Adjustment Team an entity of type: WikicatShortStoriesByPhilipK.Dick
Doikuntza taldea (ingelesez: Adjustment Team) Philip K. Dickek idatzitako zientzia fikziozko ipuina da, 1954ko irailean Orbit Science Fiction aldizkarian argitaratua. 2011n zinemara eraman zuen. 2015ean Aritz Gorrotxategik argitaletxeentzat 'Ordaina' izeneko ipuin-bildumaren barnean euskaratu zuen. Guztira, hamaika narrazio kronologikoki ordenatuta biltzen ditu 'Ordaina'k, Dicken estiloa eta bilakaera hurbilagotik eta zehaztasun handiagoz hautemateko.
«Команда корректировки» (англ. Adjustment Team) — научно-фантастический рассказ Филипа Киндреда Дика.
"Adjustment Team" is a science fiction short story by American writer Philip K. Dick. It was first published in Orbit Science Fiction (September–October 1954, No. 4) with illustration by . It was later reprinted in The Sands of Mars and Other Stories (Australian) in 1958, The Book of Philip K. Dick in 1973, The Turning Wheel and Other Stories (United Kingdom) in 1977, The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick in 1987 (Underwood–Miller), 1988 (Gollancz, United Kingdom), 1990 (Citadel Twilight, United States), Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick in 2002 and in The Early Work of Philip K. Dick, Volume One: The Variable Man & Other Stories in 2009.
Adjustment Team
Doikuntza taldea
Команда корректировки
"Adjustment Team" is a science fiction short story by American writer Philip K. Dick. It was first published in Orbit Science Fiction (September–October 1954, No. 4) with illustration by . It was later reprinted in The Sands of Mars and Other Stories (Australian) in 1958, The Book of Philip K. Dick in 1973, The Turning Wheel and Other Stories (United Kingdom) in 1977, The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick in 1987 (Underwood–Miller), 1988 (Gollancz, United Kingdom), 1990 (Citadel Twilight, United States), Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick in 2002 and in The Early Work of Philip K. Dick, Volume One: The Variable Man & Other Stories in 2009. "Adjustment Team" served as the basis for the 2011 film The Adjustment Bureau.
Doikuntza taldea (ingelesez: Adjustment Team) Philip K. Dickek idatzitako zientzia fikziozko ipuina da, 1954ko irailean Orbit Science Fiction aldizkarian argitaratua. 2011n zinemara eraman zuen. 2015ean Aritz Gorrotxategik argitaletxeentzat 'Ordaina' izeneko ipuin-bildumaren barnean euskaratu zuen. Guztira, hamaika narrazio kronologikoki ordenatuta biltzen ditu 'Ordaina'k, Dicken estiloa eta bilakaera hurbilagotik eta zehaztasun handiagoz hautemateko.
«Команда корректировки» (англ. Adjustment Team) — научно-фантастический рассказ Филипа Киндреда Дика.