischhof Adolf
Adolf Fischhof, 1848
Politician, later political theorist
Adolf Fischhof (8. prosince 1816 Budín – 23. března 1893 ) byl rakouský lékař, publicista a politik německé národnosti a židovského původu, během revolučního roku 1848 poslanec Říšského sněmu; představitel umírněné liberální levice.
Adolf Fischhof (Hungarian: Fischhof Adolf) (8 December 1816 – 23 March 1893) was a Hungarian-Austrian writer and politician of Jewish descent. After studying medicine (1836–1844) he was appointed physician at the Vienna hospital. Fischhof was one of the leaders in the revolutionary movement of 1848, commanding the students' legion of Vienna and presiding over the . He was especially prominent in the Constitutional Assembly, in which he represented one of the Vienna districts. In the Liberal cabinet of Doblhoff he was attached as counselor to the Ministry of the Interior. After the dissolution of the Kremsier Parliament on 7 March 1849, Fischhof was arrested, accused of rebellion and high treason, but was acquitted after an imprisonment of 9 months. He devoted himself to the practise of medicine until about 1875, when failing health compelled him to retire. With Joseph Unger, later a member of the Austrian cabinet, he published in 1861 a pamphlet entitled "Lösung der Ungarischen Frage", in which he called for the division of the empire into Austria and Hungary. After the Austro-Prussian war of 1866 Fischhof wrote "Ein Blick auf Oesterreich's Lage", and strongly advised an alliance with Germany. In his "Oesterreich und die Bürgschaften Seines Bestandes", 1869, he recommended an autonomous constitution for Austria. In his publications Fischhof strongly advocated a federal organization of the Austrian Empire and a high degree of autonomy for national minorities. His views contrasted with the centralistic outlook of the German Liberal cabinet that was appointed by Emperor Francis-Joseph in 1867. The German liberals believed that centralism would guarantee a German majority and safeguard the liberal reforms that were introduced by this cabinet. Fischhof, however, stated that true liberalism would guarantee not just individual liberties for Austrian citizens but also national liberties for Austria's national minorities. He was convinced that only federalism could prevent a break-up of the Habsburg Monarchy along national lines. This, he believed, would ultimately lead to German or Russian domination over the small nationalities in Central Europe and end the relative freedom they enjoyed under Habsburg rule. History was to prove him right. After the collapse of German Liberalism in 1879 and the coming to power of a clerical-conservative government that could count on Slav support, Fischhof, in the conjunction with Ernst Baron Walterskirchen, planned in 1882 the foundation of a German-Austrian people's party. This party should act as a mediator in the question of nationalities and unite all liberal elements of the empire; but his efforts were frustrated by the resistance of the mainstream German Liberal constitutional party. The views of Fischhof not only differed from those of the majority of German-Liberals, but also from those of the Jewish bourgeoisie that, just as Fischhof, identified strongly with the principles of liberalism. Unlike Fischhof most middle class Jews supported mainstream German-Liberalism well into the 1880s, when it had long proven to be unable to stop the radicalization of Austrian politics and the growing anti-semitism that was part of this. Fischhof is also a relative of producer David Fishof.
Adolf Ephraim Fischhof (* 8. Dezember 1816 in Ofen (Budapest); † 23. März 1893 in Emmersdorf, heute Teil von Klagenfurt) war österreichischer Arzt und liberaler Politiker.
Adolf Ephraim Fischhof, född den 8 december 1816 i Buda, död den 23 mars 1893, var en österrikisk politiker. Fischhof, som var av judisk släkt, studerade i Wien 1836–44 och blev sjukhusläkare där. Han tog verksam del i den politiska röran marsdagarna 1848 som en av studenternas anförare och var maj–juli ordförare för säkerhetsutskottet, som stod som medlare mellan folkmassan och myndigheterna. Han var senare medlem av riksdagen, där han hörde till det utpräglade framstegsparti, samt i inrikesministeriet, men blev i mars 1849 fängslad och satt fången i 9 månader som misstänkt för deltagande i krigsminister Latours mord. Han var därefter läkare i Wien, men blev först 1861 återinsatt i sina medborgerliga rättigheter. Tillsammans med den senare ministern Unger skrev Fischhof 1861 en flygskrift Zur Lösung der ungarischen Frage, i vilken han uttalade sig för den senare genomförda tudelningen av monarkin. År 1869 tog han till orda för en federalistisk ordning i Österrike och försoning mellan tyskar och slaver. Också 1882 sökte Fischhof, men utan framgång, bilda ett stort frisinnat parti, omfattande alla Österrikes folkslag, och att få språkstriden mellan dem upphävd.
Адольф Фишгоф (8 декабря 1816, Офер (Обуда, ныне в составе Будапешта) — 23 марта 1893, Эммерсдорф) — австрийский медик и политик-либерал еврейского происхождения.