1912 Atlantic hurricane season

http://dbpedia.org/resource/1912_Atlantic_hurricane_season an entity of type: WikicatArticlesWhichContainGraphicalTimelines

Het Atlantisch orkaanseizoen 1912 was relatief inactief, met slechts zes tropische cyclonen in de Atlantische Oceaan tijdens de zomer en de herfst. Van de slechts zes stormen groeiden er vier uit tot een orkaan, waarvan één majeur. rdf:langString
1912年大西洋飓风季是有可靠纪录以来第一个在11月形成大型飓风的大西洋飓风季,即有风暴达到现代萨菲尔-辛普森飓风等级下的三级飓风标准。全季共包含11个热带气旋,其中七个成为热带风暴,四个增强成飓风,一个达到大型飓风标准。第一个热带气旋于4月4日发展成型,最后一场风暴在11月21日消散。本季以人称牙买加飓风的最后一场风暴强度最高,造成的破坏也最严重。气旋在牙买加降下暴雨,至少造成100人死亡,损失数额约为150万美元。此外,风暴还在古巴夺走五条人命。 第四和第六号飓风也造成较大影响,其中第四号飓风在美国墨西哥湾部分沿岸地区产生大浪和强烈的风暴潮,对局部地区构成重大破坏,并以阿拉巴马州的莫比尔和佛罗里达州的彭萨科拉情况严重,经济损失约为3.9万美元,另有一人在驳船倾覆后遇难。第六号飓风令墨西哥东北部和德克萨斯州南部近海波涛汹涌并降下暴雨,在内陆引发洪灾。风暴导致15人丧生,损失数额约为2.8万美元。全季所有气旋一共导致至少122人死亡,损失总额接近160万美元。 这年飓风季的活跃程度还经累积气旋能量指数反映出来,数值为57。大致来说,气旋能量指数通过飓风强度和持续时间计算,强度越高、持续时间越长的风暴,其指数也相应越高。 rdf:langString
The 1912 Atlantic hurricane season featured the first recorded major hurricane – Category 3 or higher on the modern day Saffir–Simpson scale – in the month of November. There were eleven tropical cyclones, seven of which became tropical storms; four of those strengthened into hurricanes, and one reached major hurricane intensity. The season's first cyclone developed on April 4, while the final dissipated on November 21. The season's most intense and most devastating tropical cyclone was the final storm, known as the Jamaica hurricane. It produced heavy rainfall on Jamaica, leading to at least 100 fatalities and about $1.5 million (1912 USD) in damage. The storm was also blamed for five deaths in Cuba. rdf:langString
rdf:langString 1912 Atlantic hurricane season
rdf:langString Atlantisch orkaanseizoen 1912
rdf:langString 1912年大西洋飓风季
xsd:integer 1907113
xsd:integer 1118296480
xsd:integer 45 60 80 85 100
rdf:langString Atlantic
rdf:langString Atl
xsd:gMonthDay --06-17 --07-17 --09-06 --09-15 --10-10 --10-18 --11-21
xsd:date 1912-04-04
xsd:decimal 9223372036854775807
xsd:date 1912-11-21
xsd:integer 100
xsd:integer 4
xsd:integer 1
xsd:integer 7
xsd:double 1.6
xsd:integer 122
xsd:gMonthDay --06-07 --07-12 --09-02 --09-10 --10-06 --10-11 --11-11
xsd:integer 965
xsd:integer 970
xsd:integer 995
rdf:langString <1007
rdf:langString <1011
rdf:langString <986
rdf:langString <996
xsd:integer 1912
rdf:langString hurricane
xsd:integer 1910 1912
xsd:integer 1910
xsd:integer 1
xsd:integer 965
xsd:integer 11
rdf:langString The 1912 Atlantic hurricane season featured the first recorded major hurricane – Category 3 or higher on the modern day Saffir–Simpson scale – in the month of November. There were eleven tropical cyclones, seven of which became tropical storms; four of those strengthened into hurricanes, and one reached major hurricane intensity. The season's first cyclone developed on April 4, while the final dissipated on November 21. The season's most intense and most devastating tropical cyclone was the final storm, known as the Jamaica hurricane. It produced heavy rainfall on Jamaica, leading to at least 100 fatalities and about $1.5 million (1912 USD) in damage. The storm was also blamed for five deaths in Cuba. Other tropical cyclones that left notable impact include the fourth and sixth hurricanes. The former brought rough seas and storm surge to portions of the Gulf Coast of the United States, leaving locally severe damage, particularly in Mobile, Alabama, and Pensacola, Florida, totaling about $39,000. One fatality occurred after a barge capsized. The sixth hurricane brought rough seas and heavy precipitation to northeastern Mexico and south Texas, with flooding reported inland. The storm left 15 deaths and about $28,000 in damage. Overall, the tropical cyclones of this season collectively caused at least 122 fatalities and just under $1.6 million in damage. The season's activity was reflected with an accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) rating of 57, near the 1911–1920 average of 58.7. ACE is a metric used to express the energy used by a tropical cyclone during its lifetime. Therefore, a storm with a longer duration will have high values of ACE. It is only calculated at six-hour increments in which specific tropical and subtropical systems are either at or above sustained wind speeds of 39 mph (63 km/h), which is the threshold for tropical storm intensity. Thus, tropical depressions are not included here.
rdf:langString Het Atlantisch orkaanseizoen 1912 was relatief inactief, met slechts zes tropische cyclonen in de Atlantische Oceaan tijdens de zomer en de herfst. Van de slechts zes stormen groeiden er vier uit tot een orkaan, waarvan één majeur.
rdf:langString 1912年大西洋飓风季是有可靠纪录以来第一个在11月形成大型飓风的大西洋飓风季,即有风暴达到现代萨菲尔-辛普森飓风等级下的三级飓风标准。全季共包含11个热带气旋,其中七个成为热带风暴,四个增强成飓风,一个达到大型飓风标准。第一个热带气旋于4月4日发展成型,最后一场风暴在11月21日消散。本季以人称牙买加飓风的最后一场风暴强度最高,造成的破坏也最严重。气旋在牙买加降下暴雨,至少造成100人死亡,损失数额约为150万美元。此外,风暴还在古巴夺走五条人命。 第四和第六号飓风也造成较大影响,其中第四号飓风在美国墨西哥湾部分沿岸地区产生大浪和强烈的风暴潮,对局部地区构成重大破坏,并以阿拉巴马州的莫比尔和佛罗里达州的彭萨科拉情况严重,经济损失约为3.9万美元,另有一人在驳船倾覆后遇难。第六号飓风令墨西哥东北部和德克萨斯州南部近海波涛汹涌并降下暴雨,在内陆引发洪灾。风暴导致15人丧生,损失数额约为2.8万美元。全季所有气旋一共导致至少122人死亡,损失总额接近160万美元。 这年飓风季的活跃程度还经累积气旋能量指数反映出来,数值为57。大致来说,气旋能量指数通过飓风强度和持续时间计算,强度越高、持续时间越长的风暴,其指数也相应越高。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 26272

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