2008 Getxo bombing

http://dbpedia.org/resource/2008_Getxo_bombing an entity of type: WikicatTerroristIncidentsIn2008

2008ko Getxoko atentatua ETA erakundeak urte hartako maiatzaren 19an bertoko kirol-portuan bonba-autoz eginiko atentatua da, zeinaren kalte materialak suertatu ziren. ETAk egun bereko goiz hartan Citroën Berlingo bat lapurtu eta 60 kilogramo amonalez bete zuen. DYAri telefono deia bat egin zuten bonbari buruz ohartaraziz eta Ertzaintzak ingurukoak hustu zituen. rdf:langString
The 2008 Getxo bombing occurred on 19 May 2008, when a van bomb went off outside a boat club in the town of Getxo, Biscay in the Basque Country, Spain. The attack caused serious damage to the club, as well as nearby buildings and structures. No one was killed or injured after a warning call from the Basque separatist organisation ETA. On 31 May, the organisation claimed responsibility for the bombing. rdf:langString
rdf:langString 2008 Getxo bombing
rdf:langString 2008ko Getxoko atentatua
xsd:float 43.32789993286133
xsd:float -3.015799999237061
xsd:integer 29933467
xsd:integer 1110543725
rdf:langString Aitor Artetxe
rdf:langString Arkaitz Goikoetxea
rdf:langString Ertzaintza officers in front of a damaged building
xsd:date 2008-05-19
xsd:integer 0
rdf:langString Arkaitz goikoetxea.jpg
xsd:integer 0
rdf:langString Getxo, Biscay, Spain
rdf:langString the Basque conflict
<second> 50.0
xsd:integer 2008
xsd:integer 100
xsd:string 43.3279 -3.0158
rdf:langString The 2008 Getxo bombing occurred on 19 May 2008, when a van bomb went off outside a boat club in the town of Getxo, Biscay in the Basque Country, Spain. The attack caused serious damage to the club, as well as nearby buildings and structures. No one was killed or injured after a warning call from the Basque separatist organisation ETA. On 31 May, the organisation claimed responsibility for the bombing. Five days before the attack, another ETA car bomb in a Civil Guard barracks in Legutiano, Álava killed a Civil Guard member and injured four. Both attacks were blamed on the Biscay cell of ETA led by Arkaitz Goikoetxea Basabe, which was most active after the end of the 2006 ceasefire, and was responsible for several attacks in the region during 2007 and 2008. Most of the cell members, as well as the participants in the attack, were arrested in July 2008. The attack came hours before a meeting by Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and Basque lehendakari Juan José Ibarretxe to discuss the Basque Conflict. On the same day of the attack, a memorial service for victims of terrorism was held in San Sebastián.
rdf:langString 2008ko Getxoko atentatua ETA erakundeak urte hartako maiatzaren 19an bertoko kirol-portuan bonba-autoz eginiko atentatua da, zeinaren kalte materialak suertatu ziren. ETAk egun bereko goiz hartan Citroën Berlingo bat lapurtu eta 60 kilogramo amonalez bete zuen. DYAri telefono deia bat egin zuten bonbari buruz ohartaraziz eta Ertzaintzak ingurukoak hustu zituen.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 16570
<Geometry> POINT(-3.0157999992371 43.327899932861)

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