1928 World Series


La Serie Mundial de 1928 fue disputada entre Saint Louis Cardinals y New York Yankees.​​​ Los New York Yankees resultaron ganadores al vencer en la serie por 4 partidos a 0. rdf:langString
1928年のワールドシリーズ(1928ねんのワールドシリーズ)は、1928年10月4日から10月9日まで行われたメジャーリーグのワールドシリーズである。 rdf:langString
The 1928 World Series was the championship series in Major League Baseball for the 1928 season. The 25th edition of the World Series, it matched the American League champion New York Yankees versus the National League champion St. Louis Cardinals. The Yankees beat the Cardinals in four games to become the first team to do back-to-back sweeps. Lou Gehrig also had a good Series, hitting .545 (6 for 11) with four home runs. He drove in as many runs by himself (9) as the entire Cardinal team combined. rdf:langString
Le World Series 1928 sono state la 25ª edizione della serie di finale della Major League Baseball al meglio delle sette partite tra i campioni della National League (NL) 1928, i St. Louis Cardinals e quelli della American League (AL), i New York Yankees. A vincere il loro terzo titolo furono gli Yankees per quattro gare a zero. Bill McKechnie divenne il secondo manager a guidare due diverse squadre alle World Series e, come Pat Moran, ne vinse una e perse l'altra. rdf:langString
在1928年的世界大賽裡,紐約洋基以四戰全勝橫掃對手聖路易紅雀。Babe Ruth以0.625(10/16)的打擊率,率領洋基隊以27比10的總比分將對手击败。 在結束1927年的傑出球季之後,洋基隊以2.5場勝差超越運動家隊,連續第三年贏得美聯冠軍。不過代價是隊上傷兵累累:投手Herb Pennock(17勝6負)因為手臂痠痛,在系列戰裡只能坐冷板凳;中堅手Earle Combs因為手指骨折而只能擔任代打;二壘手Tony Lazzeri用來傳球的手臂也受傷了;而Babe Ruth則是忍著腳踝的痛上場比賽。紅雀隊這邊則是兵強馬壯,以極佳的狀態迎戰洋基隊,準備重演1926年的戰果。那一年他們以4勝3敗擊敗了洋基隊。 Bill McKechnie也成為繼Pat Moran後,第二位帶領兩支不同球隊闖進世界大賽的總教練,而且兩人最後都拿下一座冠軍。 總教練:Miller Huggins(洋基)、Bill McKechnie(紅雀)。 裁判:Brick Owens(美聯)、Cy Rigler(國聯)、Bill McGowan(美聯)、Cy Pfirman(國聯)。 rdf:langString
rdf:langString 1928 World Series
rdf:langString Serie Mundial de 1928
rdf:langString World Series 1928
rdf:langString 1928年のワールドシリーズ
rdf:langString 1928年世界大賽
xsd:integer 1332329
xsd:integer 1118848012
rdf:langString World
xsd:gMonthDay --10-04
xsd:gMonthDay --10-05
xsd:gMonthDay --10-07
xsd:gMonthDay --10-09
xsd:date 1928-10-04
xsd:date 1928-10-05
xsd:date 1928-10-07
xsd:date 1928-10-09
xsd:integer 0
xsd:integer 1
xsd:integer 2
xsd:integer 3
xsd:integer 4
rdf:langString X
rdf:langString New York
rdf:langString St. Louis
rdf:langString St. Louis Cardinals
rdf:langString Yankee Stadium in Bronx, New York
rdf:langString Sportsman's Park in St. Louis, Missouri
xsd:integer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
rdf:langString New York
rdf:langString New York Yankees
rdf:langString St. Louis
xsd:integer 1 3 7 27
rdf:langString New York Yankees – 7, St. Louis Cardinals – 3
rdf:langString St. Louis Cardinals – 1, New York Yankees – 4
rdf:langString St. Louis Cardinals – 3, New York Yankees – 9
rdf:langString AL New York Yankees vs. NL St. Louis Cardinals
xsd:integer 1 109.0 120.0 124.0 145.0
xsd:integer 1928
xsd:integer 37331 39602 60714 61426
xsd:integer 49768
xsd:integer 101
xsd:integer 124
rdf:langString Babe Ruth
rdf:langString Umpire:
rdf:langString (‡ Elected as a manager)
rdf:langString Frankie Frisch
rdf:langString Lou Gehrig
rdf:langString Yankees:
rdf:langString Cardinals:
rdf:langString Chick Hafey
rdf:langString Earle Combs
rdf:langString Grover Cleveland Alexander
rdf:langString Herb Pennock
rdf:langString Jesse Haines
rdf:langString Jim Bottomley
rdf:langString Leo Durocher‡
rdf:langString Rabbit Maranville
rdf:langString Tony Lazzeri
rdf:langString Waite Hoyt
rdf:langString Yankee Stadium
rdf:langString Sportsman's Park
<usDollar> 4181.0
xsd:integer 2136
xsd:integer 95
xsd:integer 199072
<usDollar> 5813.0
rdf:langString CBS: J. Andrew White and Ted Husing
rdf:langString NBC: Graham McNamee and Phillips Carlin
xsd:integer 0 2 3 5
xsd:integer 7 8 9 11 27
rdf:langString STL
rdf:langString NYY
xsd:integer 3 4 9 10
xsd:integer 1 2 6
xsd:integer 3 4 7 15 37
rdf:langString STL
rdf:langString NYY
rdf:langString Babe Ruth 3 , Lou Gehrig , Cedric Durst
rdf:langString Lou Gehrig 2
xsd:date 2007-12-09
rdf:langString The 1928 World Series was the championship series in Major League Baseball for the 1928 season. The 25th edition of the World Series, it matched the American League champion New York Yankees versus the National League champion St. Louis Cardinals. The Yankees beat the Cardinals in four games to become the first team to do back-to-back sweeps. Babe Ruth hit .625 (10 for 16) as the Yankees outscored their opponents by a combined score of 27–10. As he had done against the Cards in the 1926 Series, Ruth hit three home runs over the right field pavilion in Sportsman's Park in Game 4, the only player to do it in two different World Series through the 2016 season. Unlike 1926, however, it occurred in the final game of a Series won by the Yanks and finished off their two consecutive World Series sweeps. Lou Gehrig also had a good Series, hitting .545 (6 for 11) with four home runs. He drove in as many runs by himself (9) as the entire Cardinal team combined. Bill McKechnie became the second manager to lead two different teams to the World Series, and like Pat Moran before him, won one and lost one.
