A Very Potter Musical

http://dbpedia.org/resource/A_Very_Potter_Musical an entity of type: Thing

A Very Potter Musical (ursprünglich Harry Potter: The Musical, abgekürzt AVPM) ist ein Musical mit Musik und Text von Darren Criss und A.J. Holmes sowie Buch von Matt Lang, Nick Lang und Brian Holden. Es ist das erste Musical der Theatergruppe StarKid Productions (Team StarKid) und wurde 2009 in Ann Arbor, Michigan uraufgeführt. Die Komödie ist eine Parodie der Harry-Potter-Romane von J.K. Rowling und der gleichnamigen Filme (besonders Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen, Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch und Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes). Es bildet den Auftakt der A-Very-Potter-Trilogie, gefolgt von A Very Potter Sequel (2010) und A Very Potter Senior Year (2012). rdf:langString
A Very Potter Musical (d'abord Harry Potter: The Musical et souvent abrégé AVPM) est une comédie musicale produite par StarKid Productions, écrite et composée par Darren Criss et A. J. Holmes. Il s'agit d'une parodie basée sur plusieurs romans autour de Harry Potter, en particulier Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers, Harry Potter et la Coupe de feu, Harry Potter et le Prince de sang-mêlé et Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort de Rowling, et des adaptations cinématographiques. rdf:langString
A Very Potter Musical (originalmente titulado Harry Potter: The Musical) es un musical producido por con música de Darren Criss y , y escrito por y y . La historia es una parodia/homenaje de la saga de libros de Harry Potter escrita por J.K. Rowling y de sus versiones cinematográficas. A Very Potter Musical cuenta la historia de Harry Potter y su regreso a Hogwarts, así como su participación en "Campeonato de la Copa de las Casas" y el regreso del mago tenebroso lord Voldemort.​En 2010 se creó la segunda parte del musical: , a la que siguió , con la colaboración especial de Evanna Lynch. rdf:langString
A Very Potter Musical (původním názvem Harry Potter: The Musical) je americký muzikál. Text a hudbu napsali Darren Criss a A. J. Holmes a příběh napsali Matt Lang, Nick Lang a Brian Holden. Muzikál je parodií založenou na knižní sérii o Harry Potterovi, přesně Harry Potter a Kámen mudrců, Harry Potter a Ohnivý pohár, Harry Potter a Princ dvojí krve a Harry Potter a Relikvie smrti a také na jejich filmových zpracováních. rdf:langString
A Very Potter Musical (originally titled Harry Potter: The Musical and often shortened to AVPM) is a musical with music and lyrics by Darren Criss and A. J. Holmes and a book by Matt Lang, Nick Lang and Brian Holden. The story is a parody, based on several of the Harry Potter novels by J. K. Rowling (particularly Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), as well as their film adaptations. rdf:langString
A Very Potter Musical (Originariamente Harry Potter: The Musical) è un musical con musica e testi di Darren Criss ed A.J. Holmes e libretto scritto da Nick Lang e Brian Holden.. La storia è una parodia basata sui libri della saga di Harry Potter, in particolare Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale, Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco, Harry Potter e il principe mezzosangue e Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte scritti da J. K. Rowling e sui rispettivi film. Il musical fu eseguito per la prima volta l'11 aprile 2009 nel campus dell'Università del Michigan, e poi caricato su YouTube. È stato prodotto dal Team StarKid e diretto da Matt Lang. Gli attori principali erano Darren Criss nel ruolo di Harry Potter,, Joey Richter nel ruolo di Ron Weasley, Bonnie Gruesen in quello di Hermione Granger, Jaim rdf:langString
A Very Potter Musical (originalnamn: HP: The Musical) är en musikal med manus av Matt Lang, Nick Lang, och Brian Holden, och musik av Darren Criss och A.J. Holmes. Musikalen är en parodi på Harry Potter-böckerna Harry Potter och de vises sten, Harry Potter och den flammande bägaren, Harry Potter och Halvblodsprinsen och Harry Potter och dödsrelikerna, alla av J.K. Rowling. rdf:langString
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical
xsd:integer 32403009
xsd:integer 1123483072
rdf:langString Entertainment Weekly's 10 Best Viral Videos of 2009
rdf:langString Harry Potter
rdf:langString by J. K. Rowling
rdf:langString Matt Lang
rdf:langString Brian Holden
