1973 Swedish general election

http://dbpedia.org/resource/1973_Swedish_general_election an entity of type: Thing

Les eleccions legislatives sueques del 1973 es van celebrar el 16 de setembre de 1973. Els més votats els socialdemòcrates i Olof Palme fou nomenat primer ministre de Suècia. rdf:langString
Die Wahl zum Schwedischen Reichstag 1973 fand am 16. September 1973 statt. rdf:langString
Les élections législatives suédoises de 1973 se sont déroulées le 16 septembre 1973, le lendemain de la mort du roi Gustave VI. Le Riksdag est exactement divisé entre la coalition social-démocrate au pouvoir et l'opposition de centre droit, chacune occupant exactement 175 des 350 sièges du Parlement. Olof Palme reste Premier ministre. rdf:langString
Le elezioni legislative in Svezia del 1973 si tennero il 16 settembre per il rinnovo del Riksdag. In seguito all'esito elettorale, Olof Palme, espressione del Partito Socialdemocratico, fu confermato Ministro di Stato. rdf:langString
Op 20 september 1970 wordt in Zweden een nieuw parlement verkozen. Vooral onder de oppositiepartijen verschuiven wat stemmen. Het linkse blok, dat tussen 1970 en 1973 aan de macht is, haalt evenzoveel parlementszetels binnen als de oppositie. De sociaaldemocraten kunnen aan de macht blijven, maar zullen nu steun moeten zoeken bij de Liberale of de Centrumpartij. rdf:langString
Wybory parlamentarne w Szwecji odbyły się 16 września 1973. Frekwencja wyborcza wyniosła 90,8%. Oddano 5 160 146 głosów ważnych oraz 8 850 (0,2%) głosów pustych lub nieważnych. rdf:langString
Riksdagsvalet i Sverige 1973 hölls den 16 september 1973. rdf:langString
General elections were held in Sweden on 16 September 1973. The Social Democrats remained the largest party, winning 156 of the 350 seats. For most of the campaign, the opposition parties had led the socialist parties in the polls. It has been speculated that several events influenced the outcome of the election in favour of the government: the death of King Gustaf VI Adolf the previous day, the Norrmalmstorg robbery and the 1973 Chilean coup d'état. Palme had delivered an impassioned speech on Salvador Allende's legacy on the eve of the election, in which he praised the democratic system. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Eleccions legislatives sueques de 1973
rdf:langString Wahl zum Schwedischen Reichstag 1973
rdf:langString 1973 Swedish general election
rdf:langString Elezioni legislative in Svezia del 1973
rdf:langString Élections législatives suédoises de 1973
rdf:langString Wybory parlamentarne w Szwecji w 1973 roku
rdf:langString Zweedse parlementsverkiezingen 1973
rdf:langString Riksdagsvalet i Sverige 1973
xsd:integer 2724191
xsd:integer 1121461204
xsd:integer 176
xsd:integer 274929 486028 737584 1295246 2247727
xsd:double 0.57 1.78 2.76 5.18 6.79
xsd:integer 0
rdf:langString Swedish Social Democratic Party
rdf:langString Swedish Social Democratic Party
rdf:langString Sweden
xsd:date 1973-09-16
xsd:integer 5690333
rdf:langString CH Hermansson.jpg
rdf:langString Falldin.JPG
rdf:langString Gösta Bohman .jpg
rdf:langString Olof Palme 1974 .jpg
xsd:integer 130
xsd:integer 8850
xsd:integer 17 41 58 71 163
rdf:langString Map of the election, showing the distribution of constituency and levelling seats, as well as the largest political bloc within each constituency.
rdf:langString Riksdagsvalet 1973.svg
xsd:integer 1976
xsd:integer 1976
rdf:langString Moderate Party
rdf:langString Swedish Social Democratic Party
rdf:langString Centre Party
rdf:langString Other parties
<perCent> 14.29 25.1 43.56 9.42 5.33
xsd:integer 1970
xsd:integer 1970
xsd:integer 0
rdf:langString +2
rdf:langString New
rdf:langString +10
rdf:langString +19
rdf:langString –7
rdf:langString –24
xsd:integer 2 7 10 19 24
xsd:integer 0 19 34 51 90 156
rdf:langString All 350 seats in the Riksdag
rdf:langString Nohlen & Stöver
rdf:langString PM
rdf:langString parliamentary
xsd:integer 1307 8014 18923 90388 274929 486028 737584 1295246 2247727
rdf:langString Les eleccions legislatives sueques del 1973 es van celebrar el 16 de setembre de 1973. Els més votats els socialdemòcrates i Olof Palme fou nomenat primer ministre de Suècia.
rdf:langString General elections were held in Sweden on 16 September 1973. The Social Democrats remained the largest party, winning 156 of the 350 seats. For most of the campaign, the opposition parties had led the socialist parties in the polls. It has been speculated that several events influenced the outcome of the election in favour of the government: the death of King Gustaf VI Adolf the previous day, the Norrmalmstorg robbery and the 1973 Chilean coup d'état. Palme had delivered an impassioned speech on Salvador Allende's legacy on the eve of the election, in which he praised the democratic system. The elections instead produced a draw, with the socialist and liberal-conservative blocs each winning 175 seats. Since the opposition could not pass a motion of no confidence against Palme's government, he was able to remain in power. In order to pass legislation the Social Democrats had to draw lots or seek support from the opposition. To prevent this scenario from reoccurring, the number of seats in the Riksdag was adjusted to an odd number for subsequent elections. In the popular vote, while winning an equal number of seats the socialist bloc won 2,522,656 votes to the 2,518,858 for the liberal-conservative bloc, a net difference of 3,798 votes or 48.80% versus 48.73%, although the seats ended up being shared equally because of the narrow margin.
rdf:langString Die Wahl zum Schwedischen Reichstag 1973 fand am 16. September 1973 statt.
rdf:langString Les élections législatives suédoises de 1973 se sont déroulées le 16 septembre 1973, le lendemain de la mort du roi Gustave VI. Le Riksdag est exactement divisé entre la coalition social-démocrate au pouvoir et l'opposition de centre droit, chacune occupant exactement 175 des 350 sièges du Parlement. Olof Palme reste Premier ministre.
rdf:langString Le elezioni legislative in Svezia del 1973 si tennero il 16 settembre per il rinnovo del Riksdag. In seguito all'esito elettorale, Olof Palme, espressione del Partito Socialdemocratico, fu confermato Ministro di Stato.
rdf:langString Op 20 september 1970 wordt in Zweden een nieuw parlement verkozen. Vooral onder de oppositiepartijen verschuiven wat stemmen. Het linkse blok, dat tussen 1970 en 1973 aan de macht is, haalt evenzoveel parlementszetels binnen als de oppositie. De sociaaldemocraten kunnen aan de macht blijven, maar zullen nu steun moeten zoeken bij de Liberale of de Centrumpartij.
rdf:langString Wybory parlamentarne w Szwecji odbyły się 16 września 1973. Frekwencja wyborcza wyniosła 90,8%. Oddano 5 160 146 głosów ważnych oraz 8 850 (0,2%) głosów pustych lub nieważnych.
rdf:langString Riksdagsvalet i Sverige 1973 hölls den 16 september 1973.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 10253
xsd:date 1973-09-16

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