rdf:langString La Serie Mundial de 1928 fue disputada entre Saint Louis Cardinals y New York Yankees.​​​ Los New York Yankees resultaron ganadores al vencer en la serie por 4 partidos a 0.
rdf:langString 1928年のワールドシリーズ(1928ねんのワールドシリーズ)は、1928年10月4日から10月9日まで行われたメジャーリーグのワールドシリーズである。
rdf:langString Le World Series 1928 sono state la 25ª edizione della serie di finale della Major League Baseball al meglio delle sette partite tra i campioni della National League (NL) 1928, i St. Louis Cardinals e quelli della American League (AL), i New York Yankees. A vincere il loro terzo titolo furono gli Yankees per quattro gare a zero. Trascinati dal .625 di Babe Ruth in media battuta (10 su 16) gli Yankees batterono nettamente i loro avversari con un punteggio complessivo di 27 a 10. Come aveva fatto contro i Cardinals nelle World Series 1926, Ruth batté tre fuoricampo sul lato destro di Sportsman's Park in gara 4, l'unico ad avere compiuto tale impresa per due volte nelle World Series. Diversamente dal 1926, tuttavia, ciò avvenne nell'ultima gara della serie, coronando il secondo titolo consecutivo della squadra, vinto come l'anno precedente per 4-0. Anche Lou Gehrig disputò una serie di alto livello: batté tanti RBI quanti l'intera formazione dei Cardinals. Bill McKechnie divenne il secondo manager a guidare due diverse squadre alle World Series e, come Pat Moran, ne vinse una e perse l'altra.
rdf:langString 在1928年的世界大賽裡,紐約洋基以四戰全勝橫掃對手聖路易紅雀。Babe Ruth以0.625(10/16)的打擊率,率領洋基隊以27比10的總比分將對手击败。 在結束1927年的傑出球季之後,洋基隊以2.5場勝差超越運動家隊,連續第三年贏得美聯冠軍。不過代價是隊上傷兵累累:投手Herb Pennock(17勝6負)因為手臂痠痛,在系列戰裡只能坐冷板凳;中堅手Earle Combs因為手指骨折而只能擔任代打;二壘手Tony Lazzeri用來傳球的手臂也受傷了;而Babe Ruth則是忍著腳踝的痛上場比賽。紅雀隊這邊則是兵強馬壯,以極佳的狀態迎戰洋基隊,準備重演1926年的戰果。那一年他們以4勝3敗擊敗了洋基隊。 第一戰由Waite Hoyt先發出戰Bill Sherdel,這可以說是一場以小搏大(David vs. Goliath)的比賽。Babe雖然可以出賽,不過根本跑不動。但是他和他的後輩們還是演出了一場精彩的比賽。Ruth有一支一壘安打和兩支二壘安打,Gehrig有四之二的表現以及兩分打點進帳,另外Bob Meusel還貢獻了一支兩分全壘打,幫助洋基隊以4比1獲得首戰勝利。在1926年世界大賽讓洋基隊投手群難堪的Grover Alexander於第二戰代表紅雀隊先發,不過這次就無法像兩年前那樣主宰比賽。Lou Gehrig在第一局就擊出三分全壘打,而接下來洋基隊從毫無抵抗力的紅雀隊手中不斷地得分,最後以9比3獲勝。 Ruth和Gehrig不負眾望地繼續摧殘紅雀隊的投手群。鐵馬在第三戰擊出兩支全壘打(陽春彈與兩分彈),幫助洋基以7比3獲勝。而Babe則是在第四戰演出單場三響砲,Lou Gehrig也再貢獻一支,洋基再度以7比3獲勝,這是連續第二年在世界大賽中橫掃對手。兩位強棒合計貢獻出0.593(16/27)的打擊率、七支全壘打、以及13分打點。Ruth在這四場世界大賽對戰裡創下了不可置信的0.625打擊率以及10支安打。Gehrig也不差,0.545打擊率以及九分打點都是打破自己的紀錄。這個系列戰其實算是兩人秀,因為其他洋基球員總共只貢獻了0.196的打擊率。不過洋基隊堅強的投手陣容也是貢獻卓著,包括Hoyt、George Pipgras、與Tom Zachary等等。世界大賽常勝軍在經歷了一個艱難的球季後總算保住了顏面,也證明了他們是強者中的強者。 Bill McKechnie也成為繼Pat Moran後,第二位帶領兩支不同球隊闖進世界大賽的總教練,而且兩人最後都拿下一座冠軍。 總教練:Miller Huggins(洋基)、Bill McKechnie(紅雀)。 裁判:Brick Owens(美聯)、Cy Rigler(國聯)、Bill McGowan(美聯)、Cy Pfirman(國聯)。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 14657

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