rdf:langString Nick Lang
rdf:langString AVPM soundtrack art
rdf:langString A Very Potter Sequel
xsd:integer 200
rdf:langString A. J. Holmes
rdf:langString Darren Criss
xsd:integer 2009
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical (původním názvem Harry Potter: The Musical) je americký muzikál. Text a hudbu napsali Darren Criss a A. J. Holmes a příběh napsali Matt Lang, Nick Lang a Brian Holden. Muzikál je parodií založenou na knižní sérii o Harry Potterovi, přesně Harry Potter a Kámen mudrců, Harry Potter a Ohnivý pohár, Harry Potter a Princ dvojí krve a Harry Potter a Relikvie smrti a také na jejich filmových zpracováních. A Very Potter Musical vypráví příběh o návratu Harryho Pottera do Školy čar a kouzel v Bradavicích, o strastech dospívání, jeho účasti na Turnaji tří kouzelníků a o návratu temného čaroděje lorda Voldemorta k moci. Muzikál se hrál od 9. do 11. dubna 2009 na kampusu Michiganské univerzity. Představení produkovala divadelní společnost Team StarKid a režie se ujal Matt Lang. V muzikálu se představili Darren Criss jako Harry Potter, Joey Richter jako Ron Weasley, Bonnie Gruesen jako Hermiona Grangerová, Lauren Lopez jako Draco Malfoy, Brian Rosenthal jako Quirinus Quirrell a Joe Walker jako Lord Voldemort. Na konci června 2009 společnost umístila celý muzikál na YouTube a z videí se stal obrovský hit a zhlédly je miliony uživatelů. Tento muzikál také umožnil Teamu StarKid vytvořit následující muzikály: (2009), A Very Potter Sequel (2010) a Starship (2011).
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical (ursprünglich Harry Potter: The Musical, abgekürzt AVPM) ist ein Musical mit Musik und Text von Darren Criss und A.J. Holmes sowie Buch von Matt Lang, Nick Lang und Brian Holden. Es ist das erste Musical der Theatergruppe StarKid Productions (Team StarKid) und wurde 2009 in Ann Arbor, Michigan uraufgeführt. Die Komödie ist eine Parodie der Harry-Potter-Romane von J.K. Rowling und der gleichnamigen Filme (besonders Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen, Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch und Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes). Es bildet den Auftakt der A-Very-Potter-Trilogie, gefolgt von A Very Potter Sequel (2010) und A Very Potter Senior Year (2012).
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical (originally titled Harry Potter: The Musical and often shortened to AVPM) is a musical with music and lyrics by Darren Criss and A. J. Holmes and a book by Matt Lang, Nick Lang and Brian Holden. The story is a parody, based on several of the Harry Potter novels by J. K. Rowling (particularly Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), as well as their film adaptations. A Very Potter Musical tells the story of Harry Potter's return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his participation in the House Cup Championship, the trials and tribulations of adolescence, and the return of the dark wizard Lord Voldemort and the Golden Trio's attempts to destroy the Horcruxes. The musical was performed on April 9–11, 2009 on the University of Michigan campus and is currently available to watch online on Youtube. It was produced by StarKid Productions and directed by Matt Lang. The musical starred Darren Criss as Harry Potter, Joey Richter as Ron Weasley, Bonnie Gruesen as Hermione Granger, Jaime Lyn Beatty as Ginny Weasley, as Draco Malfoy, Brian Rosenthal as Quirinus Quirrell and Joe Walker as Lord Voldemort. In late June 2009, the group put the entire musical up on YouTube and it became a viral video, obtaining millions of views. The popularity of this musical allowed Team StarKid to create subsequent musicals, such as Me and My Dick (2009), A Very Potter Sequel (2010), Starship (2011), Holy Musical B@man! (2012), Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier (2013), The Trail to Oregon! (2014), ANI: A Parody (2014), Firebringer (2016), The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals (2018), and Black Friday (2019). A third installment of the A Very Potter series, called A Very Potter Senior Year, premiered at LeakyCon on August 11, 2012. A fourth installment, titled A Very Potter Christmas (this time audio-only and not a musical) was released as a reward for backers of Team StarKid's Firebringer musical and was later released to the public during the A Very Potter Golden Birthday!!! stream.
