2019 Whakaari / White Island eruption

http://dbpedia.org/resource/2019_Whakaari_/_White_Island_eruption an entity of type: SpatialThing

ثار بركان الجزيرة البيضاء/واكاري في منطقة إلى الشمال الشرقي من نيوزيلندا في 9 ديسمبر 2019 في تمام الساعة 14:11 (ت ع م+13:00). وقد كان هناك 47 شخصًا على الأقل في المنطقة المجاورة للجزيرة في ذلك الوقت، تأكد وفاة عشرون شخصا منهم، وبقي ثمانية أشخاص في عداد المفقودين ويُفترض وفاتهم، بينما أصيب 19 آخرون بحروق. rdf:langString
Gunung api Whakaari/White Island yang terletak di di lepas pantai Pulau Utara, Selandia Baru meletus pada 9 Desember 2019 pukul 14.11 waktu Selandia Baru. Sedikitnya 17 orang dilaporkan tewas karena letusan tersebut sementara 8 orang lainnya dilaporkan hilang. Para ahli mengidentifikasi erupsi gunung tersebut sebagai erupsi freatik; pelepasan uap dan gas vulkanik yang menyebabkan ledakan serta meluncurkan batu dan abu vulkanik ke udara. rdf:langString
2019年新西兰法卡里/怀特岛火山爆发指于新西蘭時間(UTC+13)2019年12月9日下午2:11发生的火山爆发事件,事件發生時有四十七人在島上。火山爆發導致22人遇難,2人失蹤。专家鉴定这次喷发为潜水蒸气喷发;火山释放出的蒸汽和火山气体引起爆炸,将岩石和火山灰喷向空中。 rdf:langString
On 9 December 2019 Whakaari / White Island, an active stratovolcano island in New Zealand's northeastern Bay of Plenty region explosively erupted. The island was a popular tourist destination, known for its volcanic activity, and 47 people were on the island at the time. Twenty-two people died, either in the explosion or from injuries sustained, including two whose bodies were never found and were later declared dead. A further 25 people suffered injuries, with the majority needing intensive care for severe burns. The ongoing seismic and volcanic activity in the area as well as heavy rainfall, low visibility and toxic gases hampered recovery efforts over the week following the incident. rdf:langString
rdf:langString ثوران الجزيرة البيضاء/واكاري 2019
rdf:langString Vulkanausbruch auf White Island 2019
rdf:langString 2019 Whakaari / White Island eruption
rdf:langString Letusan Whakaari/White Island 2019
rdf:langString 2019年紐西蘭懷特島火山爆發
xsd:integer 2019
xsd:float -37.52000045776367
xsd:float 177.1824951171875
xsd:integer 62537108
xsd:integer 1124273172
rdf:langString Fatalities: 22
rdf:langString Injuries: 25
<second> 851.0
xsd:integer 2
rdf:langString Whakaari / White Island
rdf:langString Whakaari / White Island, nine minutes after the eruption
xsd:date 2019-12-09
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand
rdf:langString White Island Tours
rdf:langString Whakaari/White Island is currently on Alert Level 2. This level indicates moderate to heightened volcanic unrest, there is the potential for eruption hazards to occur. White Island Tours operates through the varying alert levels but passengers should be aware that there is always a risk of eruptive activity regardless of the alert level. White Island Tours follows a comprehensive safety plan which determines our activities on the island at the various levels.
xsd:integer 210
xsd:string -37.52 177.1825
rdf:langString ثار بركان الجزيرة البيضاء/واكاري في منطقة إلى الشمال الشرقي من نيوزيلندا في 9 ديسمبر 2019 في تمام الساعة 14:11 (ت ع م+13:00). وقد كان هناك 47 شخصًا على الأقل في المنطقة المجاورة للجزيرة في ذلك الوقت، تأكد وفاة عشرون شخصا منهم، وبقي ثمانية أشخاص في عداد المفقودين ويُفترض وفاتهم، بينما أصيب 19 آخرون بحروق.
rdf:langString On 9 December 2019 Whakaari / White Island, an active stratovolcano island in New Zealand's northeastern Bay of Plenty region explosively erupted. The island was a popular tourist destination, known for its volcanic activity, and 47 people were on the island at the time. Twenty-two people died, either in the explosion or from injuries sustained, including two whose bodies were never found and were later declared dead. A further 25 people suffered injuries, with the majority needing intensive care for severe burns. The ongoing seismic and volcanic activity in the area as well as heavy rainfall, low visibility and toxic gases hampered recovery efforts over the week following the incident. Experts identified the event as a phreatic eruption: a release of steam and volcanic gases that caused an explosion, launching rock and ash into the air. Following the eruption, investigations resulted in WorkSafe New Zealand charging multiple tour operators, government and scientific agencies under the Health and Safety at Work Act for failing to ensure the health and safety of workers and others. The latest hearing was held in June 2021.
rdf:langString Gunung api Whakaari/White Island yang terletak di di lepas pantai Pulau Utara, Selandia Baru meletus pada 9 Desember 2019 pukul 14.11 waktu Selandia Baru. Sedikitnya 17 orang dilaporkan tewas karena letusan tersebut sementara 8 orang lainnya dilaporkan hilang. Para ahli mengidentifikasi erupsi gunung tersebut sebagai erupsi freatik; pelepasan uap dan gas vulkanik yang menyebabkan ledakan serta meluncurkan batu dan abu vulkanik ke udara.
rdf:langString 2019年新西兰法卡里/怀特岛火山爆发指于新西蘭時間(UTC+13)2019年12月9日下午2:11发生的火山爆发事件,事件發生時有四十七人在島上。火山爆發導致22人遇難,2人失蹤。专家鉴定这次喷发为潜水蒸气喷发;火山释放出的蒸汽和火山气体引起爆炸,将岩石和火山灰喷向空中。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 71666
<Geometry> POINT(177.18249511719 -37.520000457764)

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