1861 Atlantic hurricane season

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1861年大西洋飓风季是南北战争期间的第一个大西洋飓风季,对部分战事构成轻微影响。据信本季共形成八个热带气旋,其中第一个于7月6日成型,最后一个在11月3日消散。八场风暴中有六场的最高强度在现代萨菲尔-辛普森飓风等级下达到一级飓风或以上标准,其中又有三场在美国产生飓风强度风力。但是,各风暴造成的损失总额都缺乏统计。新英格兰有22人伴随沉船葬身大海,7月的飓风也导致一艘船同数量不明的船员深海长眠。由于缺乏数据和有效观测纪录,1861年的风暴无法通过中心气压这样的常规标准衡量气旋强度,但从最大持续风速指标来看,全季以第一和第三号飓风最为强劲。 气象学界长期以来确认本季存在的只有四场风暴,但现代研究又新发现三场。虽然过去许多热带气旋的移动路线都经过再分析重建,但估计绝大部分风暴的路径依然不完整。有三场风暴完全没有影响陆地,不过所有气旋都曾对海上航运构成影响,有些还令船只遭受重创。9月,一场人称“秋分风暴”的飓风吹袭美国东岸,令沿海及部分内陆地区风雨交加。本季最后一场风暴的移动路径与秋分风暴类似,对赶赴南卡罗莱纳州准备参加的许多联邦军舰只构成影响,其中有两艘舰船沉没,另外多艘只能返航修整,不过联邦军最终还是赢得这场战斗的胜利。 rdf:langString
The 1861 Atlantic hurricane season occurred during the first year of the American Civil War and had some minor impacts on associated events. Eight tropical cyclones are believed to have formed during the 1861 season; the first storm developed on July 6 and the final system dissipated on November 3. Six of the eight hurricanes attained Category 1 hurricane status or higher on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, of which three produced hurricane-force winds in the United States. No conclusive damage totals are available for any storms. Twenty-two people died in a shipwreck off the New England coast, and an undetermined number of crew members went down with their ship in the July hurricane. Based on maximum sustained winds, the first and third hurricanes are tied for the strongest of the year rdf:langString
rdf:langString 1861 Atlantic hurricane season
rdf:langString 1861年大西洋飓风季
xsd:integer 32471027
xsd:integer 1117535456
xsd:integer 50 60 70 80 90
rdf:langString Atlantic
rdf:langString Atl
xsd:gMonthDay --07-12 --08-17 --08-30 --09-17 --09-28 --10-07 --10-09 --11-03
xsd:date 1861-07-06
xsd:decimal 9223372036854775807
xsd:date 1861-11-03
rdf:langString [[#Hurricane One
xsd:integer 90
xsd:integer 6
xsd:integer 0
xsd:integer 8
rdf:langString At least 22
xsd:gMonthDay --07-06 --08-13 --08-25 --09-17 --09-27 --10-06 --10-07 --11-01
xsd:integer 958 978 985
xsd:integer 1861
rdf:langString hurricane
xsd:integer 1860 1861
xsd:integer 1
rdf:langString The 1861 Atlantic hurricane season occurred during the first year of the American Civil War and had some minor impacts on associated events. Eight tropical cyclones are believed to have formed during the 1861 season; the first storm developed on July 6 and the final system dissipated on November 3. Six of the eight hurricanes attained Category 1 hurricane status or higher on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, of which three produced hurricane-force winds in the United States. No conclusive damage totals are available for any storms. Twenty-two people died in a shipwreck off the New England coast, and an undetermined number of crew members went down with their ship in the July hurricane. Based on maximum sustained winds, the first and third hurricanes are tied for the strongest of the year, although the typical method for determining that record—central barometric air pressure—is not a reliable indicator due to a general lack of data and observations. Four tropical storms from 1861 had been previously identified by scholars and hurricane experts, but three more were uncovered in modern-day reanalysis. Known tracks for most of the systems are presumed to be incomplete, despite efforts to reconstruct the paths of older tropical cyclones. Three systems completely avoided land. They all had an effect on shipping, in some cases inflicting severe damage on vessels. A storm in September, referred to as the "Equinoctial Storm", hugged the East Coast of the United States and produced rainy and windy conditions both along the coast and further inland. The last storm of the season followed a similar track, and affected a large Union fleet of ships sailing to South Carolina for what would become the Battle of Port Royal. Two vessels were sunk and several others had to return home for repairs. Ultimately the expedition ended in a Union success.
rdf:langString 1861年大西洋飓风季是南北战争期间的第一个大西洋飓风季,对部分战事构成轻微影响。据信本季共形成八个热带气旋,其中第一个于7月6日成型,最后一个在11月3日消散。八场风暴中有六场的最高强度在现代萨菲尔-辛普森飓风等级下达到一级飓风或以上标准,其中又有三场在美国产生飓风强度风力。但是,各风暴造成的损失总额都缺乏统计。新英格兰有22人伴随沉船葬身大海,7月的飓风也导致一艘船同数量不明的船员深海长眠。由于缺乏数据和有效观测纪录,1861年的风暴无法通过中心气压这样的常规标准衡量气旋强度,但从最大持续风速指标来看,全季以第一和第三号飓风最为强劲。 气象学界长期以来确认本季存在的只有四场风暴,但现代研究又新发现三场。虽然过去许多热带气旋的移动路线都经过再分析重建,但估计绝大部分风暴的路径依然不完整。有三场风暴完全没有影响陆地,不过所有气旋都曾对海上航运构成影响,有些还令船只遭受重创。9月,一场人称“秋分风暴”的飓风吹袭美国东岸,令沿海及部分内陆地区风雨交加。本季最后一场风暴的移动路径与秋分风暴类似,对赶赴南卡罗莱纳州准备参加的许多联邦军舰只构成影响,其中有两艘舰船沉没,另外多艘只能返航修整,不过联邦军最终还是赢得这场战斗的胜利。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 24568

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