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical (d'abord Harry Potter: The Musical et souvent abrégé AVPM) est une comédie musicale produite par StarKid Productions, écrite et composée par Darren Criss et A. J. Holmes. Il s'agit d'une parodie basée sur plusieurs romans autour de Harry Potter, en particulier Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers, Harry Potter et la Coupe de feu, Harry Potter et le Prince de sang-mêlé et Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort de Rowling, et des adaptations cinématographiques.
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical (originalmente titulado Harry Potter: The Musical) es un musical producido por con música de Darren Criss y , y escrito por y y . La historia es una parodia/homenaje de la saga de libros de Harry Potter escrita por J.K. Rowling y de sus versiones cinematográficas. A Very Potter Musical cuenta la historia de Harry Potter y su regreso a Hogwarts, así como su participación en "Campeonato de la Copa de las Casas" y el regreso del mago tenebroso lord Voldemort.​En 2010 se creó la segunda parte del musical: , a la que siguió , con la colaboración especial de Evanna Lynch.
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical (Originariamente Harry Potter: The Musical) è un musical con musica e testi di Darren Criss ed A.J. Holmes e libretto scritto da Nick Lang e Brian Holden.. La storia è una parodia basata sui libri della saga di Harry Potter, in particolare Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale, Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco, Harry Potter e il principe mezzosangue e Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte scritti da J. K. Rowling e sui rispettivi film. Il musical fu eseguito per la prima volta l'11 aprile 2009 nel campus dell'Università del Michigan, e poi caricato su YouTube. È stato prodotto dal Team StarKid e diretto da Matt Lang. Gli attori principali erano Darren Criss nel ruolo di Harry Potter,, Joey Richter nel ruolo di Ron Weasley, Bonnie Gruesen in quello di Hermione Granger, Jaime Lyn Beatty nella parte di Ginny Weasley e Joe Walker in quello di Lord Voldemort. A fine giugno 2009 il musical fu caricato su YouTube e divenne un successo, ottenendo milioni di visualizzazioni. Da allora, il Team StarKid ha messo in scena altri musical, quali Me And My Dick (2009), A Very Potter Sequel (2010), Starship (2011), Holy Musical B@man, A Very Potter Senior Year (presentato al LeakyCon l'11 agosto 2012) e Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier (2013).
rdf:langString A Very Potter Musical (originalnamn: HP: The Musical) är en musikal med manus av Matt Lang, Nick Lang, och Brian Holden, och musik av Darren Criss och A.J. Holmes. Musikalen är en parodi på Harry Potter-böckerna Harry Potter och de vises sten, Harry Potter och den flammande bägaren, Harry Potter och Halvblodsprinsen och Harry Potter och dödsrelikerna, alla av J.K. Rowling. Musikalen sattes upp på University of Michigans campusområde 9–11 april 2009. Den producerades av Team Starkid, och regisserades av Matt Lang. I slutet av juni 2009 lades hela musikalen upp på YouTube. Den blev snabbt populär, med miljontals visningar. Musikalen togs dock ned från sidan ett litet tag för censurering och namnbyte för att de skulle slippa bli stämda. Musikalen blev så populär att Team Starkid uppförde flera andra musikaler, bland dem uppföljarna A Very Potter Sequel (2010) och (2012).
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 25443

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